Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 297: Island of Wisdom

During the day, the entire camp was busy. Even at night, when the temperature in Egypt dropped to near zero degrees, the camp was still lively.

Ultron created many clones, using the computing power of quantum computers to perform multi-threaded operations, studying energy matrices, learning time-space bridge technology, and learning basic physics knowledge related to time and space with the Skybreaker. Finally, he sorted out the data obtained from all Cybertronians and translated the Cybertron text into the language of the earth.

In the future, the language used by humans may be integrated into one, but now it is still necessary to use multiple languages.

The group has made it clear that it wants to support more scientists. The legacy of Cybertron is a huge treasure. If it were not for the current technological limitations, they would all want to drive a spaceship to the abandoned Cybertron planet for archaeology...

At night, a huge battleship of two hundred meters long slowly flew over the camp, which was half a circle larger than the Hill-class destroyer. This is currently the group's largest floating ship in the atmosphere. It is not a battleship, but a large mobile scientific research base. The original design was to replace the backward aerospace mothership as a mobile scientific research station for use in other worlds.

However, due to the high cost and the rapid elimination of the gradual improvement of space navigation technology, the entire group only built two.

One is in the Marvel world, and this is the other one. It has its own code name, Wisdom Island.

The name is very appropriate, because Wisdom Island gathers a large number of the group's top intellectuals, working hard on the front line of science every day.

Ultron didn't expect Duncan to bring the Wisdom Island research ship to the Transformers world, and thought it would only bring more warships...


Wisdom Island is coming, then...

A large number of soldiers walked out of the Egyptian camp. The Wisdom Island inevitably made a sound when sailing. From the latitude of the earth, the sound was not loud, but from a human perspective, the sound was enough to shake everyone's chest.

The soldiers of the joint military organization had never seen such a big guy. They walked out of the container room and looked up to see the pinnacle creation of human industry, and they were all dumbfounded.

Looking up, all you can see is the bottom of the spaceship. The Wisdom Island has descended to a height very close to the ground. The multiple anti-gravity engines at the bottom are running at full power. The black and silver metal shell is flashing with lights. Those are the lights indicating normal operation of the sensors.

The flame of the engine is the sun, and the indicator light of the sensor is the stars. Everyone in the camp looks up at the Wisdom Island, as if looking up at the starry sky that belongs only to humans.

A golden meteor breaks free from the shackles of the "starry sky", turns a big bend in the air, and goes straight to a factory building cast with special materials closest to the energy matrix.

Ultron temporarily left the quantum computer and stood at the door to greet the arrival of the people.

Beside him are the Autobots who followed curiously.

Just now they were still communicating and learning, and suddenly there was a vibration and noise outside, and they thought it was an attack by the Decepticons.

The Autobots also looked up at the spaceship above their heads. This size of spaceship is nothing in their eyes. The Cybertron civilization in its heyday had even larger spaceships.

"Can humans actually build such a huge spaceship..." The Sky-God's understanding of human technology was refreshed. It is still very technical to drive such a huge spaceship in the atmosphere. At least it can see from the spaceship what stage human energy technology has developed to.

It also noticed the golden "shooting star". The well-functioning visual sensor allowed it to see that it was not a shooting star, but a humanoid robot. It looked very much like a Cybertronian, but its body lines were much softer, just like an ordinary human.

The gold and red color scheme is not important, but why did that person expose the energy system on his chest? Isn't that just exposing a weakness?

When the "shooting star" landed in front of the factory, the golden and red "robot" landed, and its body faded like a tide, revealing Tony's still young face.

Ultron smiled playfully and opened his arms to Tony, "Welcome to Egypt!"

"Nanotechnology?!" Sky-God was really shocked this time, and his expression was slightly solemn.

Nanotechnology is equivalent to the biotechnology of Cybertron. Because of their special body structure, Cybertronians have never stopped researching microrobots, or nanorobots, but so far, they have not been able to shrink nanorobots to liquid form.

The nanotechnology mastered by the human in front of him seems to be a self-contained system, and the technical content in it has surpassed the times by countless years. Even Cybertron has not gained much from the development of nanotechnology.

Just like the technological explosion of humans, the basic science of Cybertron has stagnated 30,000 years ago, and the subsequent technologies are all new applications based on the science of predecessors.

Why do humans have nanotechnology?

The other Autobots were also very shocked when they witnessed Tony's nanotechnology. The power displayed by humans repeatedly refreshed their impressions.

"Cybertronians? You don't look like silicon-based life at all. It's strange."

Tony looked up at the huge red robot, and his scrutinizing and probing eyes were particularly piercing, like looking at an experiment in the laboratory.


Ultron was shocked, put down his open arms, and then was glared at by Tony.

"I'll settle the score with you later..."

"Whatever, I'm going back to do my research."

Tony and Ultron had a coded conversation. The information they exchanged was not suitable to be carried out in the presence of Cybertronians, but they still had this tacit understanding.

Now, after Tony drove away Ultron, his eyes fell on the Titan again, and he asked curiously: "I heard you mention nanotechnology. Don't you have such technology?"

[To be honest, I have been using the source change app to read books and follow the latest updates. It can switch sources and has many reading voices. It is available for Android and Apple. ]

"We have nanotechnology. All nano laboratories were destroyed in the civil war before in-depth research."

Faced with the nanotechnology displayed by humans, Titan realized that humans were not weak when he was imparting knowledge to humans, and began to change his attitude.

Nanotechnology is not a simple technology. With this technology and the physics knowledge that has been handed over, humans can no longer be simply regarded as a weak civilization that cannot even leave their home planet.

"Tony Stark, I am also very interested in Cybertron's science and technology. Maybe we can exchange and learn from each other. We have no conflict of interest. Exchange is good for both of us, isn't it!"

Tony showed a smile that was a combination of a businessman and a scholar. He had read the information before coming. The robot in front of him was called Archimonde, the leader of a faction on Cybertron and also a scientist.

The purpose of coming here this time was not only to support Ultron, but also to quickly learn Cybertron technology and improve the technology tree of mankind itself.

As a race that is good at learning and a top intellectual who knows how to be flexible, Tony will not abandon this knowledge just because it is not researched by himself.

The design of the Star Lookout research ship has to be overturned and started again after obtaining time and space technology. That's good!

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