Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 295 The awakening of the natural enemy

The diamond-shaped leader module is suspended in the hand of Optimus Prime, and the sleeping enemy is lying quietly on the desert surface, surrounded by a circle of watching Autobots and super soldiers, as well as the group's Amp mecha. ♦♦  ♦♦

The scorching heat in the open air did not evaporate the joy of the car people that they were about to reunite with the leaders of the previous generation. They were all looking forward to seeing the awakening of the natural enemy again.

"Defend Natural Enemy, I hope you can come back!"

Optimus Prime half-knelt beside Yu Tian Enemy, took the leader module and pressed it hard into Yu Tian En Enemy's chest.


After a period of convulsions like an electric shock, the lying corpse was calm. The enemy opened his eyes and had a stress reaction. Without understanding the situation, he punched Optimus Prime in the face. After he got up, he even pulled out. The huge blade stabbed Optimus Prime in the head.

Optimus Prime raised his hand to block, and just as he was about to say something, the group mecha on standby rushed over and knocked the natural enemy away with a fist.

The soldiers of the group will not care whether the natural enemy is awake or not. As long as they make an attack, they will be beaten first and then explain after the beating!

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Four or five Amp mechas, only five or six meters tall, surrounded him and used magnetic rings to fix the limbs of the enemy. Then, the mechanical fists kept greeting the unconscious enemy's face, and pummeled the enemy's head. The red steel helmet he was wearing flew to the side.

"Stop! It just doesn't understand the situation yet. It's not an enemy! Stop!" After Optimus Prime got up from the ground, he didn't do anything drastic to stop him from beating up the enemy's mecha and avoid causing a bigger conflict.

The mecha pilots just felt a little itchy because they had not had a decent battle in a state that lasted for several years. They took this opportunity to vent. Optimus Prime, who was barely an ally, spoke, and the mechas dispersed one after another. Kai continued to stand in his original position.

A nearby super soldier entered the scene, repackaged the leader module that fell on the ground into the box, and took it to another place. This process did not receive much attention.

"Uh... Humph!" The natural enemy was still wearing the heavy chains that had just been attached to the mecha. He groaned and saw Optimus Prime walking towards him. "Are we involved in a new war? Optimus column!"

The earth's information has been sent to the natural enemies through the special communication method of the Autobots, including data packets containing part of the earth's information.

That's why the current predator can speak fluent English with a New York accent. If it wants to, it can actually speak Indian or Japanese without any problem.

This sentence was not a question, but an unpleasant sarcastic response to the sudden attack by humans. Part of the cooperation information with humans was in the data packet, so he had already tried it.

Optimus Prime pulled the Decepticon up from the ground, helped it untie the magnetic chain, and said in a calm and exciting tone: "We are indeed still at war, and our opponent is still the Decepticon... But now we It's safe here, welcome home, protected from predators.

Hearing that the war was still going on, Yu Tianyi didn't care to look around, stared at Optimus Prime and asked eagerly: "The war... is the war still going on? How is Cybertron?"

"We lost, Cybertron is deserted... We took refuge on the planet Earth, and humans temporarily accepted us."

What Optimus Prime is talking about here is acceptance, because with the current strength and sheer number of humans, coupled with the new understanding after being taught a lesson, all Autobots, including him, have accepted their status as refugees in the universe.

Their civilization is a loser. It ended its glory for hundreds of millions of years in endless internal friction and became a wandering vagrant in the universe.

After hearing the facts, the natural enemy felt sad for the abandoned planet Cybertron. Suddenly he remembered something and asked in a rapid voice: "My ship was attacked, energy pillar! Where is the energy pillar?"

Optimus Prime answered truthfully: "You protected five energy pillars, including the control pillar."

"Only five? There used to be hundreds!"

The natural enemy felt the imbalance. It looked around trying to find the five energy pillars, but there was no shadow of the energy pillars wherever it could see. On the contrary, it saw something that surprised it.

"Energy matrix?! Why is it here? Have the ancient supreme beings been to this planet?"

This is not news that needs to be kept secret, Optimus Prime said: "Yes, the Supremes came to the earth tens of thousands of years ago to establish an energy matrix, but later it was discovered that there was already life on this planet, so... they also broke out in this place conflict."

"Is this the legendary planet that split the Cybertronian civilization?"

The natural enemy is really surprised. Many Cybertronians know that the original Decepticon was the fallen King Kong. The reasons for the conflict are many and complicated, but in each version of the story spread, there is an indispensable connection between the star system and the planet. figure.

The earth was actually known among the stars of Cybertron tens of thousands of years ago, and tens of thousands of years of civil war have deepened the knowledge of this planet over and over again.

Optimus Prime turned to look at the approaching figure, nodded and said, "I think so, others may know more than me."

"I can't believe it! You, the natural enemy, are still alive! It's incredible!"

As Skyfire limped closer, he opened his eyes wide and looked back and forth at the two Autobot leaders. He never thought that he would see two living Supremes again in this life.

Although they are the descendants of the Supreme, the blood of the Supreme is still flowing in their bodies, and they all have great qualities.

Yu Tianhui stood upright, with his hands behind his back and looked at Tianhuo, who was walking slowly, and after a closer look, he recognized it, "Tianhuo? I didn't expect you to still be alive... Why did you become so weak?"

"It's just that there was no energy replenishment for a long time. A few decades ago, it was too difficult to obtain energy on this planet... Oh, oh, but that is already a thing of the past."

Tianhuo explained the reason why he was rusty and rotten, and continued to look at the natural enemy, wanting to take a few more looks to make sure it was real.

Yutian Enemy paused for a moment when he saw Tianhuo aging, and then asked: "Do you know where my energy pillar is?"

"They are temporarily in our custody because the space bridge technology has military applications, so until you make the technology public, these things will be in our custody."

A strange voice came from below. It looked sideways and discovered that it was a special being whose whole body was red. It was Ultron.

"That's my technology, I designed it, and only I can use it. If you want to steal my technology, it will be regarded as a declaration of war!"

The natural enemies don’t know who Ultron is, and they don’t care who he is. What belongs to them must be taken back!

This kind of arrogant detention is unacceptable, especially when a weak life talks to an Autobot leader in such a read-out tone!

"It is a technology that can reconstruct the universe. It breaks your laws of physics and can transport matter across time and space. You are trying to understand this technology with human thinking."

This is no longer an insinuation, but a blatant mockery of human intelligence. What a arrogant attitude this is, and why?

Because the data package Optimus Prime downloaded in this world was only at the level of 2007, the group was at least hundreds of years ahead of the technology in the Transformers world, and the span was still increasing. There was a huge information gap between the two.

Ultron stood in front of his natural enemy who, even though he was beaten by the mecha, still stood upright without looking at him. He glanced at Optimus Prime. They were two leaders with different styles!

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