Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 287 Ancient Events

Skyfire was caught without the slightest ability to resist. It was teleported from the research institute in San Francisco to Egypt, almost using up all the energy it gained after waking up.

In order to prevent Skyfire from escaping, Ultron prepared many insurances for it.

There are bombs that will explode Skyfire's legs if there is a continuous signal of separation, huge chains, words, and multiple destroyers tracking him.

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’

After capturing Skyfire, Ultron had no intention of sending it back to San Francisco, because he had to first figure out what crisis Skyfire said would destroy the earth?

Although Skyfire is violent, he is not really stupid. On the contrary, he was a scientist on Cybertron and had many outstanding inventions...

It's a pity that those achievements are now in the past. Now Tianhuo is just a prisoner of mankind, and he still has a headache on how to complete that difficult task.

Find the leader module and protect it to prevent the Fallen King Kong from getting it.

The human side has shown enough strength, and Tianhuo, who has gradually recovered, no longer resists communicating with impolite humans. Moreover, this matter is originally related to the earth, so it doesn't just blame it!

Next, Skyfire was fixed on the top of the Hill-class destroyer, and Ultron was adsorbed on the surface of the battleship, explaining everything about the Fallen King Kong.

The story is probably...

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Fallen King Kong had already come to the earth, and planned to absorb the star energy of the sun using a special mechanical device to make high-density energy blocks to meet the energy needs of the Cybertronians.

Fallen King Kong is one of those Cybertronian Supremes who search for resources across the universe. When they go out, adhering to the spirit of humanitarianism and the demeanor of advanced civilization, the Supremes have set a rule when searching for resources in the universe.

If there is life in a star system, they will not be able to attack the star!

This rule is entirely out of the pride of the Cybertronians, but this pride has become too rigid in the face of the increasingly severe life.

The Fallen King Kong was tired of this rule, and the conflict between his philosophy and other supreme beings was increasing day by day. The first Cybertronian Civil War began on Earth.

Fallen King Kong was defeated by the joint attack of many Supremes, but it was also more powerful than the other Supremes. It dragged its broken body and escaped to the moon with the first batch of Decepticons.

The few remaining Autobots and several Supremes on Earth knew that the Fallen King Kong would come back, so they sacrificed their lives and hid the key leader module that activated the energy matrix somewhere in Egypt.

The Fallen King Kong has been recuperating over the years, and its strength may not have returned to its peak yet, but it already knows the approximate location of the leader module.

What Tianhuo wants to do is actually to find the leader module again and hide it again.

Then Ultron asked doubtfully: "Why not destroy the energy matrix? Where is its current location?"

"The Fallen King Kong will rebuild the energy matrix after finding the leader module. Of course, it was not destroyed at that time. In fact, it was waiting for the life on earth to self-destruct, so that we can restart the machine to destroy the star and obtain energy."

Tianhuo's answer was natural, but it didn't sound very good.

"Okay, I probably understand, so where is the leader module?"

Ultron finally understands what it means to destroy the earth. The matter is not as serious as imagined, and it is even much simpler than imagined.

Now, as long as they find the leader module before the Fallen King Kong, and protect it, or destroy the energy matrix, they can temporarily prevent the Fallen King Kong from persecuting the earth...

It's really outrageous. The universe is so big, there are so many stars, and the technological capabilities of Cybertron are not comparable to humans. Wouldn't they be able to artificially create stars, or directly use nuclear fusion to create energy?

Ultron was puzzled and could only blame the Cybertronians' imaginative energy-obtaining methods on their technology tree being skewed in this direction.

Stellar energy is not a rare energy. Even ordinary planets have huge energy in their crusts. These Cybertronians have a brain problem when they stare at the earth.

However, the Cybertronians are artificial life forms to begin with. Perhaps this is a problem that was left behind when they left the factory. It is better to respect them a little bit...

Skyfire was asked a question. If his body was not tied to the battleship, he would definitely spread his hands. "It's near this area. I don't know where it is specifically, but it can be found in the source of the sacred fire of Cybertron." Find the location of the leader module. Now it is your task, I give it to you, complete it quickly, otherwise the fallen King Kong will destroy your planet!"

Ultron is very familiar with this hand-waving look. Duncan, Tony, Pepper and others have all done almost the same action in front of him. He is also used to it, and he now has knowledge of the Cybertronian energy matrix and leader module. Great interest, especially the energy matrix.

Studying the large-scale facilities of the Cybertronians is the best deconstruction of a civilization.

Before that, he also wanted to put forward some conditions to Tianhuo.

"We can accept this mission, but you need to pay for it."

"What?" Tianhuo turned his metal head, pointed the position where his ears should be at Ultron, and asked in disbelief: "Did I hear something wrong? Human beings, if you don't do such a task, your planet Will be destroyed, and now you want to make conditions with me? Is it because I have been sleeping for too long and humans have evolved a more shameless character? "

Ultron smiled slightly, "But isn't this your mission? You entrusted your mission to us, so of course you have to pay us some compensation. You can't use the future to pay for the current goods."

Skyfire snorted twice, but didn't refuse. It wasn't because he thought Ultron was right, but he just wanted to hear what unreasonable request he was going to make. "So, what do you want?"

"We want knowledge, the knowledge of Cybertron."

Ultron has captured many Decepticons, most of whom are warriors, and few are scientists. In other words, all the captured Decepticons are ordinary units, which is very different from Skyfire, an elite unit that can teleport.

In his research on Cybertronians, Ultron summed up a rule that the more emotional Cybertronians are, the higher their intelligence and the more knowledge they know.

This time he guessed right.

After hearing this request, Tianhuo laughed three times and boasted in a rather arrogant way: "Although you are annoying, you have a good vision. My knowledge is top-notch among Cybertronians. I admit that you have a good vision... but this is absolutely impossible!"

"Why?" After being surprised that the scholar changed his job to a warrior to perform a mission on Earth, Ultron continued to question Tianhuo to understand the reason so as to find a way to quibble.

"The knowledge of Cybertron will never be passed on to humans. Even if I teach you, you will..." Tianhuo wanted to say that humans might not be able to learn it, but he looked at the energy barrier covering the entire world in the sky, swallowed his words, and then said: "Knowledge belongs to Cybertron. Unless there is an order from the Supreme, I will not teach you!"

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