Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 298 The Evil Cybertronians

The genius scientist from the Marvel Universe and "Einstein" from Cybertron had a lot of exchanges. After the Skybreaker stopped looking down on humans, it discovered the terrifying talents of humans.

Cybertronians never believe in the existence of nothingness, but they can only attribute the mysterious wisdom of humans to those mysteries. That is not a simple mechanical logic.

Every Cybertronian has his own strengths, but humans are different. They can do well in some things, but in some aspects they are like relying on defense.

Most humans do not have much talent, but the wisdom of a very small number of humans has pushed this civilization to the peak, benefiting most people and thus enhancing the overall strength of mankind.

Unlike the Cybertronians who are all warriors and part-time scientists, humans often divide the work and cooperate, let those who are good at fighting form the army, let those who are good at scientific research focus on scientific research, and let those who have no talent become the labor force. The layered structure of society is like a precision instrument.

The operation is sometimes smooth and sometimes stuck, but it is generally moving in a better direction.

In this regard, the single-minded Cybertronians are a little anxious, and they are not good at the application of chaotic systems.

The Skybreaker turned into a Jaguar Airport Rescue Fire Truck, quietly parked on the yellow sand at the edge of the camp, and the visual system was still observing the hustle and bustle of the human camp.

It has only been 18 days since the awakening, and the Skybreaker has finished teaching humans the physical knowledge of time and space, and now it has fallen into a state of doing nothing.

When it just woke up, its memory was still in the most tragic final stage of the war, and it still had battlefield stress reactions, which could barely be regarded as post-traumatic stress syndrome. It thought it was still the leader of the Autobots.

The impression of the earth still remained in decades ago, when humans were still in the Cold War, and the development of science and technology was simply not worth mentioning in the face of Cybertron. Only those weapons of mass destruction that could not be easily used could pose some threats to the Cybertronians.

If the interference device of the Cybertron civilization is used, perhaps even those weapons of mass destruction can't do anything to them.

But why?

Why did humans develop into what they are now in just a few dozen Earth years?

In such a short time on Cybertron, it is impossible to produce a product that helps the lives of Cybertronians or train a group of new warriors.

Will it agree to the proposal of the Fallen King Kong and continue to rebuild Cybertron with the Decepticons?

The CPU of the Archenemy is constantly running. This top chip of Cybertron is weighing the pros and cons. It is a leader who understands war very well and has a good vision.

It also clearly understands its mission. The attitude of humans towards refugees also makes it, who was once the leader of Cybertron, very unhappy.

However, these responsibilities, missions, and emotions cannot affect the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides. Now humans have a systematic army, and their technological strength is at least better than that of the lost Cybertron.

Even if all the Decepticon troops hidden on the moon come to the earth together, they can only be quickly eliminated. The difference in numbers between the two sides is too great...

It is impossible to win.

In the end, with the vision of a leader on the battlefield, the Skybreaker shook his head at the plan that the Decepticons had discussed with him. This was not a war that could be won as long as there was faith.

Since waking up, he had been maintaining secret communications with the Decepticons, and at this moment, he disconnected, sending a signal of refusing to cooperate again.

In the cab of the Wisdom Island, the working group responsible for signal monitoring immediately uploaded the news after discovering that the signal they had been monitoring was disconnected.

Captain Garden, who was in charge of operations, received the news, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his lips. He immediately prepared the fleet for combat. The enemy was coming!

However, after the order for combat preparation was issued, a whole night had passed, and they could not see any shadow of the enemy, and the warships patrolling the earth did not find any signal that the arsenal was attacked.

This is too abnormal!

After arriving at the Transformers world from the Wisdom Island and realizing that Skybreaker had an abnormal communication signal, Captain Garden and the staff formulated a complete combat plan.

That arrogant Skybreaker often communicates with the outside world. He must be harboring some bad intentions. Maybe he wants to attack the camp with the Decepticons in the United Moon.

Captain Garden has never let down his guard. He has been monitoring Skybreaker's every move.

He couldn't have guessed wrong. The big car must have conceived an evil combat plan. The intelligence system of the United Military Organization is not for nothing. The appearance of the abandoned engine parts is too strange, and it happened to be seen by Optimus Prime.

Conspiring with these war maniacs? Do you have the strength!

The signal was disconnected, and I thought it was time to start the action. As a result, the soldiers were nervous all night, and there was no movement...

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! There must be something wrong with that Skybreaker. Stay alert!"

Captain Garden said this in the combat command room of the main ship, asking the soldiers to remain vigilant. After the people left, he shouted in his heart with a ferocious face.

Evil Cybertron!

They must be plotting something, and any evil will eventually be brought to justice by the group's big ships and cannons!


"Have you contacted the Heavenly Enemy?"

Megatron, who was hiding in a rift somewhere on Earth, still hadn't forgotten the Decepticon's plan to rise. His teacher, the Fallen King Kong, was already impatient. Every day that passed, humans knew more about the Cybertronians.

The original plan was that they and the Skyrim would work together to open the space bridge, allowing the Decepticon warriors to enter the Earth from the moon through the portal, and quickly defeat the human resistance in a blitzkrieg manner, activate the energy matrix, and then win a great victory.

Now the Skyrim has unilaterally cut off communication with them, and the most undesirable thing has happened. The Skyrim, who had secretly established a cooperative relationship with them, betrayed them.

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Maybe the Skyrim has told humans about the attack plan, and they may have failed.

The sound wave in charge of contacting the Sky Die has no sweat glands, but he also looks like he is sweating profusely. "No, the Sky Die may have really betrayed us."


A fierce shout came out of nowhere, accompanied by golden lightning, and the Fallen King Kong instantly appeared on a boulder in the rift. He stared at Megatron with scarlet eyes and said impatiently: "Since the plan has failed, we will just attack directly. We can't let humans continue to develop!"

It's only been a few days since we last saw each other, and the number of human warships has almost doubled, and the production capacity has also doubled.

The global industrial complex is producing shocking goods every day, and the flow of goods promotes the progress and integration of human society.

Humans who are always preparing for a full-scale war are becoming stronger every day. If they don't attack, the last pitiful advantage will disappear!

Facing the final order issued by the teacher, Megatron no longer hesitated, looked up through the rift, looked at the sky, and said: "Decepticons, assemble!"

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