Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 286 Capturing the Skyfire

The Hill Destroyer is an intra-atmospheric rapid support floating ship mass-produced by the Umbrella Group Shipyard. This type of destroyer has now replaced the aerospace carrier. As the bottom force of the earth's internal and external defense, it is a super super ship deployed outside the space orbit. The last resort after the weapon becomes useless.

The hilly destroyer has a total length of 168 meters and a widest point of 31 meters. The destroyer carries up to a thousand missiles of various types. It has a multifunctional drone group, twenty 250mm electromagnetic rail guns, and two particle accelerator cannons. Each ship has The destroyer also carries a high-yield hydrogen bomb.

The outer armor is made of composite materials, with a thick layer of alloy and ceramic layers that can withstand a frontal attack from a 200 mm caliber armor-piercing projectile. The engine is hidden under the thick armor plate except when it is moving at full speed. When necessary, it can also You can experience the Caribbean style with the collision angle of the battleship's head.

Powerful firepower and armor that are absolutely unshakable to modern weapons have become the most powerful industrial monster in the group. Such a cross-era destroyer rushes into any city in the Transformers world. Unless a nuclear warhead is used, it will be difficult to stop these hills. attack.

Because the hilly battleship also uses a relatively cheap defense system, when it is not attacking, it can create a deflection force field to deflect incoming attacks and bounce them away like incompatible magnets. Whether it is matter or energy, Can be deflected by a force field and hit elsewhere.

This should be the most commonly used shield technology in small and medium-sized space battleships. Although no form of attack can be carried out when the shield is turned on, the application of this technology is relatively reliable.

In addition to the hill-class battleships, the group's battleship design department has also preset higher mountain-class and plateau-class battleships. In addition to these ordinary standard battleships, there are also battleships named after the famous mountains, plains, trenches, and woodlands of the earth. Independent battleship.

The Resident Evil World has obtained the warship manufacturing technology and is ready to build it independently. They are planning to build a 500-meter-long and 200-meter-wide armed scientific research ship named after the Mariana Trench. However, the progress is not as fast as the Star Lookout. It is estimated that It will take another 20 years to make it.

Time waits for no one.

Ultron understands how important space teleportation is to their civilization. It is far more valuable than folding technology and any technology that the Cybertronians have realized physically.

Even if this technology may not be able to transport ordinary people after being copied, it doesn't matter. As long as it can transport materials, this technology has unimaginable value.

The ultra-clear camera above the clear sky is like the eye of the sky, staring silently at the earth.

Skyfire rested for a while, stood up from the ground, and continued to hobble forward using the aircraft skeleton as a crutch. The important task before falling asleep was the source of movement that drove its decaying body.

When the three Hill-class battleships resumed their activities, they were still about 600 kilometers away from Skyfire, and the Quinjet on which Ultron was riding was only over a thousand kilometers away from Egypt.

The movement of the three Hill-class battleships is not a small movement. The Decepticon sound waves located in the space orbit discovered these abnormally scheduled battleships. Although this kind of battleship is not large in size, its combat power is far greater than that of the small ones on the planet Sebotan. Battleships are tall and are also a major threat that cannot be ignored.

How many Decepticons are hiding on the moon now, and how strong are their combat capabilities?

I'm afraid it's not even as good as the conventional power of human beings... The total number of those small battleships and sleeping Decepticons is less than the number of people on a street in New York City. Even if there is a 1 to 10,000 combat power gap, they can't withstand human beings. The number is simply too much.

They don't have the ability to fight against humans now. Even if they discover the abnormal behavior of the human fleet, they only allocate some energy to pay attention.

After half an hour of movement, the three hill-class warships finally came within 20 kilometers of Tianhuo. This distance is currently the most suitable. If it is too close, it will be easily hit by the attack. If it is too far, it will be difficult for the attack to cover all the escape space.

After the Hill-class battleship was in place, the dim-eyed Skyfire still staggered forward without realizing it. Dense drones flew out from the bottom of the battleship, and the drone swarm quickly surrounded Tianhuo.

The buzzing sound gathered in the sand and formed a tower from far to near. When Tianhuo heard the sound, he raised his head in confusion and looked into the distance of the sky. The special visual system allowed him to see the outline of the hilly class battleship suspended in the sky. The man-machine is even more conspicuous.


Tianhuo had never seen a human drone, but he still instinctively raised his guard. Looking around, he discovered drones that were also swarming in two directions.

"Defense system activated! Defense system!"

Like a loud double cry when constipated, the weapon system hidden inside the armor on Tianhuo's back fired dense small missiles amidst the overwhelming sound of collision.

"Ugh? Uh!"

Just after more than a dozen of them were ejected, the system misfired. Tianhuo looked embarrassed, and a grunting sound came from behind his butt. Suddenly, there was a fart sound, and an orange parachute was sprayed out, which was blown by the wind before it could be cut off. A huge force came from the steel rope, and the heavy body was dragged to the ground in a panic.

More than a dozen small missiles flew towards the drone swarm in three directions, and only a few drones were shot down. Several missiles even failed to hit any target and were dodged by simple evasion systems. Flying unsteadily into the distance.

After Tianhuo climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, the drones had already surrounded it, and countless rays of light were shot out. The magnetic force firmly lifted the metal body of Tianhuo, and was firmly imprisoned in the air.

Skyfire tried to struggle, but its rusty body could no longer support its overly violent activities. Even the power provided by the hydraulic pump was weakened by three points due to oil leakage. Hanging in the air, it was like a prey caught in a spider web. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not break free from the spider web.

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After continuing to struggle to no avail, Skyfire had to curse, "Let me go quickly, the mission cannot be completed, your planet will be destroyed, you are destroying your planet, stupid humans!"

The drone transmitted Skyfire's words to the Hill-class battleship. The commander of the Hill-class battleship was shocked and did not dare to delay reporting the news.

It was submitted layer by layer and finally handed over to the temporary commander Ultron. After learning the news, Ultron was also shocked and hurriedly sent a notice to Duncan to let him go back and hide first.

Then Duncan's vacation was gone, and this matter was also handed over to Ultron for full responsibility.

The Quinjet roared across the sky, and Ultron and his party finally arrived in the Egyptian desert, where they met Skyfire in the encirclement of drones.

Skyfire saw a group of humans getting off the plane and started shouting again, "Let me go quickly, if you don't want your planet to be destroyed by the Decepticons!"

A Decepticon said that the earth would be destroyed by the Decepticons?

Hearing Skyfire's words, Ultron put away the enthusiasm on his face and asked in confusion, "Aren't you a Decepticon?"

Skyfire shouted anxiously, "Who told you that I'm a Decepticon? I joined the Autobots hundreds of years ago, and you won't let me go?!"

Ultron was stunned for a moment, and then shouted back, "Then why do you have a Decepticon tattoo on the bottom! Show your mother how rebellious you are?"


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