Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 279: Obstacles on the Road to Cybertron's Reconstruction

With the protection of the defense system, the earth is temporarily safe. Perhaps the technology of the Cybertronians can destroy the barrier they raised, but this barrier is not prepared for the Decepticons, but to appease people.

There is a big difference between having a door at home and not having a door at home. Now that there is a door, even if you know that the robbers may use an axe to split the door, the sense of security is not comparable to when there is no door.

When all countries jointly issued a statement saying that this is their own technological creation, the tension of all the people was greatly relieved.

Now that there is a door at home, they can make enough weapons at home to protect themselves, arm themselves, and finally drive away those foreign robbers!

The earth began to enter the high-speed production stage, and a large number of goods were manufactured. After a few days of chaos, human society gradually returned to peace.

The technical assistance provided by the Umbrella Group to the Transformers world has not yet radiated to the class of ordinary people. The underground vacuum freight track and the three-dimensional track system spawned by anti-gravity technology will connect all human societies in the future.

A large number of prisoners were sent to remote areas to mine minerals, and most ordinary people also traveled back and forth between factories and homes.

Curfew and cancellation of entertainment do not mean that people's entertainment will be reduced. With Umbrella Corporation bringing holographic virtual games to the world, after work, all citizens can experience the excitement of the battlefield in virtual online games, and receive military training in the game to satisfy their desire to beat up aliens.

The general mobilization of human society has brought about the rapid development of the world. Some harsh environments have been transformed by humans. Semi-permanent pipeline systems have spread all over the world. Anti-gravity transport ships have brought bulk commodities from one end of the world to the other end of the world like sea transportation.

The gap between countries has been significantly improved in the two years of general mobilization, but the bright defense system in the sky and the state of emergency that has never been eliminated are reminding people not to relax their vigilance. The enemy is overhead!

After weakening entertainment, the national idols naturally became professional soldiers.

In order to reassure people, the first International Military Games was opened at the Swiss National Stadium on the third anniversary of the declaration of the state of emergency. After introducing the participating countries at the Games, the host also introduced the T-type stable reinforcement technology from Umbrella Biotechnology.

It can enable ordinary people to gain extraordinary strength and endurance. This military games not only has traditional events such as obstacle races and professional skills competitions, but also extreme sports events that show ordinary people the ultimate qualities of super soldiers. Exaggerated competitions such as lifting a two-ton barbell and dragging a truck for a short sprint stunned ordinary people watching the live broadcast.

After the perfect end of the game, the host and the head of the joint military organization also announced to everyone that this T-type stable reinforcement technology from the Umbrella Group will soon be popularized to all mankind, except criminals.

The opening of logistics channels has also reduced prices around the world.

When prices fall, it is necessary to reduce working hours to ensure that cheap goods can be sold.

The Umbrella Group cannot tolerate monopolies other than certain products. They have selflessly shared chip manufacturing technology with many countries, and have also opened some information to some countries that meet the basic conditions. Whatever technology they want, they can check, download and apply it by themselves.

This development method of injecting catalysts will bring many problems, but now it is an emergency, and the problems are strongly suppressed and solved with time.

For example, the workers' problems, workers' salary and benefits, pension problems, etc.

These problems are not a problem after the popularization of T-type strengthening drugs. Everyone's age can be at least doubled, and no serious diseases will occur, which is equivalent to the society obtaining a large number of laborers who will not get sick and have sufficient physical strength.

Moreover, after the brain is also strengthened by the symbiotic T virus, the memory and attention will be better. After simple training, they will be technical talents.

What kind of impact will a large number of high-value talents, a large number of jobs, no illness, increased life expectancy and low prices have on society?

First of all, people will not lack jobs, companies will rush for every laborer, and people's wealth will become rich.

People will spend money when they have spare money, and the reduction of illness and the increase in life expectancy will make a large part of people lose their anxiety about the future and increase many options.

This is the most significant impact.

At this time, countries have strengthened the publicity and subsidies for adult education. People with more time have temporarily lost their anxiety and goals. Because of the current extinction crisis, most people will seriously consider the issue of re-education.

A large number of people will respond to the call and join the re-education team. Under mature thinking and a serious learning atmosphere, a large number of high-quality talents will be quickly cultivated.

A large number of basic workers entering the labor market will in turn promote production and social development, and a large number of idle people will also make their thoughts progress.

After having money and leisure, people will not lose hope in life. In order to protect such beauty, they will join the construction of the earth's defense system.

In this way, as long as life becomes better, people will work hard not to lose this kind of life.

How long will it take to achieve a closed loop of development?

The answer is 3 years!

With the deliberate promotion of the Umbrella Group and various countries, it took only three years to bring the Transformers world to another scene.

Not only did it smack the faces of the surrenderists at the beginning, but it also shocked the Decepticons who were constantly monitoring the earth on the moon.

After the game, the technology of the Cybertron star was quite powerful, but their progress was quite slow. With their long lifespan, they had enough time to think and invent, so even during the civil war, they had never seen such an exaggerated development speed.

Humans, ants in their eyes, not only took out more advanced shield technology, but also completed the basic fusion of the planet's interior in just 3 years. Humans built heavy electromagnetic cannons in the atmosphere, which could easily destroy small and medium-sized destroyers of Cybertron in the atmosphere.

In order not to be dragged down by the weak body, they also invented the technology of strengthening the body. These biological technologies that the Cybertronians could not understand at all could actually make the weak flesh and blood bodies of humans have the same strength as the Cybertronians of the same size.

After wearing a set of alloy armor, they are more powerful than the Cybertron warriors of the same size.

Not only that, the earthlings also mastered the more advanced technology of converting matter into energy, which they called antimatter power generation.

The magic of flesh and blood creatures and short-lived species always amazes these mechanical lumps. The Cybertronians have traveled through the universe for tens of thousands of years, and have only seen life with advanced intelligence on Earth.

In fact, there was no difference between humans and ordinary animals tens of thousands of years ago, just as backward and stupid.

The fallen Kong who came to Earth during that barbaric period has a greater say, and because he has seen the most backward and ignorant appearance of humans, he has never taken humans seriously, so that humans have now become a huge obstacle to the recovery of the planet Cybertron.

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