Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 90: Aliens crash-land in New York

After finishing the observation of the scientific research project, Duncan took Alice, who was already wearing combat uniforms, and was about to leave the biochemical crisis to go to the Avatar world, which he had not visited for almost a month, to see the development of the situation. However, Duncan's mobile phone rang at this time.

The caller ID showed that it was the transfer center. Duncan picked up the phone, listened for a while, changed his target, and immediately put on the armor and rushed to the transfer center with Alice, who was wearing the same wings as Sam.

Waiting in the transfer center was a familiar and often seen fat man, Happy, who had been with Tony for many years. After losing his bodyguard job, he was arranged to be a liaison between the two worlds. On weekdays, he sat in the office. If there was something to call, he would go through the portal to this side and make another call.

The few people didn't communicate much when they met, because what happened in Marvel just now was too bizarre!

The Marvel world 20 minutes ago...

Tony was holding a press conference in New York to explain the frequent investment of Stark Industries in military industry, repair of air-raid shelters, and the state government's organization of citizens for evacuation drills in the past year.

The citizens have been holding back their doubts for a long time, and Tony has not come forward to explain. Even if he has explained, it is only vague and has not given any form of explanation to the outside world.

Ordinary people have been interpreting this behavior and reading dozens of different versions.

In addition, Tony often cosplays the Riddler with a stern face when he is asked in public, which really makes the atmosphere of the whole world serious.

Seeing that the time for Thanos to invade is getting closer and closer, Tony finally held a press conference today and prepared to talk about this matter again.

The reporters at the press conference had just entered the venue, and Tony had just stood on the stage to adjust his collar, and New York's Central Park was smashed into a mess by a crashed small spaceship, and dozens of citizens were affected.

This aircraft, which is very different from the style of human civilization, is like a high-temperature iron ball thrown into a calm pool, which aroused the boiling of a large number of citizens.

After avoiding the aftermath of the spaceship crash, the door of the spaceship was knocked open, and a pink person stumbled out with blood, holding several large iron boxes, and fell to the ground after only a few steps.

The panicked citizens around came closer to see, wow! This pink guy is so fucking weird!

With pink skin and black hair, his facial features and body all have some inhuman features, and you can tell at a glance that this guy is not a human.

The citizens around did not dare to get too close, and the patrol police attracted by the sound just held a small pistol and watched from a distance, waiting for those who were capable of handling this matter to come.

Tony, who could not hold a press conference, could only drive the armor instead and drove the armor to the scene quickly, and then he saw three Asgard-style containers dropped on the ground.

He picked up one of them and fumbled around and opened it. The blue magic direction emitted a dazzling light, which made him realize the seriousness of the problem at once, and arranged various things in an orderly manner.

The alien was not injured so seriously, but just hit his head when the spacecraft made an emergency landing. There was not only one pink alien in the spacecraft, but also a blue one.

The two aliens were sent to the Quinjet, the most advanced private hospital for treatment.

The blue alien woke up first. When he opened his eyes, he saw the doctor standing there in a daze, holding a gauze in his hand.

Although the medical equipment was advanced, the alien doctor had never treated them before. What if some medicine that was useful to humans was a deadly toxin in the aliens? That would not be good. After confirming that the two aliens were not in danger of life, they prepared to bandage them.

The blue alien spoke fluent English and kept asking people around him who Steve Rogers was.

How could the doctor here not know who Steve Rogers was?

But the captain had been included in the wanted list, and now he could only contact Tony Stark.

Tony had not arrived yet, and Ultron, who had been staying in Stark Tower for a long time, arrived first.

The metal body slowly walked into the ward. Ultron's electronic eyes swept over the blue alien who was fidgeting on the bed, and he nodded continuously, "You look much stranger than the other person I've seen."

" are an intelligent life?" The blue alien was obviously well-informed in the universe. He saw the essence of Ultron at a glance, and the whole person became a little afraid, "I have something important to see Steve Rogers! Take me there quickly, time is running out!"

"Is it Thanos?"

Ultron said a name that shocked the blue alien, "Do you know?"

"Yes, we know, but not all!"

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and Tony walked into the ward with a solemn expression and said to the blue-skinned alien: "Steve Rogers is not here, you can tell me...You speak English very well."

Although the aliens spoke English with some accents, it was still very strange!

Why do aliens speak English?

The blue alien saw that the earthlings already knew Thanos, so he did not hide it and told him everything about his experience.

With Duncan's intrusion, the development of various events in the Marvel Universe has changed greatly. The destruction of Asgard is inevitable, but this time Thor was not thrown into the garbage dump and captured by the Valkyrie and sold to the arena, nor was there the winning general Hulk in the arena.

Thor fell into a chaotic star field where criminals were concentrated. Just like some hot-blooded and kingly plot, he encountered a strong enemy and was defeated. Then he robbed a large battleship, was supported by many people, and returned to Asgard to let the fire giant Surtur bathe in the eternal fire and revive and defeat his sister.

Asgard was destroyed, but the fire giant was immortal. After destroying Asgard, Surtur became indifferent and returned to his own lava world.

Then the development of things slid into an irreversible abyss here. Thor was originally going to drive the battleship back to the chaotic star field, but he received a distress signal from the universe on the way, which was located on the Xandar star, the headquarters of the Nova Corps of the Xandar civilization.

Thanos was driving his Temple II to massacre at the headquarters of the Nova Corps. The righteous Thor couldn't bear it and contacted the Nova Corps, saying that they could help.

Then the commander of the Nova Corps did not agree, but asked Thor and others to leave the planet with the safe containing the power gem.

Thor also knew about the Infinity Stones. After a brief understanding of the situation, he decided to rush ahead, but made arrangements in advance.

If he couldn't come back, he would cover the Nova Corps' spacecraft to reach Earth and hand over the Infinity Stones to Steve Rogers.

Now, the Nova Corps' spacecraft successfully arrived on Earth and brought a full four Infinity Stones. Together with the Time Stone that Earth already had, this remote little planet only needed a Soul Stone to snap its fingers. It was simply outrageous!

After listening to the blue alien's narration, Tony's brows seemed to be hung with an iron lock. Now there was no extra time to think. He turned around and left the ward, ready to go directly to Peanut Village to explain the seriousness of the incident and contact Duncan by the way.

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