Chapter 10104 Hu Lilie

Don't say that Qiao is a teacher, even Cheng is very surprised. To describe it in one sentence, I didn't expect the dog to spit out ivory!

Cheng Jiaoxi was still hesitant at first, but at this time he wanted to understand that leaning on the big tree is really good for the cold, but if he loses his bones and the courage to move forward, the gain is not worth the loss!

After thinking about it, he smiled heartily:

"You kid's house, why are you here?!

Old Qiao, since the children don’t get along well, we don’t have to force it. Let them make arrangements by themselves. Let’s relive the past tonight. "

When Teacher Qiao saw that Teacher Cheng no longer called him Wenzhuang brother literally and changed his name to Old Qiao, he knew that although he planned not to walk with him anymore, he had no complaints in his heart.

He didn't want to force it, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then it's up to you!"

He glanced at Yun Chujiu again, jokingly:

"You little girl is clever-toothed. What you said just now offended all my students. Are you afraid of being retaliated by them after entering the Winter Academy?"

Cheng Jiaoxi thought, she couldn't pass the exam at all, okay? !

Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, the seniors and sisters are so beautiful, they certainly won't have the same knowledge as me.

Besides, isn't it because you still call me the shots? "

Instructor Qiao was amused by her: "Okay, if they make trouble for you in the future, just come to me!"

In fact, Mentor Qiao didn't pay much attention to Ning Zhong's unobtrusiveness. Although he was a little unhappy, he felt that as a student of Winter Academy, he was originally the pride of heaven, and it was normal to be a little arrogant.

Cheng Jiaoxi waved his hands at Yun Chujiu and asked them to make arrangements by themselves.

Yun Chujiu and the others had nothing to arrange. Although they had tents in their storage rings, they dared not take them out.

Yun Chujiu saw that Ning Zhong and the others lighted a bonfire, so he asked fake Shuyao and the others to find some dry branches nearby and light a bonfire.

After a while, the aroma of barbecue wafted over from Ning Zhong.

Chi Wu sniffed: "This smells very fragrant! It seems that the monster meat of Qiqian Pure Land tastes good!"

Yun Chujiu nodded in agreement, feeling a little regretful. He had known that they had such delicious monster beast meat, so he didn't make a big deal just now.

The spine thing is worthless, not as good as monster flesh.

However, what she did just now also had her consideration.

A few students have shown unkindness to the fake Shuyao trio because of Qiao's tutor's words. If they walk with them, they might be in trouble.

I'm afraid I'm not afraid. The main reason is that it will affect the entrance examination of the Winter Academy. That would be more than the gain.

Therefore, it is better to cut the mess with a sharp knife and not involve them.

The four of them simply ate something, Fei Yi offered to watch the night, and the three of Chi Wu stopped.

The students of Winter Academy were still talking and laughing, Feng Mingjie, who was sitting next to Ning Zhong, said contemptuously:

"They are really lying on the ground, their faces are sour and shameless, Bah! I think they are shameless!"

The opposite Mu Huailin echoed: "Isn't it?! Teacher Qiao also said that those three are geniuses, and they are also worthy of being called geniuses in the early days of the Yuan apprenticeship?!

If they are geniuses, what are we? Isn't it a genius among geniuses? Hahaha!

However, even though that Gu Lianyi's cultivation base is not very good, she looks pretty good. "

(End of this chapter)

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