Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 92: Umbrella's Support Force

When Duncan arrived at Marvel in a hurry, their intelligence was outdated. The fully enclosed warehouse was located in the suburbs of New York. After the attack in New York, the mandatory protection measures had been activated. The warehouse was directly covered by a full metal baffle, and all the employees ran to the basement for refuge.

Duncan and his three companions who stayed in the dim warehouse seemed to be isolated. In the end, they called Jarvis, who had not turned into Vision, to open a small door for Duncan and Alice to walk out of the warehouse.

Happy was forced to stay in the base and could not help, which made the strong man very disappointed.

After leaving the warehouse, the noise outside was beyond the original imagination.

Originally, they came to see two aliens who had landed on the earth, but now they have become watching aliens fighting against earthlings?

Duncan, who was confused, took a breath and asked the intelligent system of the armor to contact Tony.

The communication was connected almost instantly. Tony's face, which looked like he was about to shit, jumped out of the screen. When he saw Duncan, he immediately said, "Are there any extra Iron Soldiers? We need support very much!"

Duncan looked up and saw a row of fighter jets passing by at low altitude, and the Leviathan beast that was slowly falling in the sky. He swallowed his saliva secretly. He had played virtual reality games before, but it was the first time he saw a real alien invasion.

The grand battlefield will make people who land for the first time feel great pressure. The oppressive feeling of thousands of troops fighting can easily drive people crazy. →

"Has Thanos appeared?"

He asked nervously.

Tony obviously didn't have much energy to talk. His eyes and expression showed his hard work. The situation should not be optimistic.

"Is Thanos on this spaceship?"

A new signal was inserted into the conversation between the two. At the same time as the mechanical sound made by Ultron for himself sounded, Duncan also saw the last picture of the universe taken before the satellite was destroyed from the armor.

Huge spaceships were across the starry sky, and a large number of Leviathans and Chitauri were slowly flying towards the Earth. Several ring-shaped spaceships were launching delivery capsules to the Earth in the corner of the field of vision.

Looking carefully at the appearance of the battleship, Duncan recalled and sighed: "This is not Thanos' flagship, this spaceship is too small..."

Tony, who was fighting, was breathing heavily after hearing this, and almost fainted.

From the size calculated when the Leviathan was close to the spaceship, the battleship floating in the space was at least 30 kilometers long and more than 10 kilometers high. He even had a headache thinking about such a huge battleship. Even in this case, he still said that this spaceship was small?

Thanos did not rush directly to the Earth to get close to him, and Duncan could barely hold on. Realizing that time could not be wasted here, he immediately turned around with Alice and returned to the world of Resident Evil.

"Hold on, support is coming soon!"

The war started, and it was very fast, so Duncan had to be fast too.

The permanent landline portal is too small, and it is difficult to exchange and cooperate with a country in large quantities, but it is just right to exchange resources with a company.

Although Tony already trusts him very much, how he performs this time will directly determine the depth of cooperation in the future.

Ultron looks like he is working for the Umbrella Corporation, but he also has a lot of technology that he doesn't want to share with the Umbrella Corporation, and most of the time he works for himself.

After all, he is Tony's good son, and he went back as soon as his hometown was in trouble.

The best way to unlock Ultron's true working ability is to capture Tony.

After passing through the portal and returning to the world of Resident Evil, Duncan immediately asked Red Queen to notify Colonel Quark to assemble soldiers and activate Contingency Plan No. 3. The military industry department stepped up production and accelerated the speed of freight, allowing all transport planes to give priority to transporting military supplies, and all clone soldiers were put on martial law, and idle combat power entered Raccoon City through various channels.

After receiving the order, Colonel Quach, who was training new recruits in the underground training base, immediately dropped the work at hand, cut off the soldiers fighting in the real virtual game with his personal terminal, and issued an order to put on equipment and assemble.

The soldiers here are all retired soldiers, who entered the more stringent Umbrella Special Operations Forces for training, and the habit of obeying orders was well preserved.

The soldiers quickly put on their equipment from the equipment room, ran to the surface, and assembled under the training ground.

The training base has undergone several rounds of expansion, and the special operations forces have also undergone several rounds of expansion. The current number of people has reached 36,000.

The soldiers of the special operations forces are elites who have been strictly screened and passed multiple tests. Everyone must pass the medium-difficulty alien game copy with zero deaths. Their quick reaction ability and judgment in crisis are beyond ordinary people.

At the same time, they have been injected with T virus for enhancement, and their physical fitness is 5 to 3 times that of ordinary soldiers. They are not as good as the perverted super soldier Steve, but they are definitely powerful beyond the reach of ordinary people.

They are extremely loyal to the Umbrella Corporation. Some of them have fought with gangs and bathed in the blood of real battlefields. When they gather together, the silent atmosphere makes people breathless.

Colonel Quach came to the front of the team. He was wearing the same combat uniform as the soldiers in the square formation, but there was a golden badge representing the rank on the shoulder.

The soldiers gathered on the playground are not all the special operations forces. There are 20,000 special operations forces soldiers in third world countries, protecting the factories of the Umbrella Corporation in war-torn areas.

After the launch of Plan No. 3, their work is being taken over by security forces soldiers, and people are flying back to Raccoon City from all over the world.

Jumping onto the roof of a black armored vehicle, Colonel Quach looked down at the silent soldiers below, put on the helmet clipped on his arm, and said to all the soldiers in the channel: "You are soldiers. No matter who pays you, the duty of a soldier will never change. It is to obey orders, fight and protect! You are about to face a real war, a war with aliens, not a game, let alone a joke!

"The battlefield is in another world, where countless innocent people are being invaded on Earth. I won't tell you what to do. Use your own eyes to see and think about whether what you are doing is just or wrong! ... Let's go! ”

As the order to set off was issued, the troop carriers and armored vehicles that had arrived at the edge of the playground opened their doors. With the navigation of the intelligent system, the team completed the whole process of running, getting on the car, and setting off at the fastest speed.

Before the soldiers set off, the roads in Raccoon City had been controlled by the system. Some roads were blocked, and some roads were freed up under the guidance of passing intelligent robots.

The large-scale paralysis of traffic caused many citizens to complain. They did not understand why the traffic lights in this prosperous city of science and technology and progress would fail one day.

They complained and called the traffic control department of Raccoon City to report it. The traffic control department could not do anything because they did not know the reason and could not make technical repairs.

It was not until a large convoy passed through a corner of the city that they knew what the reason was. They took out their mobile phones to record videos, take photos and upload them to the Internet.

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