Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 281 Bridge of Time and Space

Ironhide was startled, looked at Optimus Prime's figure, then lowered his head slightly and said: "I understand.

Although what humans do to them seems very unreasonable to them, from a human perspective, it is completely understandable for them to do so. After all, the Autobots are also Cybertronians. Now that they have declared war, they are just sending them to war. House arrest here is already a sign of a certain degree of trust.

The emotions that were entirely based on personal feelings were discovered by Optimus Prime. The meaning of those words was to remind him not to let his emotions influence his thoughts.

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This makes people lose their rational mind.

"Human beings have taught me many things. They are different from us. A tough and brave heart is hidden in every individual of the group. Advanced systems are an important pillar to maintain the continuation of civilization. Hatred cannot make a civilization prosper."

Optimus Prime's tone was full of emotion. The humans who were building forts on the original airport runway were busy shuttling back and forth, showing them the bravery, selflessness, and nobility of a civilization in the face of crisis. Most of the human race Being able to sacrifice one's life for the continuation of the collective without any regrets.

This alone is enough to surpass most Cybertronians, and even beyond it, the peaceful Autobot leader Optimus Prime.

The greatest arrogance is humility, the greatest lie is mercy.

During this time alone, Optimus Prime thought about a lot of things and browsed a lot of knowledge among humans. →

It glimpsed its own arrogance hidden under humility and peace, and felt ashamed of it. These emotions should not have appeared in its heart, but they were like gangrene in the human idiom, adhering to the depths of its body. .

As a Cybertronian, even if Optimus Prime can show an equal and fair attitude in front of humans and is even willing to listen to human voices, he will inevitably show arrogance in some details.

For example, before humanity fully mobilizes, it always believes that the elimination of the Decepticons is a matter between it and the Autobots, and that humans are the objects that need to be protected.

The idea that this was tantamount to arrogance hurt the pride of a large portion of humanity, except that Optimus Prime had indeed always thought this way three years ago.

Without even having an in-depth understanding of human thought and culture, it asserts that humans have cruel instincts and believes that they still have a lot to learn.

The truth is exactly the opposite. Cybertronian talents should study the ideological and cultural knowledge accumulated by mankind for thousands of years. The thoughts accumulated by countless generations have the vitality of life, showing mankind's thinking about the universe and all things, and reaching another world besides reality. An elusive realm.

Because of human beings' short life and infinite thirst for knowledge, human civilization has developed advanced ideas that far exceed those of Cybertron.

"Ironhide, it's time for you to take a good look at humans. Optimus Prime was still standing upright at the door of the hangar, his voice was calm and slightly emotional.

Ironhide respects Optimus Prime, "I will..."

The conversation stopped again, not because there was no reason to continue, but because a Quinjet had passed through the energy barrier and was slowly descending in front of them.

The hangar is very large, and the Autobots standing by the door are not in the center, but just on both sides of the open door.

This fighter plane was impartial and parked in front of them without going anywhere. It was obviously coming towards them.

The heavy fighter plane landed, turned off the engine, and stepped out two familiar figures.

Ultron, who was all red, came to Diego Garcia again, and he also brought a new partner to the Autobots.

The silver-gray sports car drove out from the rear of the hatch and turned back into the figure that Optimus Prime and Ironhide were familiar with amidst the clattering sound. It was Jazz!

"Leader, Ironhide, I hope I didn't sleep too long, because I want to give the Decepticons a break! Hey yo!" Jazz waved the cannons switched out with both hands, using a rap accent, indirectly acknowledging the changes in the modern pop music style of mankind. speed.

Seeing his comrades resurrected from the dead, Ironhide showed a shocked expression, "Sir?!"

Optimus Prime lowered his arms, and when he saw his fallen comrades recovering, his tone became a little more cheerful, "Welcome back, Sir!"

The joy of the resurrection of their comrades was conveyed to the other Autobots. The bored Autobots in the hangar heard familiar voices and inexplicably excited words with their keen sensors. When they turned around to look, they were stunned in disbelief. The Autobots who had fought side by side were stunned. The figure is so familiar.

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Ratchet was even more surprised. It didn't think humans could save Jazz, but Jazz stood before it alive after disappearing for several years. He couldn't believe it but had to believe it.

The joy of reunion did not last long. Optimus Prime would not forget the benefactor who had helped them. After briefly speaking to Jazz, he leaned down, his eyes level with Ultron, and looked at Ultron, who had been silent from the beginning. Chuang expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Ultron. Jazz owes you a life, and we all owe you a love. If I am not wrong, you should have something that needs our help."

Ultron showed Optimus Prime a funny expression full of summer, and said with a smile: "You are right, I want to borrow the fire source for research, but you can rest assured that the fire source will be well protected. You can also watch the research process, the spirit of contract is always with me!”

The main reason why the Autobots did not really have an emotional outburst after being imprisoned on Diego Garcia for several years was because they had to guard the Allspark to prevent it from being taken away.

Ultron mentioned the Allspark, a sensitive item, which made Optimus Prime and other Autobots who heard the voice fall silent.

Now that the collective power of mankind is strong, we are not too worried that the Allspark will really be taken away, but it is a sacred object of Cybertron after all, and it seems not good to hand it over to the human camp for research.

If humans had made such a request three years ago, Optimus Prime would not have cared too much. After all, the level of human technology is there, and it is not easy to analyze the technology of the Allspark.

Now it is different. The level of human technology has inexplicably improved by leaps and bounds. If the technology of manufacturing circuit board machines into Cybertronians is really developed, or the data recorded in the Allspark is analyzed, the civilization of Cybertron will be like a big man with his pants stripped off, and be seen naked.

So this is not purely academic, but also mixed with thoughts on the future survival of Cybertron civilization.

The Autobots' ambulance chips are more resistant to high temperatures, and they won't get stuck even if they think about it too much. They immediately figured out the hidden meaning of this request.

I even thought that this might be a test of the Autobots by humans. They could have just taken it, but they wanted to exchange it for help. He really, I cried to death...

"Okay, the ambulance will leave with you. The Allspark is very dangerous, and the technology contained in it cannot be understood or replicated by the current Cybertronians. Be extremely cautious!"

After several minutes of quick thinking, Optimus Prime finally chose to let go. Now humans are in control and decided to hand over the Allspark to Ultron for research.

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