Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 289 Tomb of the Supreme

Two days after the energy matrix was discovered, the search team began to carefully investigate those ancient ruins based on the ancient Egyptians' idea of ​​hiding the energy matrix in man-made buildings, and finally found it inside the walls of an unremarkable temple. Tomb of the Cybertronian Prime.

The tombs of the Supremes are very old. The exploration team went in and found the transmitted leader module based on oral information, but something unexpected happened.

After the energy matrix was gently transferred to the storage box, it shattered into metal gravel, which made the scientist responsible for the transportation stunned. They had already prepared the most suitable container and did not yell in the tomb. Why did the leader module break?

After anxiously wandering around for a while, the team finally reported the unfortunate news to the headquarters.

Ultron, who was still tampering with the energy matrix, was stunned for a moment when he learned the news that the leader module was weathered and shattered. He turned to look at the energy matrix still standing in the desert. The two items should be items from the same period. One is still One is strong, but the other crumbles into sand?

Obviously abnormal!

Inform the exploration team to build fortifications in the tomb, and then bring over the leader module that was broken into gravel. Maybe the Skyfire tied to the battleship will have other explanations.

In addition, Ultron also notified the Diego Garcia Island military base and asked the base to use large transport planes to bring the Autobots over.

Optimus Prime seems to be the last supreme of the Cybertronian civilization, and he should know the leader module better.

While the information was being transmitted, the earth's defense system was suddenly attacked. A relatively weak shield over the Antarctic was torn apart. Multiple unknown objects broke through the fire blockade of the defense system and entered the earth, and escaped from under the sea.

They were very fast, and due to the bad weather, reconnaissance equipment and cameras failed to figure out the shape and number of Decepticons that entered the earth.

The United Military Organization was the second to know about this. They took over the task and searched for the Decepticons as much as possible.

In fact, there are still many Decepticons on the earth. The earth is too big for humans. Once those Decepticons hide in the ravines in uninhabited areas, humans can hardly find them unless they use a large number of detection equipment to search for them.

At present, joint military organizations and groups do not have the manpower and material resources to complete this feat, so they can only ignore it for the time being.

Most of the Decepticons who are hiding are also those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, or do not like to fight. If they are ignored for the time being, they will not cause much damage.

But the Decepticons who broke through the barrier and entered the earth from outer space are different. They must be coming for the people on earth. This is the same as thieves who don't come through the door... Who can prying open windows and climb walls?

We should be vigilant, and even the San Francisco Research Institute has stepped up protection.

Just as the group's reinforcements arrived in the Transformers world, the San Francisco Research Institute, as the group's overseas assets and important forward base, was protected by two hundred warriors from the Super Soldier Legion.

The source of fire is a very important prop. Now it has been tightly wrapped in a vibranium box. It is not stored in a separate room, but is placed grandly in the center of the hall, surrounded by people who are still carrying out various attacks on the Decepticons. Experimental research team.

The work here will not stop just because a few Decepticons invade the earth, and they will not be frightened by just a few Decepticons.

Two hundred super soldiers are scattered in various divisions, responsible for patrolling and standing guard. When they are free, they can beat disobedient Decepticons in the training ground. This kind of life is completely perfect for super soldiers who need to undergo strict training and difficult tasks. Vacation.

There are the largest number of super soldiers in the test hall. Thirty super soldiers are walking back and forth casually on the edge of the hall, trying not to affect the normal work of the hall staff. The falcon-like eyes under their helmets are scanning back and forth, keeping a close eye on any abnormality. .

All! All! All!

Just then, the institute's radiation alarm sounded.

Security at the radio station pressed the loudspeaker to deliver the message to every staff member.

"It is discovered that an unknown number of unknown Cybertronians are approaching the base. Everyone in the institute except for security personnel is requested to go to the shelter to take shelter in accordance with the first safety regulations and evacuate in an orderly manner."

In the hall, the super soldiers looked up to see the flashing red and yellow warning lights, then lowered their heads and continued to guard their original positions.

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The researchers who were still working hurriedly finished the work at hand and headed to the shelter under the guidance of the security guards. They were very fast and of high quality. They were like precision-arranged gears rotating rapidly. After a while, the hall was full of people. Except for the armed security guards who came in, everyone was basically gone.

The security guards who walk into the hall are not serious security guards, because there are a lot of cutting-edge equipment gathered in the hall, so the use of firearms and explosives here will cause serious waste.

Therefore, the security guards who appeared in the hall were all heavily armored units wearing AST armor, holding high-voltage electric batons and explosion-proof shields.

There are still many regular troops waiting outside the institute. The peripheral troops that can use heavy firepower weapons are generally enough to repel any enemies approaching the San Francisco Institute. It is impossible for anyone to break into the hall.

But the Decepticons do not belong to humans. They have sneaking and fighting methods that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Following a subtle tinkling sound, a dense and noisy rolling sound of iron beads began to sound from all the vents in the hall.

These sounds immediately alerted the security guards and super soldiers in the hall. They took out multi-functional electric batons and machetes, shrunk the defense space, and gave priority to protecting the fire source hidden in the vibranium box.

Their approach was correct. The next moment after the change of position, dense and tiny steel balls passed through the filter mesh that cut through the vents and poured down like sand.


The super soldiers' nerve reflexes were very fast. The moment the pillar fell, one of the soldiers spoke and threw a button-sized metal disc to the vent where the metal marbles kept coming out.

The metal disc expanded in mid-air, and a blue arc of electricity instantly appeared when it hit the vent. The huge suction force attracted all the metal particles that were about to escape.

More and more metal beads fell from the vents, and the super soldiers and armed security guards in the hall also took out magnetic suction cups from their belts and threw them at the beads, imprisoning them.

An armed security sensor sounded an alarm, and he swung the electric baton and smashed it into the air!


In a flash of lightning, a robot cheetah more than one person tall was smashed out of the air, and the metal body rolled back in mid-air, and the metal body did not make any sound when it was intertwined.

The sensors on the masks of the super soldiers were not as many and precise as those on the AST armor, but they had advantages that armor could not match, and they were flexible and powerful.

After the robot cheetah was smashed away, two nearby super soldiers instantly sprinted and attacked before the robot cheetah landed, catching it in mid-air.

The two strong men stopped walking at the moment of looking at each other, and began to exert force in different directions. With the sound of metal twisting and squeezing, the metal cheetah was instantly torn into two pieces. After hitting the ground, it was smashed by a huge fist like a battering ram, completely turning into a discus, and the reinforced concrete floor was smashed with cracks.

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