Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 300 Group Operations

The war began when the fallen King Kong flashed in the center of the camp. ♦♦  ♦♦

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The fallen King Kong's figure interspersed back and forth in the camp, constantly using the space-time bridge to bring one Decepticon after another, but most of the Decepticons had to hide in a panic after firing a few shells at most.

If they stood there stupidly, the depleted uranium armor-piercing shells fired from multiple directions would tear their armor plates apart in the next moment and smash them into pieces.

The Decepticons, who had replenished a lot of energy, were more tenacious than before. After being torn apart by machine guns, they could still lie on the ground and attack with hand cannons.

The camp was filled with smoke, because the life monitoring system was ineffective on the Decepticons. The Decepticons who were not completely dead killed and injured many soldiers. The rusty weapons in their hands caused damage to people and objects from the inside out, and human protective equipment could hardly resist it effectively.

With the repeated flashes of the fallen Kong, more and more Decepticons were brought to the camp, and the slow device gradually took effect, and the rate of the appearance and disappearance of the fallen Kong decreased significantly.

The soldiers in the camp calmed down after the initial chaos. They divided the already wide camp into several blocks and relied on the knocked-down Amp mechas to defend and counterattack.

Dozens of days ago, a Decepticon destroyed the Kada military base with thousands of American soldiers with a range damage weapon, which was enough to prove how powerful the individual quality of these invaders from outside the earth was.

Each of their shells was powerful enough to disrupt all the arrangements of the commander in the camp.

In the chaotic camp battlefield, the sound of artillery was deafening, and no one noticed the increasingly violent vibrations underground. The soldiers fought and wandered, and the number of Decepticon warriors pulled into the battlefield by the fallen Kong increased.

In the fierce instantaneous battle, ammunition was consumed before life. Two logistics teams rushed to the underground arsenal under the cover of the mecha.

"Hurry up and deliver the ammunition to the conveyor belt!" The logistics officer was still shouting with his gun raised. They had to ensure that the ammunition was delivered to the bottom maintenance room of the fixed machine gun through the hidden conveyor belt.

After the Decepticons released the signal interference, the ground command inexplicably lost contact with the underground arsenal, causing the ammunition output to suddenly stop.

Several logistics teams went down from several entrances to check the situation in the arsenal.

As the footsteps went deeper, the vibration underground became stronger. The logistics soldiers clearly felt that these vibrations did not belong to the artillery and machine guns on the ground.

The logistics squad leader also felt the abnormal vibration underground when he walked underground, and decisively stopped the last person walking, "Ma Run, something is vibrating underground! Go up and tell others!"

"Okay... okay." Ma Run's legs were shaking due to the surge of adrenaline. After hearing the order, there was no hindrance in his actions. He looked at the disappearing signal and walked back decisively.

Just after climbing the last step back to the surface and sending out the pre-edited message, a shock wave suddenly erupted from the passage behind him, sending him and several soldiers who were close to ask about the situation flying more than ten meters away, and they came into close contact with the ground covered with hot shells.


Blazing flames followed closely, erupting from the staircase entrance of the underground arsenal, rising all the way to the sky, as conspicuous as a flare rising in the night sky.

The violent explosion also disrupted the rhythm of the battlefield commander in the camp.

Ma Run was a little confused by the explosion, and he didn't even understand what blew him away. His head was dizzy, and what woke him up was the shells that fell when the 20mm wheeled machine gun on the Amp mecha fired.

It hit his helmet with a bang, waking him up from that half-asleep and half-awake state. When he opened his eyes, there stood an Apm mecha with full output next to him.

With noise-isolating headphones in his ears, Ma Run couldn't hear the battlefield sounds too clearly. After he climbed up with difficulty, he turned around and looked. The flames that continued to spew out illuminated his somewhat confused face.

Dong Dong Dong!

The Amp mech walked past Ma Run, and the tracking cannon on its left arm slid along the rail to the top of the mech's head. The big metal hand suddenly ejected a steel knife and held it horizontally in front of it.

The next second, a Decepticon warrior whose body was broken broke through the blockade of gunpowder smoke, and his right arm formed an exaggerated long straight blade, which collided with the steel knife raised by the Amp mech.


The Apm mech instantly knelt on the ground. The stabilization system allowed the mech to choose the best way to unload the force. The wheeled machine gun on its right arm never stopped rotating and kept shooting at the Decepticon's chest.

The bullet penetrated the Decepticon's chest, and dense sparks flew from the Decepticon's back, like high-temperature iron filings when metal was cut in a metal processing plant.

"Roar!" The Decepticon was hit through the chest and immediately twisted his body, and his right knee hit the left side of the mecha heavily.

"Be careful!!!"

The stunned Ma Run was thrown to the ground. The shock of his comrade's sudden death and his fantasy of war were shattered by this pounce and the Amp mecha flying over his head.

"Get up!!! Quick, shoot it!"

The one who threw Ma Run to the ground was a group army soldier who came to support the designated point. He turned over and stood up, yelling nervously and incoherently, while raising the Gauss rifle and shooting at the head of the Decepticon who staggered and knelt on the ground.

Ma Run, who didn't have much actual combat experience, was reminded by the continuous reality and no longer regarded this place as a fantasy. He grabbed the rifle hanging by his side and shot at the Decepticon in the same manner.

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Bullets hit the Decepticons. Except for the Gauss rifles of the group soldiers, ordinary rifles can only cause a small amount of damage to the Decepticons who are covered in metal only when they hit vital points.

The Decepticons, who were continuously attacked by rifle bullets, ignored the two humans next to them. Instead, they switched to hand cannons first and attacked the Amp mecha that posed the greatest threat to them.

The left arm switched to a long-range hand cannon and was aimed at the Amp mecha that was about to get up. With a flash of fire, the mecha was hit by a rusty cannonball with a characteristic of Cybertron, and the metal on the surface quickly developed dark red rust.


A white wave of air appeared from the back of the Amp mecha, and the driver who was hurrying was ejected from the mecha by the safety device.

The unarmored mecha pilot was flying in the air, holding two equipped portable pistols in both hands, and was also shooting at the Decepticons.


Ma Run's lips and face were very pale, and her body was shaking even more violently. She was thrashing and yelling like she was breaking down.

It was discovered that there was a lone Decepticon here, and soldiers gradually gathered around it. The intense fire from Gauss rifles finally penetrated the Decepticon's energy system, which was well protected by the armor, and his head was beaten into iron slag.

The gunfire in this area temporarily stopped, and the soldiers gathered nearby smelled the strong smell of gunpowder smoke that even their helmets could not isolate. Further away in the camp, there were constant gunfire and cannon fire.

They couldn't rest yet. The underground arsenal seemed to have been destroyed by the Decepticons. Based on the current ammunition consumption, they would use up all their ammunition after a few minutes of fierce fighting.

The Decepticon that destroyed their underground arsenal is hiding underground, and it might...

No, it appeared!

A familiar tremor came from the trembling Ma Run's feet. A few meters in front of him, a digging machine that was entangled like a snake ball emerged from the ground, crushing the rows of container houses placed in the camp. .

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