Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 282 San Francisco Research Institute

The Allspark and the ambulance were stuffed into the plane together. The Allspark sealed in a special metal box was safe for the time being. With the ambulance watching, there would probably be no problem.

Optimus Prime looked at the plane slowly disappearing on the horizon, hoping that Ultron could really keep his promise.

Ultron had secretly sent the news of obtaining the Allspark to the headquarters. Friendly communication was Plan 1. If the plan didn't work, Duncan also prepared Plan 2 for the Autobots. The specific implementation method was unnecessary.

In short, the result was good. They got the Allspark and were finally able to study this magical Cybertron technology.

The research on Cybertron continued to be practiced, with nearly four years of 24-hour uninterrupted research. Ultron, who tried to understand Cybertron's deformation technology, would be angry and cursed every time he had a little breakthrough.

The folding technology of Cybertron is not difficult to understand, but their deformation technology is difficult to understand. It can be shaped at will like nanometal, but it is not nanometal, and the energy of Cybertron's body is not enough to drive this deformation and reorganization.

The body model is both simple and complex. No matter how many times he studies it, Ultron can't figure out how the Cybertronians can transform without enough energy.

Who are their creators?

Who made them into war weapons and forced them to be intelligent?

After half an hour of flight, the Quinjet arrived in San Francisco, USA.

The Umbrella Group built a research institute near the city of San Francisco. Now it gathers talents from many worlds. The large land is used to study Cybertronians and their culture.

At the same time, this is also a prison for those rare Decepticon prisoners, with a total of 23 Decepticons, each of which is glued in place. Only when they are needed to cooperate with the experiment will they be released from this terrible state of imprisonment of the body but not the mind.

The ambulance did not see the Decepticons in prison, but it still felt a strong sense of uneasiness about this large research institute.

Ultron sat in the driver's seat of the ambulance, and the co-pilot seat was a storage box with a seat belt, which contained the fire source.

Feeling the seat belt in his hand, Ultron was most curious about this point. The Cybertronians' bodies would not have leather. They were completely made of metal, but they could really transform into leather and cushioned seats. Perhaps the chair under his buttocks was filled with sponge.

This was the most incomprehensible thing for Ultron. Perhaps only material conversion technology could explain the special transformation ability of Cybertronians?

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Because of the advance greeting, the fire source was immediately guided into a large laboratory 20 meters underground after arriving at the institute. The space in the laboratory was very spacious, and even the ambulance did not feel crowded, but it would feel scary.

In the huge underground laboratory, a large number of researchers wearing metal protective suits, with the power of exoskeletons and the protective ability of their clothes, are openly disemboweling a struggling Decepticon with its hands and feet removed...

"Roar! Roar!"

The Decepticon is constantly struggling and roaring, but the thick restraints on its body are tightly confining it to the iron bed, so it can only move slightly.

A group of tiny humans are lying on the Decepticon's open heart and knocking on it, and from time to time they will remove some parts, or stuff something into its chest.

The scene is horrifying. When the ambulance sees this cruel scene, it is like an ordinary person seeing a conscious person on the experimental table being disemboweled by an evil doctor, and some strange things are stuffed into it. Seeing this scene is not just a simple physiological fear, it will definitely be a shadow for the next life.

The ambulance quickly retracted its sight and continued to follow the small car in front of the experimenter to turn, so that the horrifying scene behind it is far away from its field of vision.

Anyway, it is a Decepticon, it doesn't matter!

After comforting himself, the ambulance still felt regretful. If he had known, he would have let other people do this task. Even a seven-meter tall man couldn't stand the scene of slaughter!

"This is it. You can stay here later, but it is recommended not to leave. You can watch cartoons when you are bored."

Ultron made sufficient preparations for the study of the fire source. The laboratory, which was like a maintenance workshop, was separated into a spacious space with many movable machines. The room also reserved a lot of space for experimental research to build special instruments.

There is also a large test site underground. Those Cybertrons activated by the fire source will be placed in the test site for testing to obtain the data required for the experiment.

After the ambulance entered this separate laboratory, it realized that humans have been spying on the fire source for a long time. If they don't want to hand over the fire source, humans will probably use other methods to get the fire source.

It sighed slightly in its heart. Now humans are in a strong position. Even if they guess the truth, they can't tell it. This will only make both sides embarrassed.

Ultron used pliers to transfer the fire source into a sealed cover, and after applying the crude method found in America's Seventh District to connect to the fire source energy, the research officially began.

Researching unknown technology is a long process. In four years, the group has obtained very few practical technologies from the Cybertronians. The most useful one is the "blood vessels" of the Cybertronians.

In fact, it is an energy line that acts as a circuit to convert the energy in the energy system into power to drive the heavy body.

These energy lines are not simple metals, but some kind of fine metal wires with almost infinitely strong conductivity and a liquid with a pungent smell like gasoline.

This liquid flows through the pipeline throughout the body of the Cybertronians, just like the heart to provide energy for the normal activities of the body.

As long as the composition is clear, these special conductive liquids produced in the bodies of Cybertronians can be regarded as the first Cybertron technology mastered by humans.

The results of this technology will promote the manufacture of large-scale war machines. This liquid with an extremely low freezing point will not freeze even in polar environments as long as there is electricity flowing, and the shelf life is extremely long.

Some of the synthesized samples have already been studied by experts in specific application fields. In short, this superconducting material, which is cheaper than superconducting ore, will become a material to replace metal superconductors and be used in the global power grid.

Cybertronians can also synthesize a coolant on their own, and their energy systems can provide decomposed materials to specific organs. The minerals they eat can be transformed by the energy system and transferred to other organs for continuous processing through special radiation to synthesize the various substances needed by Cybertronians.

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