Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 296 Dispute

The Skylord continued to stare at Ultron with a sidelong look, and said in an imperative tone: "I don't know where your confidence comes from, but the technology of Cybertron is not something you can understand!"

Optimus Prime on the side spoke to smooth things over, "I have allowed Skyfire to pass on the knowledge of Cybertron to humans. After all, we are now refugees in the universe. The planet Cybertron has been abandoned. We alone cannot pass on the knowledge and culture of Cybertron civilization..."

"What?" The Skylord turned his head and looked at Optimus Prime with anger on his face, and shouted loudly: "Optimus Prime! Your behavior is betraying the entire Cybertron civilization. Compromise will not bring peace!"

Giving the technology of Cybertron civilization to humans is equivalent to raising a tiger to harm them. Humans are a group of creatures that trust each other, and they can't even understand each other. ♦♦  ♪♦

The Cybertronians can communicate with each other through information connection, so loyal blind loyalty, cowardly swaying, and compatibility are not the basis for hindering cooperation for every Cybertronian.

The ideological conflict between the Decepticons and the Autobots was caused by this ability to communicate with each other, but most of the members of the two factions are loyal.

Being able to believe in a certain person wholeheartedly is the reason for the glory of Cybertron civilization. Faced with human civilization that is completely unable to generate trust conditions, the Skybreaker lost the ability to judge the other party's thoughts in the simplest way, which led to its extreme distrust of humans.

Moreover, because of the data packet of human civilization that Optimus Prime sent to it for preliminary understanding, although the number of wars between humans was not large and the duration was not as long as the Cybertron Civil War, the chaotic and cunning character in each battle has become a stereotype firmly imprinted in the Skybreaker's mind.

Optimus Prime flipped through the history books of mankind and saw the constantly improving cultural ideas, while the Skybreaker saw a history of war full of conspiracies and intrigues!

Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime looked at it in silence for a long time, and said dejectedly: "But resistance is the same... isn't it?"

The Civil War on Cybertron lasted for tens of thousands of years. The Decepticons and the Autobots fought each other for tens of thousands of years, from the initial ideological disputes to the later hatred disputes, and finally the disagreements caused by the desire to rebuild Cybertron.

The Decepticons want to plunder the resources between the universes endlessly, rebuild Cybertron and rule the universe at the same time.

The Autobots have a peaceful mindset and do not agree with endless plunder, especially on planets that have already produced life. They still follow the rules set by the ancient supremes and slowly repair Cybertron in a way that does not harm the life of other planets.

The two factions have the same goal, but because of the differences in the way to achieve the goal, the war that should have stopped has been continued for thousands of years, completely consuming all the resources of Cybertron.

Optimus Prime, who had experienced that period completely, had his own persistence and his own unique views. Although blindly compromising could not bring peace, with the Autobots now drifting around and the total number of them in the universe being less than 10,000, was it really necessary to maintain their pride and confront humans?


Based on a glorious history, or a refugee group that couldn't even put together an army?

"I'm disappointed in you, Optimus Prime!"

Seeing Optimus Prime's cowardly look of accepting reality, the memory of the battle between Optimus Prime and Optimus Prime on Cybertron reappeared, and began to attack its nerves, causing the anger to continue to accumulate, and even a little out of control, "You have forgotten everything I taught you, you have forgotten your identity, you have forgotten our persistence, you have betrayed Cybertron! You are not worthy of being a leader now!"

Optimus Prime just bowed his head slightly, silently enduring Optimus Prime's anger. He didn't want to refute, because Optimus Prime didn't understand the current situation.

The connection signal unique to Cybertron was turned on, and Optimus Prime silently released his greatest sincerity, trying to let the Optimus Prime understand his thoughts in the most direct way.

This trust that lasted for tens of millions of years also made the angry Optimus Prime slowly calm down, and his emotions were not as excited as before.

The dispute between the previous generation leader and the current leader, the other Autobots had no intention of interrupting, and the fierce conversation between the two big robots was not completed in English, but in the language of Cybertron civilization itself.

Skyfire has sent the data to the quantum computer, and Ultron happened to hear the whole process clearly. Now his expression is very subtle. He has notified Captain Garden and retreated a little distance. The nearby Amp mecha has also re-entered combat readiness.

The scene was strangely silent, and the atmosphere was very wrong.

"Maybe you are right, but we must never forget that we are Cybertronians and will always be Cybertronians..."

After a long time, the Optimus Prime sighed heavily and rejected Optimus Prime's visit. It was unwilling to accept Optimus Prime's thoughts, which would make it no longer pure.

The Skybreaker turned around and slowly walked towards the no-man's land, which was considered to be an end to the quarrel.

But its figure was blocked by three Amp mechas that were only half its height.

Seeing these unremarkable human creations, the Skybreaker remembered the scene of being attacked when he woke up. He stopped and did not leave, waiting for the person in charge of the human race to negotiate with him, that is, the little red thing just now.

After seeing the quarrel stop, Ultron activated the thrusters hidden on his limbs and flew up, hovering in front of the Skybreaker, slightly higher than the blue electronic eyes, so that they changed from looking down to looking up.

The natural enemy did not compete in this inexplicable direction, and said to Ultron: "Human, I am very grateful to you for accepting my people, but it is impossible to hand over the space bridge technology to you, give up this idea! But I can I will teach you the basic knowledge about time and space as compensation.”

Later, after Optimus Prime and a group of Autobots heard the words of the enemy, they felt ashamed. Their thoughts and beliefs are always very different, but good things can be seen after all. Even if the idea seems Childish, arrogant, arrogant...

[To be honest, I have been using the Changing Source app recently to read and catch up on updates. Changing sources allows me to switch between sources and read aloud with many different sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

The last defender of a civilization that was almost declared extinct, the back of the natural enemy wearing this layer of faith seemed to look a little more majestic.

"Oh...that's it, okay then."

Although the arrogant attitude of Yu Tian Enemy before was very unpleasant, this character is not disgusting, at least it has not abandoned its identity.

Moreover, he is relatively able to distinguish right from wrong. It does not require the technology of the space bridge, but the basic knowledge about time and space can be considered as something gained.

Austrian immediately swept the couch to greet him, seizing the time to squeeze out the natural enemies and point to knowledge.

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