Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 285 Skyfire

Umbrella Interstellar Group Text Volume 285 Skyfire Shortly afterwards, magic enthusiasts in the Transformers world gathered at the San Francisco Research Institute, and together with Ultron, a total of 7 super brains analyzed the data left behind.

Weak magnetic field fluctuations could not let them understand the essence of space jump technology, and it was not even considered peeping. They could only detect weak magnetic field fluctuations and air changes to determine some of the fur of space technology.

Just like the ripples on the lake surface, guessing whether the object thrown into the lake is an iron ball or a stone, there is a little relationship between the two, but not much.

Ultron has been searching for the missing Decepticons throughout the earth through the earth defense system, but he did not hold much hope. After all, 80% of the Decepticons are now hiding on the moon.

If the Decepticon is not stupid, he will definitely teleport to the moon, and he will be found sooner or later if he stays on the earth.

Ultron and six other occult enthusiasts gathered together and fiercely discussed what technology the Decepticons used in the video.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the ability to disappear out of thin air is space jump, or space teleportation.

In their eyes, the technology that takes almost zero time for an object to travel from point A to point B is broadly called space teleportation, but there are actually many types and different definitions.

According to the scientific thinking of teleology, it is a physics problem to shorten the time taken for an object to travel from point A to point B to almost zero.

But there is no transfer of any concept of time for an object to travel from point A to point B, which belongs to the field of mysticism.

Master Strange's portal is temporarily classified as the field of physics, because his portal shows a variety of phenomena that only exist in physics, and it is essentially just a wormhole that can be enlarged and reduced at will.

Part of the content of the debate between Ultron and the other six mystic fanatics is whether the Decepticon technology in the video belongs to the field of physics or the field of mysticism.

It disappeared out of thin air!

Although there is a reading time, it really disappeared out of thin air in an instant!

Isn't this mysterious?

Maybe not...

"There is an interesting hypothesis, the universe dimension assumes that the technology used by this Decepticon may be a kind of instant travel achieved with the help of four-dimensional space?" The man in the priest's robe held the cross, but tried to let others understand things from a scientific perspective.

Some people also raised a rebuttal, "Four-dimensional space is just an imagination. The universe we live in is four-dimensional. Isn't it a bit far-fetched to explain it with such an explanation!"

"Not far-fetched!" Ultron thought thoughtfully, and spread his palm to construct a plane, "Your perspective is two-dimensional, but my perspective used to be one-dimensional... There is only the concept of countless numbers.♦♦  ♦♡Now let's assume that there is a technology that allows objects to observe two points at the same time like our eyes, and land on a certain point at will. Isn't it possible to achieve space jump?"

This hypothesis compares the eyes to specific substances. When a person sees two black spots on a piece of paper, his eyes will always cover the white paper regardless of whether they are focused or scattered.

If the eyes are focused, it is equivalent to projecting the substance called "gaze" to a single point, which is regarded as a power beyond the dimension between two-dimensional and one-dimensional space.

The universe is four-dimensional, and Ultron can use countless machines and the Internet to barely reach the four-dimensional realm, that is, consciousness investment.

Uploading one's consciousness to the Internet and controlling a body is equivalent to teleporting from one side to the other.

Of course, this is still a physical problem. All magic and mystery can be viewed from a scientific perspective, but the members of the enthusiasts like to regard things beyond the scope of human technological explanation as magic, and they are never tired of it.

The world of computer language used to be simple and complex. Ultron was born there, so he had a deeper understanding of the abstract dimensional space theory.

Magic is an abstract concept, and mysticism is not really about studying gods and ghosts, but about understanding strange powers and transforming them into knowledge and power that they can understand, use, and control, so as to gain a lot of sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The model proposed by Ultron is very interesting, and it also opened the minds of several other people, and they proposed several hypotheses in succession.

In the end, their discussion stopped at the issue of "jump is not teleportation", and their communication was interrupted by a message from the computing module of the Earth Defense System.

The Earth Defense System found the figure of the teleported Decepticon in the desert of Egypt. It was staggering forward under the scorching sun.

A large amount of milky white mucus on its body had evaporated, and only a small amount of white spots remained on the ink-colored shell, proving that it was still in the laboratory waiting to be slaughtered not long ago.

Ultron and others were extremely excited to find that the disappeared Decepticon was still on Earth. They immediately applied for permission to let three destroyers near Egypt to encircle the Decepticon, and they quickly rushed to Egypt on fighter planes.

Even if the Decepticon could not be captured alive, the body should be preserved as intact as possible, at least the space teleportation technology itself could be slowly explored through the body.

Duncan, who was still on vacation, took a casual glance and approved the application directly. Thinking that Ultron had not caused any trouble during this period, he simply relaxed the permission and gave the contact information of the joint military organization of this world, so that he could contact the official of this world if he needed it.

After the permission was relaxed, Duncan temporarily blocked the ordinary communicator, wanting to completely put down his work and enjoy a good life for a while.

This life span is long... the concept of time is different!

I have been working intermittently for four years, and it feels like the four months before. It seems that there are only 12 years left before the next world opens...

Ultron doesn't care much about trivial matters such as authority. He is now on a plane to Egypt, and the airspace is almost open.

On the global map, three green small space battleship models representing their own side are also forming a triangle to surround Egypt. The location is calculated to be exactly on the moving path of the Decepticon. The two sides will meet in about 48 minutes.

In the Egyptian desert...

The former Decepticon Skyfire, who gave up crazy gambling, is moving his heavy body, his crutches hit the sand from time to time, his mouth is like a large player, repeatedly scolding the human who woke him up.

"Barbaric guy! No matter how many years have passed, he is still the same, a skinny monkey who never knows how to communicate..."

After scolding for a long time and walking for a long time, Skyfire felt a little tired. He sat on the ground and sighed like a traveler lost in the desert.

Looking up at the sky, what entered the visual system was a blue light curtain. The energy surging on the light curtain was very huge, at least enough to support one-third of the planet Cybertron to run the earth for one day.

Waking up to see this exaggerated energy technology achievement, Tianhuo couldn't help but wonder, how many years have he been asleep?

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