Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10105: Hurricane roe deer

Chapter 10105 Hurricane Roe Deer

As soon as Mu Huailin's voice fell, Tang Chenxi said with a cold face:

"You too praised her too much, just how small her face is compared to Feng Ningshuang?! She doesn't even deserve to lift Feng Ningshuang's shoes!"

Others couldn't help but wink their eyebrows. Everyone knew that Tang Chenxi was interesting to Mu Huailin, and it was natural to be unhappy when he heard Mu Huailin praise the appearance of other women.

Mu Huailin didn't realize this, and continued:

"Although her cultivation base and family background are definitely not comparable to Feng Ningshuang, she still looks good, much better than you!

Ning Zhong, what do you think? "

Ning Zhong saw that Tang Chenxi's eyes were red with anger, so he smiled and interrupted: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's get some business!

We completed the trial task very smoothly, and five points are considered to be obtained. "

When Mu Huailin heard this, he said excitedly: "To be honest, I really didn't expect our mission to be so smooth this time!

Before I came, I talked about how difficult the guardian beast Hurricane Roe deer of Wujin Sheath was, but we encountered that unusually weak one, and now it has become a barbecue and enters our stomachs! Hahaha! "

Others also agreed: "Yes, Teacher Joe was nervous and told us not to be careless. As a result, each of us cast two spells at most, and the hurricane roe deer was killed. "

"It seems that the rumors are hard to believe, and the books may not be all right, but the meat of this hurricane roe deer is really fragrant! It's a pity that it's a little bit smaller, or you can eat a few more meals."


When they were talking and laughing, Ning Zhong frowned, "Have you heard anything?"

Mu Huailin grinned and said, "Where is there any sound? You are not talking about the sound of burning wood?"

Ning Zhong hadn't spoken yet, but a clicking sound came from a distance. This time, everyone heard it.

Mu Huailin listened with her ears upright: "It sounds like a tree breaking, and it seems to be getting closer."

Not only did they hear it, but instructor Qiao and Jiaoxi Cheng in the distance also heard it.

Even Yun Chujiu who was lying there stood up.

Yun Chujiu's four Sa Yazi ran to the place where Cheng Jiaoxi and Teacher Qiao were standing. They are all weak chickens, and they still follow Cheng to learn safely.

Teacher Qiao said with a solemn expression to Cheng Jiaoxi:

"It seems to be a huge monster beast. Generally speaking, even low-level monsters will not come here. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I am afraid it will be worse!"

"Then what do we do now? To escape or to wait?" Cheng Jiaoxi asked.

"It's definitely too late to escape, and it's not easy to rush at night.

Brother Ji Ming, please help me in a while! "Instructor Joe said.

Cheng Jiaoxi immediately agreed: "There is nothing to say, but my four students have poor self-protection ability. Let your students take care of them."

While speaking, Ning Zhong and the others had already ran over, and Teacher Qiao confessed a few words to Ning Zhong.

He looked serious, and Ning Zhong knew that the situation was serious, so he rushed to solemnly agreed.

Ning Zhong asked everyone to block the four Yun Chujiu behind him to protect their safety.

Everyone didn't say anything this time, after all, they had to count on Cheng Jiaoxi for help.

The sound of trees breaking became louder and louder, and even the ground began to vibrate slightly.

Finally, a huge monster beast appeared in front of everyone.

Mu Huailin said in horror: "This, this is Hurricane Roe deer? Why, why is it so much bigger than the one we killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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