Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 91: New York Battle Plus

The invasion of Thanos came earlier than anyone expected. One after another, huge spaceships broke through the barrier of hyperspace and appeared in the outer space orbit of the earth in an instant...

The residents of New York City were still surprised by the fact that the alien spaceship crashed next to them. They were completely unaware of the approaching danger. They continued to live their own lives, took out their mobile phones, and paid attention to and discussed the crash of the alien spaceship.

The citizens worked as they should, and slacked off as they should. In their eyes, today was still a peaceful morning in New York. Crimes were hidden in dark corners, and even if a spaceship fell from the sky, it was not their business.

The fulfilling work was not until the clouds were broken and the air raid alarm sounded abruptly, and people realized that today was indeed different from usual...

The giant triangular diamond-shaped metal delivery cabin rubbed against the atmosphere, turning into a huge fireball and smashing into the panicked city. The citizens who were looking up because of the air raid alarm saw a large number of "meteorites" breaking through the clouds and falling, and screamed and ran away.

The building was smashed through, and countless people who had no time to escape were instantly crushed by the collapsed reinforced concrete. The memory of the New York War six years ago once again emerged in the minds of all New Yorkers.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐‘ก๐‘ค๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘›.๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š]

But this time, they were not without the power to resist, nor were they unprepared!

The air defense system installed by the Governor of New York State at a huge cost played its role at this time. The white lines in the sky flew from all directions of the city and accurately hit the alien delivery cabin...but it was useless!

The all-metal delivery cabin was very large, and the missiles did not break the defense after hitting the metal warehouse. Maybe they broke, but the lethality was so weak that it could be ignored. โ™ฆเต โ€ƒโ€ƒโ™ฆโ™ฆ

The New York citizens who thought the crisis had been alleviated saw a huge joke. These missiles were useless against the delivery cabin that fell from the sky!

Winter! Winter! Winter!

The metal delivery cabin smashed the city into dust everywhere. Many people were blown away by the shock wave and fled in a panic, running towards the air-raid shelter and the subway.

Thanks to Tony Stark, it was his unremitting efforts over the past year that let the citizens know the location of the air-raid shelter!

Soon, the citizens encountered new problems.

The nearly 50-meter-long hatch of the metal delivery cabin that fell to the ground slid up, and a large number of hideous monsters with four hands poured out of the delivery cabin. As soon as they appeared, they bit and killed the nearby citizens, causing a new round of panic.

Tony was stopped by the sound of the delivery cabin falling, and drove the armor back to help the citizens escape. Now he didn't need to notify Peanut Village. As long as his eyes were not blind, he could see what was happening in New York now.


The professional woman in high heels fell while running away. The colleague who had pursued her in the past disappeared without a trace. She looked at the monsters running wildly from behind, tremblingly took out a self-defense pistol from her small bag, and pulled the trigger at the nearest monster.

Several shots were fired in succession, and the bullets landed on the chest, shoulder and forehead of the Vanguard, making the Vanguard stagger. But it still rushed over, and its sharp and thick teeth pierced the woman's collarbone. Its four hands left several scratches on her body, and then it threw it behind it with its head raised. โ™ฆโ™ฆโ€ƒโ€ƒโ™ฆโ™ฆ

More Vanguards rushed up and tore the woman's body to pieces.

Tony, who happened to arrive here, saw this scene, and his chest was filled with anger. He opened the micro-missile compartment on his shoulder and fired dense micro-missiles to cut off the monster's path like a raging wave.

In the sky, Ultron brought more than 200 Iron Soldiers to join the battlefield, and together with the New York police, he guided and covered the citizens to retreat into the air-raid shelter.

The attack was too sudden, like a thick soup contaminated by debris falling from the ceiling, and it was too late to remedy it.

The crossroads of the former world has now become a battlefield like a hell.

Each delivery pod carries nearly 500 monsters. These monsters are stacked together and stuffed into the delivery pods. After landing, they run out and are excellent cannon fodder units to disrupt the enemy's deployment.

Excellent cloning technology and biological transformation technology make the cost of Vanguard so low that it can be consumed at will. Thanos usually only uses Vanguard as a vanguard on planets with resistance. If the technology of the planet to be attacked is not developed, he will let the elite directly slaughter.

Delivery pods are still falling from the sky, and the number seems endless. Tony has asked Stark Industries' satellite to check the situation in space, and then he saw a scene that seemed to appear in a fantasy.

The style is similar to the Chitauri warship that Tony caught a glimpse of during the New York battle. The warship is hovering far away from the earth. A large number of Chitauri whale ships are swimming towards the earth at a slow speed, and the dark Chitauri single-soldier aircraft are also slowly passing through the atmosphere.

The real elite of the invaders may officially arrive in New York in ten minutes. The huge ring-shaped spacecraft is in the satellite orbit of the earth, constantly launching delivery capsules.

These delivery capsules will enter the atmosphere at a very fast speed, and then slowly slow down to ensure that the delivery capsules reach the surface of the planet intact.

Tony also discovered through satellites that many Chitauri single-soldier aircraft are destroying satellites in orbit. This is different from the New York battle. This time the aliens' actions are more decisive and more brutal!

"Veronica!" Watching the satellites being destroyed one by one, Tony's mood became worse, and he hurriedly called a special set of armor that he launched in the sky.

A satellite that was painted red and gold in space was completely detached from the main body and flew into the atmosphere to avoid being destroyed by the Chitauri's individual aircraft.

After a while, Tony saw his Veronica. The armor parts flew out from the suspended weapons arsenal and covered Tony, who was wearing the armor. The precise mechanical structures were constantly assembled and spliced, and the thin armor was covered by the thick armor. Armor replaced.

As the round head armor closed, Tony had turned into a red and gold metal giant slightly larger than the Hulk.

Controlling the armor to advance into the sky, Tony flew towards a delivery cabin that burned into a fireball. The bullet slot on the back of the armor opened, and four missiles hit the delivery cabin faster than Tony.

As the light of four explosions ignited continuously, a gap was opened on the side of the delivery cabin. The vanguard guard in the delivery cabin fell like a goddess scattering flowers, and was sucked out of the delivery cabin by the airflow. From a distance of nearly a kilometer, Fall from high altitude.

The Veronica armor arrived at the delivery cabin. Tony did not hesitate to rush in through the gap. After destroying all the vanguard guards inside and leaving a few bombs behind, he crashed out from the top of the delivery cabin.

"Tony, what's going on here?"

A familiar signal was connected to Tony's communication channel, and Roddy's face illuminated by the light had an expression of extreme confusion and solemnity. The New York State National Guard air force is approaching New York, and federal troops are also rapidly gathering and will arrive in New York soon.

Colonel Rody was also coming in his armor. The war happened without warning. It was even worse than a blitzkrieg. It was so fast that no one had a chance to react. It was too late to lead the army, so he had no choice but to arrive first.

Tony, who was fighting, saw the fast-running Vanguard still chasing and beating the citizens of New York, and felt extremely anxious, "Can't you see, war, war is coming! ... Stop throwing nuclear bombs here!" "

Not only Tony, but everyone is worried now. Not only New York, but leaders from other regions have also seen warships floating in space through satellites. Almost all regions have entered the highest alert state, and various military supplies are quickly mobilized. .

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