Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 290 The Great Fallen King Kong Fell

After dealing with the robot cheetah lurking in the hall, the next second, everyone in the hall heard the roar of machine guns outside.

There were also Decepticons attacking outside, and the attack was particularly fierce.

The security guards wearing ASt armor watched the live broadcast outside the institute, and their vigilance gradually reached the highest level.

Because the Decepticons attacking the institute outside seemed to be a little wrong. There were a lot of them, and their firepower was an order of magnitude stronger than the ordinary Decepticons they had seen in the case.

They had more powerful firepower, stronger armor and more tenacious vitality.

"What is this?!"

In the bad battle situation of the live broadcast, a worrying huge figure flashed by.

It didn't look like an ordinary Decepticon. Its appearance was too different from other Decepticons. It had a triangular body like an upright manta ray, holding a nearly seven-meter-long iron rod in its hand, and its terrifying face was like a cockroach turned upside down.

What's even more terrible is the way it appeared. It made a light leap, and its body disappeared in the interweaving of red and white lightning. The next second it appeared beside another team.

The iron rod-like spear swept across, and the soldiers who were shooting with shields were immediately swept away dozens of meters, either hitting the wall or hitting the ground. The solid exoskeleton and armor mitigated the damage, but still made them temporarily lose most of their combat effectiveness.

Two super soldiers raised electromagnetic rifles to shoot at the teleporting Decepticon, but were easily dodged.

But it doesn't matter!

The security level of the San Francisco Research Institute is very high. Any laboratory of the group is the same as a military base, and the construction standards are the same.

The secret entrance hidden in the secret place was opened, and several ready-made Amp mechas were ejected into the air. The back propulsion guide relayed, allowing the war weapon that was transformed into nearly five meters high to temporarily hover at an altitude of 20 meters.

Bang Bang Bang!

The rocket launcher on the shoulder automatically locked the enemy, and launched a fierce attack on the dozens of Decepticons attacking the institute from a high position.

The revolver cannons and multi-barrel grenade launchers on both hands of the mecha fired left and right, and the machine guns on the waist formed a terrifying firepower network in an instant, covering the Decepticons tightly. Six Decepticons who were unable to dodge were immediately overwhelmed by the suddenly increased firepower and exploded into pieces.


The fallen King Kong saw the human war weapons, and the metal fins on both sides of his cheeks trembled like waves, and his throat made a beast-like tremor. The human force was stronger than expected. Compared with the development path of Cybertron's high-powered single-target damage, humans seemed to be better at wasting resources on meaningless coverage strikes.

Use more firepower to make up for the lack of damage and accuracy?

It's really a luxurious approach, but it is undeniably effective.

However, these attacks were still relatively immature in the eyes of the fallen King Kong. The iron-like spear was raised above his head, and the invisible force began to pull everything around. In the action that seemed to be a shaman dance, the fixed turret was uprooted from the ground, and the mecha suspended in the air collided with each other due to the force majeure. The debris gradually gathered in the air and condensed into a huge "garbage ball".

The soldiers wearing exoskeletons held on to the fixed objects tightly to barely maintain their balance. The guns in their hands had already fallen out of their hands and rose into the sky. The super soldiers also discarded the electromagnetic rifles and tried their best to grab solid objects.

Not only concrete and cars were gathered in a group, but also various guns and fixed turrets.

The shells would not explode when squeezed, because modern weapons technology is very mature, and the weapons currently equipped by the group have fully considered the impact of different gravity environments on different planets.

Even if they are flattened, they will not explode as long as the explosion mechanism is not triggered, but will be disassembled into harmless toys by safety devices.

The fallen King Kong did not see the result he wanted. He could only throw the large group of debris that had gathered together. Hundreds of tons of iron balls were thrown at the surface building of the institute, and half of the building collapsed in the flying dust and huge roar. The mecha that had just appeared also temporarily lost its combat effectiveness.

The fixed turrets were emptied, and even the weapons were sucked away by the magnetic force. The soldiers wearing exoskeletons were all injured and died in the face of this unknown force. Only the soldiers of the super soldier corps were still standing on the periphery.

They are the most loyal soldiers of the group. Even if they lose their technological weapons, they face the tall enemy without fear.

They dispersed to prevent the enemy from focusing fire, and then took out the stimulant from their waist without hesitation and stabbed it into the heart, injecting an insurance into this destined difficult battle.


Facing the dozens of super soldiers who surrounded him, the fallen King Kong's memory was replayed, as if he had returned to tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, they had just landed on Earth, and the energy matrix was only half built. The unknown ancient humans came out from the end of the mountain ridge with wooden sticks, interrupting the construction process.

It also caused the Fallen Kong and its brothers to turn against each other. The unpleasant memories resurfaced, and the anger of the Fallen Kong began to rise.

The thick spears swung in the air with a whistling sound, and smashed down on the heads of the two super soldiers who rushed up.

The surrounding Decepticons also gathered together. The humans who lost their weapons were as weak as insects. Seeing that the great Fallen Kong did not immediately break into the human buildings to grab the fire source, they also used their fists to hit the larger humans with a cat-and-mouse mentality.

A super soldier who rushed towards the fallen King Kong saw the spear hitting his head. The muscles on his face behind the mask were all tense. He did not choose to dodge, but stood in place and raised his hands.


The spear hit him mercilessly. The crushing of his physique made the super soldier who took the attack weak in the knees. It was as if a heavy tank fell on his shoulder, and he almost fell to his knees.

The dignity and pride of the soldier made him grit his teeth and hold on. He caught the stick not very steadily, but his feet sank deeply into the broken concrete.


The scarlet mechanical eyes of the fallen King Kong who was about to see the joke shrank because of shock. If the weak human being took its attack and did not turn into meat paste on the spot, it would be a compliment to the physical strength of the carbon-based creature.

He wanted to pull out the spear, but found that its spear was tightly grasped by the tiny human, and he couldn't pull it out for a while? !

"Ahhh!" The super soldier shouted excitedly, exerting all his strength to swing the spear in the hand of the fallen King Kong behind him.

The fallen King Kong didn't react for a moment, and his right hand was still tightly grasping the spear. The other end of the spear was lifted up and stuck in the gap between its chest. A sense of weightlessness spread throughout its body. It was picked up by a powerful human and smashed to the ground on the other side.

Four or five super soldiers who were waiting for an opportunity quickly stepped forward and punched and kicked the fallen King Kong, and the sound of hammering was crisp and loud.

This scene happened too quickly. When the Decepticons who wanted to play tricks on humans saw the great fallen King Kong falling to the street, the super soldiers had already rushed in front of them.

The violent super soldiers were like vicious dogs, biting the bodies of the Decepticons crazily. They jumped up from the ground and hit them, which could make several parts fall off the Decepticons. With a grab and a pull with both hands, the delicate parts were torn to pieces.

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