Chapter 10117 Logo

The multi-eyed resent beast is very unwilling, it hasn't done anything yet! Haven't let those low-minded Ergouzi and others see it so powerful!

Just go back? It's too frustrated!

Its heart squinted, and the eyes on its head suddenly burst, turning into sharp arrows and rushing straight to the wind roe.

At the same time, it was also taken into the animal bag by Yun Chujiu.

Biaofeng Roe deer didn't take those sharp arrows seriously. From its point of view, those sharp arrows were irrelevant even if they pierced on him. After all, those sharp arrows didn't look as thick as their hair!

In addition, it wanted to kill Yun Chujiu, who was running with the iron pan, so it didn't dodge, letting those sharp arrows shoot on it.

What it doesn't know is that although the sharp arrows look like sharp arrows, they are actually resentment, and those who are hit will fall into the demon.

Multi-Eyed Resent Beast is usually unwilling to use this trick, because once it uses this trick, its strength will be reduced a lot, after all, it itself is transformed by resentment.

With less resentment, strength will naturally weaken.

I just used this trick just to fight for my breath.

Suddenly, Biaofeng Roe deer stopped moving, his eyes were full of panic, and then he began to...dig a hole.

Its claws are like shovel. It digs a deep hole in a short while, then plunges its head in, exposing only the back half of its body.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She didn't have time to think about the madness of Biaofeng Roe. It would be a fool not to run at this time!

She hurried to the main road, passing a letter to Chi Wu and the others while running, and asked them to run on the road.

At this time, the sky is already bright, and it is estimated that there will be pedestrians on the road soon, even if the wind and roe deer are slowed by the gods to chase them out, they will have a chance to survive.

After running for a while, she reunited with the four Chiwu.

Firstly, she ran fast, secondly, in Chiwu, they had to take turns carrying Cheng Jiaoxin, which slowed down a lot.

The fake Shuyao looked at Yun Chujiu a few times: "It's okay, there are no arms or legs, what happened to those two windy roe deer?"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

What did I do to those two roe deers? Do you look at me too high?

She glared at the fake Shu Yao: "Stop talking nonsense, run away if you don't want to die!"

Fake Shuyao ran and said wonderingly: "I'm surprised, you are sky blind, why are you running so fast?"

Yun Chujiu paused, yeah, how could she run so fast?

But it seems that no matter which interface, even if she can't practice at first, she runs very fast!

It is estimated that this is the escape instinct flowing in her blood!

At first, Yun Chujiu was worried that Biaofenglu would catch up, but he was relieved that he didn't see it when the sky was bright.

At this time, Cheng Jiaoxi also woke up.

Yun Chujiu saw that his face was not very good, and there was no danger for the time being, so he asked Fei Yi to put him on the ground and took out the pill given by Teacher Qiao before letting him swallow a pill.

Cheng Jiaoxi was in a daze, then he asked, "Are we still alive?"

Yun Chujiu bared her little white tooth: "Not only is he alive, he is also alive and kicking!"

Cheng Jiaoxi breathed a long sigh of relief: "How about old Qiao and them?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "We ran separately, so we don't know their situation for the time being."

Cheng Jiaoxi sighed: "I hope they are fine too!"

He was about to ask how to get rid of the violent roe deer, when two puppet carriages drove in the distance.

Both puppet carriages consist of eight puppet horses. The one behind is obviously more luxurious, and the most prominent is the logo on the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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