Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 278: Rape is Everywhere

The sudden announcement of a state of emergency by the head of the American family is a very arbitrary and tyrannical act, at least in the eyes of some gentry and nobles.

They think, shouldn't such a big thing be discussed with them first?

Why suddenly declare a state of emergency!


Aliens have been on Earth for thousands of years, how could they not know? !

Many American tycoons actually cooperate with the Decepticons, and they are very in-depth cooperation. You, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, want to go to war with aliens, which is to prohibit them from using aliens to make money and not let them live!

Almost at the same time as the news came out, the two major houses proposed impeachment against the head of the American family, but no one paid attention to their impeachment. The Transport Union and the Rifle Association, which can control America, all lost their voices collectively.

What's crazy? They are just ordinary businessmen who want to make money. Businessmen are shrewd. Aliens or not have nothing to do with them. How to stand is what they should consider.

The guild leaders who controlled the whole of America gathered together to discuss. What the hell, is there any need to discuss?

The power they held was gathered by the workers. Besides leaning to the human camp, could they also turn to the vampires to notify the workers to strike?

As for the messages sent by the local tyrants who were flirting with the Decepticons, the presidents ignored them completely. If these bastards did not quickly cut off ties with the Cybertronians, they would not be able to survive for many years.

The local tyrants also knew about this matter, and in fact they were discussing it with each other.

The Gujede family was the family that cooperated most deeply with the Decepticons. It was also the representative family of all the families that cooperated with the Decepticons. In the cooperation with the Decepticons, the real benefits helped the Gujede family, an unknown Jewish family, become a hidden noble family in America.

Now, the Gujede family is located in the huge manor of Yinlino Yinzhou. The current head of the Gujede family, Dylan Gujede, is holding a secret meeting with the family's vassals and cooperative forces.

Dylan's expression was very ugly, because when he counted the number of people, he found that six representatives of the Gujede family's vassal did not show up, which made the meeting with only 17 representatives seem to be half-missed.

These damn fence-sitters!

Dylan cursed in his heart, and then invited the long-awaited Decepticon, a mechanical bird.

In addition to being able to transform into machines, Decepticons can also transform into machines with animal images. Some Decepticons have special abilities and can cover themselves with a layer of skin.

The mechanical bird was about to say something inspiring, but in the next second, the sound of airplane engines came from the manor, and then there was the long whistle of bombs.

The people and Decepticons in the manor hall just made horrified expressions, and hundreds of kilograms of bombs hit their heads...


With the rise of a small mushroom cloud, this sinful family was liquidated.

Anyone who colluded with the Decepticons will wait for justice!

The great justice that falls from the sky will hit everyone who is disloyal to humanity, and they can only repent their sinful life in hell.

Extraordinary times must use extraordinary means.

Human small weapons are ineffective against Cybertronians, so they will build cannons that can break Cybertronians!

Human bodies are inherently fragile, so they will strengthen their bodies, wear armor, take the biggest guns, and fight the toughest Cybertronians.

Warmongering is the only choice for ordinary humans in the Transformers world.

Just after all countries announced that humans have entered a state of emergency, new emergency regulations have arrived one after another. The most important and most influential one is that all financial activities will be stopped immediately, all speculative industries will be suspended, sales and business will be suspended, and laid-off white-collar workers must enter factories to produce all the necessary materials for soldiers who need to fight, and build underground facilities for humans.

Entertainment activities will be reduced and curfews will be set.

This was quite uncomfortable for New York City, which relies on the financial industry as its pillar. However, the streets were full of police at this time, and bankers and capitalists dared not say anything...

The next day, the streets were full of American flags, and a large number of citizens took to the streets for a silent parade, but this time the parade was to encourage the soldiers on the battlefield, and there was no appeal.

They walked in rows on the streets, no matter what color they were, their faces were painted with expired colors, and they put down their hatred. The fireworks and prosperous impetuousness of the city disappeared, replaced by seriousness and solemnity.

This was the first time that humans were invaded by aliens, and they were not prepared. The lower-class people knew even less about the Cybertronians, and thought that those tall robots were war machines of alien civilizations, and they would be destroyed when the spacecraft arrived in the city.

Because of this awareness of not surviving the next day, many extremists appeared in society. The appearance of the military and police during the curfew was to suppress those crazy people who thought that the end of the world was coming and were enjoying themselves everywhere.

On the third day, municipal workers began to visit every household, and all the unemployed homeless people were gathered together. On the fourth day, these people were given a shot of sedatives to suppress their drug addiction and were dragged to the construction site for forced labor.

Many entertainment venues in New York City were planned as temporary transformation sites to be used to build factories. The supercomputer has already given a planning map. In New York City alone, up to 248 temporary factories need to be built.

Even the zoo in New York City has been transformed into a livestock and poultry farm. The actual value of large-scale breeding of cattle is not high. If there is no by-product such as milk, it is not as cost-effective as raising pigs.

Now the zoo has introduced tens of thousands of pigs, and the catalyst is injected to make them produce as much as possible to meet the American people's demand for meat.

In addition to light industry, animal husbandry and planting, a large number of heavy industrial enterprises are also required to produce the required industrial products with all their strength, regardless of environmental protection and cost. What is needed now is efficiency, and efficiency should be improved at all costs!

The Marvel world is as militaristic as they are now, and they are still beaten badly by the cosmic warlords. What reason do they have not to do so and wait to be bullied at will?

They won't do it! They are used to being local tyrants on Earth, and no one can accept having multiple non-human masters on their heads!

There is a limit to militarism. Umbrella has provided a complete and feasible plan. If there is no plan, they will rashly risk their lives without leaving any retreat, unless the fleet of the Cybertron star has reached the lunar orbit.

Although half a year was shorter than expected, it was enough.

Just as the Decepticons hiding in the moon were laughing at the ridiculous appearance of humans, hundreds of thousands of metal cubes suddenly rose from the surface of the earth.

These cubes unfolded after rising to the outer space orbit, and then split into millions of parts. With the spread of energy, the fusion power stations that had been built in advance on the surface began to work, and the energy condensed into an energy ray that went straight to the sky, continuously providing functions for the earth's defense system.

The backup defense system that Tony failed to use in Marvel was used in the Transformers world.

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