Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 283 The number of troops in the group

The Umbrella Special Operations Forces are always busy pioneering in the new world, but since the Umbrella Group has carried out military reforms and cooperated with the Giant God Company, the current special operations forces are ready to withdraw from the front-line battlefield and be used as special support operations forces again.

The army that came to the Transformers world to fight is the regular army of the Umbrella Group, and its members include members from multiple countries in multiple worlds.

There are young people in the Resident Evil world who have been liberated from the drug dealers rampant in areas such as Moxige and Baxi, assassins who have been recruited in the assassin world, and a few retired soldiers in the Marvel world. All in all, the number has reached 6.8 million, and these are only the army forces of natural people.

In addition to the army composed of natural people, there are also three batches of army forces of clone soldiers who have completed four years of training. The number of clones and the number of natural people are balanced, which is also 6 million.

The clone soldiers are colder and more loyal. Most of the positions they are responsible for are boring and repetitive work, such as standing guard, patrolling...

Or positions that require precise control, such as non-aggressive aircraft pilots, who can directly memorize mature technology and are genetically engineered to not suffer from 3D vertigo. They can be competent for the work of pilots as soon as they leave the factory.

The Umbrella Group is not worried that these soldiers will defect, and they don't even give them identification marks to distinguish their identities. Most of them are mixed with ordinary people. If they awaken their own emotions, they will be pulled to tell the truth, and then they will be given the power of freedom after a brainwashing. ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

Most clones will choose to continue working for the group, and a few will continue to work after entering society, because they have implanted the idea of ​​never committing crimes in their minds.

In addition to the army, the Umbrella Group also has a navy, with a total of only three million people, but the war weapons equipped by these people consume 70% of the group's military expenditure.

The Navy has built a lot of strange small warships that fly in the atmosphere and between the Earth and the Moon, a large number of unmanned battle groups, and a mobile support force with all members wearing modified Mark 43 armor.

Those new heavy weapons that have been built for several years, such as particle beam weapons, heavy electromagnetic guns, laser weapons, etc., are all used in the Navy.

So many new technologies are used because the universe is also a black sea. Navigating in the universe is sailing in the dark, so you have to install the heaviest cannons to feel safe!

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Especially the veterans in the group who have seen some of the world have mild alien post-traumatic stress disorder. Soldiers who can give suggestions have asked the R\u0026D team to bring some tough stuff, and then the budget is exceeded.

The less important army units can only use some half-new and half-old electromagnetic weapons, and at most add a bulletproof shield to the exoskeleton armor, so that soldiers can experience the pleasure of infantry charge.

Anyway, after the veterans who participated in the Hudson City incident in the Atlas world told others about their feelings about using shields, the soldiers started playing a small game of cold weapon confrontation in private.

Using bulletproof shields in the Transformers world does not achieve good results, because the enemies are huge robots that are several meters tall and weigh 5 to 30 tons, and they also have their own rust weapons, which can punch a big hole in the shield and penetrate several meters thick steel plates.

When the Cybertronians fight a civil war, their weapons must be aimed at their own people. Conventional guns and cannons certainly cannot cause damage to the Cybertronians with thick skin and flesh, so they invented a special weapon that is crazy and crazy.

Rust weapons, when hit by the laser fired by such weapons, will quickly oxidize and eventually become broken no matter what material it is, as if it has been hit by the time acceleration effect, and billions of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

A shot at a human who is not wearing any armor can directly break the person into bone fragments, and the flesh and blood will be completely evaporated.

This weapon is also the focus of the research institute. Scientists are trying to replicate the rust weapon and equip the entire army. This is definitely the king of individual weapons in the future!

At present, only a few synthetic metals and energy shields can withstand the penetration of this exaggerated rust weapon. If there are not many Cybertronians on Earth using this weapon, the troops searching for Cybertronians will definitely take a large number of heavy weapons before taking action.

Outside the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum...

Hundreds of group army soldiers wearing uniform black combat uniforms took it seriously and cleared all the people in the museum. Some stayed outside the museum to provide support at any time, and some entered the museum with customized weapons and used upgraded instruments to quickly confirm the location of Cybertronians.

"It's here!"

A soldier held a huge trumpet-shaped machine in his hand. After visiting the museum, he finally aimed the signaler at an SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft quietly displayed in the middle of the museum.

This aircraft has a streamlined body and an engine embedded in the middle of the wing. It looks very advanced, but it is a real antique. It was developed in 1963 and was announced to be permanently retired in 1998.

This reconnaissance aircraft is actually a Cybertronian disguised as an aircraft. After the army soldiers repeatedly confirmed that the fighter was in a dormant state, they finally decided to transport it directly to the San Francisco Research Institute.

Two transport helicopters, one in front and one behind, slowly transported the Blackbird reconnaissance plane to the San Francisco Institute.

When the transport plane arrived in San Francisco with the Blackbird reconnaissance plane, it was already dark in San Francisco. The bright lights were on as if they were free, which made the institute feel that it was not night at all.

A circle of indicator lights lit up on the apron, and the ground crew waved batons to guide the helicopter to place the newly captured Decepticon in a specific location.

A circle of secondary researchers in special research uniforms were waiting at the edge of the airport. After the Blackbird reconnaissance plane landed, they surrounded it and installed boosters under the wheels of the fighter plane, and worked together to push the 33-ton reconnaissance plane into the laboratory.

After entering the laboratory, they first had to cryogenically freeze the fighter plane, and then check the body parts of the Decepticon.

First, they had to find its energy core, know the body of this Cybertronian well, and install non-removable locators and bombs before activating it and forcing out some information.

Following the same process as for dealing with sleeping Decepticons, the experimenters began to connect the cables to the energy core hidden in the fighter's fuel tank, and then started the power supply.

The energy input process would take a long time. Cybertronians have a very high demand for electricity, and it would take a long time to replenish the energy of a Cybertronian in a short period of time.

The researchers had enough patience to wait, and the plane was still motionless as they had imagined. The energy input process lasted for four hours, and finally the plane was activated...

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