Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 291 American Bullying

The Decepticons were beaten up by the super soldiers because of their carelessness. Nine of them were torn down in an instant. After the remaining Decepticons reacted, they fled in a panic and stopped fighting these incredibly strong humans.

These humans were too small and strong. When they got close, they were like wolfhounds biting their prey. They couldn't get rid of them even if they wanted to!

After being hit by more than a dozen punches, the outer armor of the fallen Kong was dented for several pieces. It disappeared from the spot in an instant and stood on the roof of the research institute building when it appeared again.

It glared at the super soldiers who fell down below with fear and fierceness. It disappeared from the spot again with a flash, and only ordered the super soldiers who stayed outside: "Hold them!"

After being beaten up, the fallen Kong didn't want to continue to entangle in the spot. It wanted to get the spark source, use the energy of the spark source to build the Cybertron army, activate the energy matrix, and restore the glory of the Cybertronians.

Its body appeared in the center of the test hall the next moment. The security guards who had been waiting for a long time activated the trapping device. Multiple restraining devices arranged in secret places burst out white lightning, and the teleported Fallen Kong was imprisoned in place with huge magnetic force.

The huge metal palm was only three meters away from the vibranium box containing the fire source. These three meters were not three meters for the big Fallen Kong, but it was still forced to stop three meters away by the imprisonment device.

The super soldiers who were ready to go around rushed up, and they still had weapons in their hands, a hot melt knife that could extend outward for two meters.

The high-temperature blade would be like a hot knife meeting butter on metal other than vibranium, leaving hideous marks no matter how thick it was.

In addition, two super soldiers grabbed the vibranium box and retreated quickly, attacking and defending at the same time.

Feeling the threat from the blades and seeing the fire source being taken away, the fallen Kong once again activated its strange ability. The surrounding space was disintegrated by invisible forces, the reinforced concrete was torn, the imprisonment device was crushed by invisible repulsion, and the power that imprisoned the body disappeared.

The body of the fallen Kong disappeared from the original place again, avoiding the attack of the super soldiers, and the position where it appeared again was in front of the super soldier team escorting the fire source to transfer.


The super soldiers were also well-trained. Since they had learned about the fighting style of the fallen Kong through live broadcasts, it was impossible for them to be unprepared.

The team that transferred the fire source separated three people, swung their right hands, unfolded the folding long knife, and rushed towards the fallen Kong at an accelerated speed!

Being hurt by humans again and again, the anger of the fallen Kong has accumulated to a critical value. At this moment, it showed the terrifying quality of an ancient Cybertron warrior.

Holding the spear with both hands, hitting left and right, and the last one was raised, and the three super soldiers disappeared in front of them like meteors.

The fallen King Kong threw out a spear, and the huge spear flew at high speed and hit the shoulder of the super soldier holding the box, knocking him off balance.

When the box was about to fall to the ground, the soldier threw it to another person beside him. The other person took the fire source and moved it without hesitation, just like an American bullying.

But the fallen King Kong was tired of such games, and it was impossible for him to rush around like those weak chickens who were robbed of their hats.

Because it can teleport!


The next moment, the fallen King Kong disappeared from the spot, and appeared next to the spear when it appeared again.

The spear inserted into the concrete ground was pulled out, and the fallen King Kong disappeared from the spot again. When it reappeared, the whistling spear was less than one meter away from the super soldier holding the box.


The box was not thrown out in time, and it was hit before the super soldier even had time to react. The super soldier flew backwards and disappeared, and the box fell out of his hand.

The invisible force rolled the vibranium box into the empty hands of the fallen King Kong, and then disappeared in an instant before everyone could react. Even if they were prepared, this kind of instant flash, and the ability to flash in the desired posture, is really hard to defend.

Instant movement cannot be defeated by fast reaction speed. Imagine that someone rushed towards the opponent with all his strength, and the opponent also stabbed forward, but he disappeared in an instant, and appeared again behind the person. The opponent still kept stabbing forward. He only needed to take another step forward, and the spear could pierce the person.

Even if the person knew that there was an enemy behind him, the process of turning around to block or counterattack was the process of the sickle of the god of death slashing his throat.

Time and space are inseparable. The instant movement of the fallen King Kong is equivalent to increasing his own speed to the speed of light. The super soldier is not strong enough to exceed the speed of light, so it is naturally impossible to really defeat the fallen King Kong.

They just want to delay time and learn more about the battle information of the fallen King Kong.

This battle was not only broadcast within the security team, but also broadcast to Egypt thousands of kilometers away.

Ultron and a group of commanders watched the whole process, and there were also Autobots such as Optimus Prime who had just arrived in Egypt. They were also watching the battle of the Fallen King Kong.

This time the Decepticons were fully deployed, probably because they saw that they had discovered the leader module and the energy matrix, and they were anxious.

"Is there any way to curb this ability of teleportation?"

Umbrella's reinforcements have arrived in Egypt, and dozens of warships of various models are now quietly scattered throughout Egypt. The person in charge of managing this huge fleet is the newly promoted Admiral Garden of the Umbrella Group, who is also a talent discovered by the group in the early days.

Captain Garden was wearing a gorgeous and capable military uniform. He attended the combat meeting in the desert in the form of a holographic image. It was also him who asked whether the ability of teleportation could be curbed.

Captain Garden was so excited to be ordered to fight aliens in another world!

The premise is that this alien does not have the ability of teleportation, otherwise it would be difficult for their weapons to hurt the jumping alien bastard.

While thinking, Captain Garden looked at the alien forces represented by Optimus Prime with his sharp eyes trained by years of high-ranking positions.

He is a staunch alien evil faction. He has no good feelings for any creature that does not belong to the Earth's biosphere, let alone the iron lump that is not a good thing at first glance.

Even if the medium of communication is holographic images, Optimus Prime can feel the impolite look of Captain Garden, but he understands it very well. After all, the Cybertronians want to destroy the planet on which humans depend for survival, and it is very likely that they will also become the target of venting.

Ironhide, who usually has a bad temper, usually speaks directly when he sees the undisguised malicious eyes of humans, but he has learned some human history and culture from the Internet, and can understand the other party's mood at the moment. Of course, it has something to do with the dozens of warships floating overhead.

"I don't know much about this technology." Optimus Prime handed the question to a more professional person, that is, the former Decepticon Skyfire who had been lowered from the warship.

It is an outstanding scientist with a wealth of knowledge and has space-time bridge technology such as space transmission.

Skyfire, who was watched by Optimus Prime, behaved like a young man watched by an idol.

For a person who has been wandering for a long time and almost thought that the leaders and tribesmen of Cybertron were all dead, Optimus Prime, as a descendant of the Supreme and with Supreme oil flowing in his body, is the biggest harbor for his wandering soul. It can also be said that he is an idol.

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After shaking with excitement for a moment, he explained carefully as if deliberately showing off his knowledge: "The technology used by the Fallen King Kong is more ancient and perfect. The simple principle is to squeeze time and space to shuttle between points. In fact, it takes time to move, although it is very short... We can't stop it from shuttling through space, but we can reinforce space so that it takes more time to shuttle!"

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