Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 280 Antimatter Power Station

Why do humans become an obstacle to the revival of Cybertron?

Because the fallen King Kong needs to extract the energy of the sun to restart the energy core of the planet Cybertron, and it also needs 8 billion humans as a labor force to rebuild and repair the planet Cybertron, which has been torn apart by the civil war.

In addition to them, the only intelligent species in this universe are humans, at least in several galaxies near the Cybertronians.

So as a labor force, humans have incomparable value.

However, these labor forces that can be controlled at any time have undergone great changes during the captivity, even beyond their control.

[To be honest, I have been using reading books to keep up with the latest updates, switching sources, and reading aloud with many voices, both Android and Apple. ]

The fallen King Kong himself did not have the idea of ​​taking humans back to Cybertron as a labor resource to work for reconstruction, but Megatron did.

It loves power while also loving its home. Rebuilding the planet Cybertron is its lifelong wish, and in fact, it is also the wish of most Cybertronians.

However, some Cybertronians have given up this wish, because Cybertron was too damaged by the civil war, and the cost of rebuilding it is too high. Even if Cybertronians have a long life span, they don't think it is something that can be done with time.

Unless there are enough people, Megatron tried to seize the fire source, in order to turn the machines on Earth into Cybertronians and go back to rebuild their homes, but this requires human civilization to return to the steam age as a price.

Now Megatron's plan has failed, and the Fallen King Kong wants to drain all the energy of the sun and make it into energy blocks to restore the original strength of the Cybertronians. It loves itself more than its home.

Without energy blocks, Cybertronians are just large robots, stronger animals, and can be easily killed by human kinetic weapons.

Now humans have created more powerful weapons. Even if the power brought by energy is restored, the Fallen King Kong is not sure that it can survive the dense artillery fire of humans.

The gap between the lost civilization and the emerging civilization has almost balanced between one reduction and one increase, and the lost civilization is even inferior to the emerging civilization.

Although human antimatter energy technology is relatively crude and different from the way Cybertron directly uses energy from stars and the earth's core, it is also a way to solve urgent problems.

After a simple observation, the Decepticons on the back of the moon have already understood the superficial antimatter power generation technology of human beings. Similar to nuclear fusion, antimatter power generation also uses the annihilation reaction caused by the collision of matter to generate energy.

Whether it is an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb, only a small part of the mass is lost when it explodes.

The little boy's 6 grams of uranium blew a big hole in Hiroshima, but the same 6 grams of antimatter can move Hiroshima flat, instead of just pushing a small area like the little boy.

The energy of the explosion of two kilograms of antimatter is comparable to that of the Tsar bomb. It can be said that a small horse pulls a big cart. One kilogram of antimatter is completely converted into energy to generate electricity, which is enough for a certain Eastern country to use for several days.

Antimatter is not such a profound and mysterious technology. The smallest particle of electricity, the electron, is negatively charged, and the antiparticle of the electron is the positively charged electron.

The neutrons and protons that make up our world have corresponding antiparticles, and the matter composed of these antiparticles is antimatter.

Once positive and negative matter come into contact with each other, an annihilation reaction will occur, which will explode with exaggerated energy.

As early as 1995, the European Nuclear Research Center had already produced antihydrogen atoms, but due to technical limitations, antihydrogen atoms could not be preserved for a long time.

It was not until the superconducting ore brought back by the Umbrella Group from the Avatar world brought multiple specimens for magnetic confinement technology, as well as the reference of the antimatter engine of the spacecraft parked in the orbit of Pandora in the Avatar world, that the scientists of the group and the major nuclear research institutions in the Resident Evil world and the Marvel world worked together to overcome this energy technology.

It took a little more than ten years for the group to finally master the technology of manufacturing, storing and applying antimatter, which greatly enriched the group's technical reserves.

Today's antimatter technology has been applied in many fields such as deep space exploration, weapons development, and power generation. The antimatter power station in the Transformers world is one of the results of the application.

More achievements are actually reflected in weapons. Strong confinement magnetic fields can gather the energy of antimatter annihilation into a blazing white beam and emit it. This kind of hot melt laser weapon is similar to particle beam weapons. Compared with particle beam weapons, it weakens the basic penetration and strengthens the damage of temperature.

In fact, when the temperature reaches hundreds of millions of degrees, no matter what it is, it can be easily burned through. This is the simplest way to achieve star-destroying weapons.

Or use antimatter to make simple missiles, and use the energy generated by the moment of annihilation to kill the target. A lot of samples have been made, and then explosion experiments will be carried out on the back of the moon in the biochemical crisis world. After the experiment is successful and the data is collected, it will not be too late to mass produce.

To deal with Cybertron, hydrogen bombs and existing electromagnetic weapons are enough.

Electromagnetic rifles with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets can penetrate most of the armor of Cybertron.

Optimus Prime and other Autobots have been under house arrest on Diego Garcia for four years. They have not lost the channel to obtain information from the outside world. Now they are the Cybertronians who know the current situation of mankind most clearly.

Because the Diego Garcia Island where they are located has been transformed into one of the many new extraterrestrial defense counterattack bases on Earth after four years. It is equipped with multiple particle beam weapons and energy shields covering the entire base. The built-in nuclear fusion power station can keep the base stable for more than ten years in a closed state, but there is no need to do that now.

Optimus Prime stood at the door of the hangar, looking at the humans who were still tirelessly building weapons outside the airport. There was no expression on his face made of metal parts, and he could not see any joy, anger, sorrow, or anger at the treacherous behavior of humans.

"They are still building these weapons... Maybe we are wrong, and humans don't need our help."

The Autobot Ironhide also walked to a distance behind Optimus Prime. For the sake of those cross-era super weapons, it could no longer show arrogance to humans.

This is very dangerous, because the originally hidden arrogance is refuted by facts, and it will always feel angry, even if the individual knows that the source of this emotion is very unreasonable.

At this moment, Ironhide was affected by the emotions brought about by the reversal of superiority. The fact that humans had kept them under house arrest for several years had deepened this negative emotion, making his words full of irony and a bit of gloating.

Optimus Prime turned his head to look at Ironhide, then continued to stare at the busy humans in front of him, and said calmly: "Humans have found their way out. My initial thoughts were indeed a bit narrow-minded. Their belief in fighting for the survival of their own race is very dazzling, Ironhide."

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