Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 288 Energy Matrix

The old plane was very stubborn and insisted on the order, saying that unless the Supreme gave it an order, the knowledge in the metal head would never be taught to humans. →

Ultron really wanted to open its metal scalp to see if he could use a simpler and more brutal method to extract the knowledge inside.

But there was no rush now. The matter of the Fallen King Kong was a higher priority. They had to find the leader module to prevent the destruction of the planet. This was also a major war, so...

Call for reinforcements!

A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops came to meet!

A letter, thousands of troops were transferred from another world, in fact, this was also a kind of magic in the eyes of most people.

After receiving the call for help, Duncan assembled ten naval divisions from the other side of the earth, with a staff of about 15,000 people, a total of more than 100,000 people, plus a large number of supplies that had just come off the assembly line.

Of course, it takes time to assemble, and Ultron would not wait. He contacted the United Military Organization on this side of the Transformers world and generously shared this amazing news, allowing a large number of soldiers to search the land of Egypt.

The earth is very big. Although there are more than 7 billion humans, their number still cannot fill the entire planet.

Egypt is very small, but with nearly a million people pouring in within five days, it still looks vast.

No matter how you look at it, comparing people with maps, they are still as small as ants.

Countless military exploration vehicles are galloping in the desert. After research by Ultron and the expert team, they decided to start from places where few people go.

After all, tombs that have not been discovered by humans for tens of thousands of years cannot be hidden in places with many people. According to normal logical reasoning, it is more correct to start from places with few people.

Of course, they did not give up searching in places with people. Tens of thousands of years are enough for the radioactive substances brought by the universe to be released completely. It is impossible to detect them with instruments. They can only use a relatively simple method, using a large number of detection drones and soldiers to conduct carpet searches in various areas of Egypt.

The Egyptians were not let go by the joint military organization. Many Egyptian scholars were gathered together to visit places with few people and find things about the remains of the planet Cybertron.

Such a large-scale search, like an ant colony circling around syrup on the ground, soon attracted the attention of the Decepticon Soundwave lurking in the outer orbit of the earth.

It was very shocked by the behavior of humans running around in Egypt, and immediately reported the news to the great Fallen Kong, because it knew that in the area where humans were active, there was one of the sacred objects of the planet Cybertron, the leader module and the important machine energy matrix.

Fallen Kong was not surprised to know that humans had discovered the secret of the leader module, but just asked the Decepticons hiding on the moon to be prepared, and they might have to break off with humans.

The speed of human development is beyond the understanding of these immortal species. If humans master some of the technology of the planet Cybertron, the hope of the revival of Cybertron civilization will be as slim as dust in the water.

[To be honest, I have been using the source change app to read books and follow the updates recently. It can switch sources and has many reading tones. It can be used on Android and Apple. 】

"My contempt allowed humans to succeed, but not this time!"

After using human nuclear fusion technology to replenish a lot of energy, the Fallen Kong finally got rid of the constraints of the spacecraft's life support device. Although it lacked some materials and could not restore its power to the peak tens of thousands of years ago, it was enough to deal with humans.

The deputy who replaced the dead Red Spider and became the Fallen Kong immediately jumped out of the shadows, bowed slightly and flattered, "Great Fallen Kong, you will bring glory to Cybertron again, and we will follow you to let Cybertron dominate the universe!"

"I have seen your loyalty. Now I need you to wake up the fleet. We have a war with humans."

The tone of the Fallen Kong was very flat. It stood proudly, as if it didn't care about the flattery of the new deputy.

Just from the slightly straightened body, you can still feel the domineering spirit of this ancient leader, and unconsciously make people feel the confidence of the Fallen Kong after getting rid of the low energy state.

"Yes, great Fallen Kong~!" The deputy laughed dryly a few times and backed away from the spacecraft.

The search on Earth went very smoothly. With the help of modern technology, robots and people quickly spread all over Egypt, and explored all the suspicious buildings on the surface and the hollow cracks under the surface.

On the third day, they had found the legendary energy matrix, and the huge machine was hidden in the pyramid on the surface.

The huge energy matrix machine was not easy to hide. The ancient Egyptians regarded the creation of Cybertron civilization as a miracle and built a huge pyramid to wrap the energy matrix.

In order to better disguise and prevent the disaster-stricken Egyptian treasure from being discovered by other countries, the hardworking Egyptian people continued to use slave labor to build several more pyramids to cover the pyramids that actually hid the energy matrix.

After all, the paper cannot cover the fire. As the secret was exposed, the energy matrix was also exposed to the eyes of the world.

The army of the group and the troops of the joint military organization, a total of 80,000 people gathered under the pyramid. They used warships to transport a large amount of building materials and set up a camp in a village six kilometers away from the pyramid.

The local villagers were warmly welcomed by the soldiers from various countries. They made a lot of money by doing small businesses next to the soldiers.

This place may develop into a special town in the future. Because the machine is too big, it cannot be moved for the time being, and no one can confirm whether there is a special reason why the energy matrix was specially built in Egypt, so the research can only be done on the spot.

Ultron accessed the computer network and directed the highly efficient engineering robots to dismantle the pyramid. The flying or tracked engineering robots were like hardworking ants and bees going back and forth, and the pyramid was decomposed bit by bit under their hard work.

The top of the pyramid was disassembled first, revealing the tip of the energy matrix that was still brand new after tens of thousands of years. The shape was slightly strange. Four metal spikes surrounded the larger metal tip stacked around the cylinder, like an upright steel fork pointing directly to the sun in the sky.

Standing below surrounded by the base station, Ultron saw the tip of the iceberg of the energy matrix, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted. The machine was very large, but it seemed small compared to the planet.

Why can such a small machine absorb the energy of the entire star?

Curiosity is like a cat that has sucked catnip, rolling its eyes and meowing to get more (knowledge).

The soldiers guarding below were also looking up at the top of the pyramid. The flying engineering robots obscured their vision, so they could only vaguely see the sharp protrusions reflecting the cold metal light.

"Yes, this is the energy matrix!" Tianhuo, who was tied to the Hill-class destroyer, also saw the energy matrix, with a little nostalgia in his eyes, and then he began to talk incessantly: "On the day the energy matrix was built, my father had observed it here before he turned into a tire. He once wanted to dismantle the energy matrix..."

The soldiers coming and going under the pyramid would not pay attention to this long-winded Decepticon. They were all busy setting up various weapons and assisting engineering machinery in building fortifications. Only when they had some free time could they look up and see the warships that surpassed several eras.

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