Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 299: Decepticon Attack

The group monitors the inhabited areas of the moon and the earth very closely. A large number of warships and Decepticons emerged from the moon, and the picture instantly aroused everyone's vigilance. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

The Decepticons jumped over the wall and were about to attack!


An automatic door on the main ship opened.

Captain Garden walked out of the lounge, with an expression of excitement on his face as he listened to the rapid sirens in the battleship. The steps under his feet were so cheerful that the deputy commander had to jog to catch up.

"Sir, the enemy's analysis results are out!"

The deputy commander swiped the command terminal on his wrist and swiped the holographic image onto Captain Garden's terminal.

It records the analysis results of the Decepticon fleet. Based on the group's internal evaluation standards and the average size of Cybertronians, there are 16 medium-sized motherships with a length of 70 meters and a width of 31 meters, which are counted as single-person Cybertron ships. The number of fighter aircraft is relatively large, with nearly two hundred.

The number of Decepticons carried is unknown, but based on the average size and predicted payload capacity, there may be about a thousand Decepticon warriors.

After swallowing furiously and looking at the number of enemies, Captain Garden's enthusiastic heart dropped slightly, and he frowned, feeling that the enemies... were a bit too few.

He is already prepared for an all-out war with the Decepticons. It is predicted that this war will be on the same level as Marvel's Earth Defense War. It will require the huge resources produced by several worlds to support an all-out war.

"Keep an eye on the position of the alien warships at all times. The destroyers are launched into the air in layers, and the slowing device is activated. All warships are dispersed to the deployment area within 500 kilometers. This is the fleet's first actual combat. Everyone, please tell me. Cheer up!"


Despite his disappointment, Captain Garden did not underestimate the enemy. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

After all, the Cybertronians are a cosmic race, and it is still unknown how many Cybertronian weapons they have preserved.

The warships began to spread out and operate according to the plans made in advance. The 38 Hills-class destroyers left in Egypt began to disperse in various areas of Egypt, and hundreds of destroyers around the world remained on standby.

Several air carriers acting as transport ships landed throughout the camp, dropping the group's land forces into the battlefield.

Some supplies and soldiers chose to be airdropped directly. The airdrop pods from the Atlas world dropped from the sky carrying a large number of weapons and soldiers. The sharp falling sound was accompanied by the light of the buffer propeller, which was quite like meteors falling to the ground.

The goal of the Decepticons is very obvious. After the source of fire has been smuggled into the world of Resident Evil, the only things on the earth that are worth snatching for them are the energy matrix and the leader module.

The newly established camp was awakened by the sudden noise. The military base with nearly 100,000 people was activated. The soldiers quickly put on their equipment and rushed out of the container room. After receiving their guns, they ran to their respective areas. location. •

There is not much that soldiers in the army camp can do. After all, interstellar combat is mostly air-to-air combat, and the enemy may rarely send the army to engage in street fighting or positional warfare on the ground.

After all, the air has an absolute advantage over the ground. A single bombing attack by fighter jets on an immovable military base can cause countless casualties, and all the hard-built infrastructure will be scrapped.

After leaving the camp, most of the soldiers stayed at important facilities and equipment, such as the entrance to the arsenal, the anti-aircraft missile system, the field hospital, the kitchen combat command room, the research institute and other places.

The factory where Ultron is located is the main research base for the special high-density energy in the energy matrix and leader module. Although most of the experiments have been moved to the smart island parked 10 kilometers away, there are still many researchers and experimental equipment in the factory.

The Autobots were also inside the factory. After they noticed the movement outside, they thought that the Decepticons were about to attack the camp. Optimus Prime also wanted to take the Autobots to help, but was stopped by several soldiers guarding the door. The way to go.

"We just want to help." Optimus Prime turned back and looked at Ultron, who was still in the quantum computer.

Ultron closed his eyes, opened and closed his mouth automatically, and said: "This is an invasion war. We can handle it well. If you go out, you will only cause chaos and be easily injured."

This arrangement is exactly what the natural enemy wants. Although it feels that the possibility of the Decepticon victory is very slim, it does not mean that it will help humans attack the compatriots on Cybertron. If that guy Megatron really has With the possibility of winning, he will also help the Decepticons!


Three teams of 36 strong soldiers over two meters tall lined up into the laboratory and surrounded the Autobots, including the natural enemies. They also wanted to put down some strange devices, which the Autobots could not understand.

"What does this mean?" Upon seeing this, Ironhide exposed his bad temper and asked Ultron.

Ultron didn't answer, it was the super soldier who should have been silent who answered.

The captain of the super soldier team with three badges engraved on his shoulders stood in front of Ironhide, exuding a fierce aura. He was not afraid at all because Ironhide was a big guy, "This is a necessary vigilance. The control will be released after the battle, so , please cooperate with us!”

Ironhide wanted to get angry, but Optimus Prime held out his hand to stop him.

In war, this cautious approach is correct and irreproachable.

Optimus Prime went to the corner very cooperatively, Kaka transformed into a truck form, and let the super soldiers pull out the steel rope of the device, and activated the adsorption device to tie himself in place.

Although this method of restraining freedom is very annoying, there is nothing that the enemy can do. This is the military base of mankind, and resistance will not last long before it will be killed.

"Be gentle, I don't want to add any more scratches to my shell."

Skyfire, who has a bad temper, also walked to the corner tactfully, transformed into the form of a Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, and let the super soldiers tie him up.

After doing this, the super soldiers did not leave, but stood upright in front of the Autobots, staring at these big guys.

The Decepticon fleet gradually approached the design range of the Earth's defense system, and all reactors built in all Egyptian regions on Earth increased their output power.

The first to arrive was not the fleet floating on the moon, but the Fallen King Kong and a dozen Decepticons under Megatron who flashed in the center of the camp in an instant!

The suddenly attacking Decepticons quickly fired a large number of shells around the camp and quickly disrupted the battlefield with smoke.

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After sending Megatron and a dozen other Decepticons to the camp, the Fallen King Kong disappeared from the scene in a flash.

Some important facilities in the camp quickly raised movable energy shields. Soldiers who were always alert to the Fallen King Kong's ability to move instantly quickly used a new round of Gauss rifles to shoot at the Decepticons who were rolling and dodging quickly.

The APM mechas around the camp started the motors, and the wheeled machine guns on the right arms began to rotate, roaring at the position of the Decepticons in the smoke with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets as thick as a child's arm.

The terrifying and dense firepower instantly severely damaged many Decepticons, including Megatron, and the interference effect of the smoke on the soldiers in the camp was limited.

Even the soldiers of the United Military Organization in the Transformers world have put on combat helmets, but they have not yet changed into powered exoskeletons. When data is shared, enemies in the smoke are marked in red, and they will be reminded whether there are friendly forces blocking the muzzle of the gun.

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