Chapter 10116 is two feet tall and eight feet tall

At the same time Yun Chujiu did it, Dahua also did it!

Although the hurricane roe deer was fierce, the mouth with the strongest attack power was blocked, and because of its heavy body, it could not get up for a while. It was like a fish on a chopping board, and could only be slaughtered.

It had only one thought before it died. I just wanted to yawn. Why did it die in a daze?

Yun Chujiu and Dahua took a lot of effort to finally solve this violent roe deer. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard the ball of yarn say:

"Master, it's not good! The dog's tail said that the windy roe is coming to our side!"

Yun Chujiu quickly collected Biaofeng Roe's body and ran away.

Biaofeng Roe deer quickly caught up, Yun Chujiu had to release the big flower and the Qilin Sword Spirit. Unfortunately, Biaofeng Roe deer was not fooled this time, and the two were wiped out with a single blow.

At this time, the three people in the pubic area indicated that the stock was limited and they could not lend it to Yun Chujiu.

Although Yun Chujiu knows that they have some moisture in these words, he also wants to save some use, after all, there will be more places to use in the future!

She suddenly remembered that she still had three puppets, No. 6, No. 7, and No. 8, and quickly took them out. As a result, when she saw that the three were also dormant, they had to gritted their teeth and put them away.

"One or two can't stand up to the critical moment, what use do you want?!"

At this time, a multi-eyed grieving beast sounded from the divine sense: "Master, you forgot, you still have me! Let me go out, I scare it to death!"

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up, yes, why did she forget it? !

She hurriedly said to the multi-eyed resentful beast: "You can come out, but you must fight quickly, or something big will happen!"

Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast quickly agreed, this is a good opportunity for it to show its face!

It wants Ergouzi to see its capabilities!

At this time, Biaofeng Roe also caught up.

It roared again and again, and the wind blade it spit out even cut the surrounding trees to pieces.

Yun Chujiu put the multi-eyed resentful beast out against the big iron pan.

The multi-eyed resentful beast regretted it when he came out!

It had always wrapped the fragments of Sha in the animal bag with grievances, so it didn't notice any changes in its cultivation base. Now it was released and found that its cultivation base was basically nothing left.

I originally wanted to show my hand, but now I am here to die!

Before Yun Chujiu had time to take it back, Biaofeng Roe sprayed a big wind blade at it.

Multi-eyed complaining beast wailing strangely, it's over!

But after the wind blade cuts on its body, it found that it could still run and jump, nothing happened!

It later realized that this Windbreaker should be of no use to it!

Yes, it is caused by resentment, and even the divine consciousness attack can only cause limited damage to it, let alone this windbreaker!

After thinking about it this way, Duyan Beast suddenly felt that he was two feet tall! Very impressive!

It ignored those wind blades at all, and tried its best to launch a spiritual attack on Biaofeng Roe.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast thought that he could turn Biaofeng Roe deer into a fool or madman, but Biaofeng Roe deer only shook his mind and returned to normal.

The multi-eyed resentful beast can only accept reality, its current cultivation base is just a weak chicken.

At this time, Yun Chujiu shouted with his spiritual sense: "The time is up!"

Yun Chujiu said that he would take the multi-eyed resentful beast back into the beast bag, because once the time passed, the beast bag would be broken by the fragments of the sha, and then the fragments of the sha would leak out, causing big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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