Chapter 10480 Admission

  The Superintendent of the Hospital swallowed his saliva: "This, what's the situation?"

  Hua Yuan's superintendent is also confused. Could it be that someone has entered this dormitory and not only killed the sacrificial insects, but also put Wu Nianchen's presidential badge here to remind them that Wu Nianchen is the real murderer?

  Who did this?

  It is reasonable to say that there is no way to open the dormitory without Gu Wanwan’s identity. Could it be that it is also coming in from the roof?

  But Qian Suguan clearly said that in the past few days, except for Wu Renxin and Liao Qingbo, no one else had climbed the roof.

  In order to be safe, the Superintendent of Huayuan searched the dormitory several times, and only after confirming that there was no danger, did Yun Chujiu and the others come over.

  Everyone was taken aback when they saw the situation inside the room.

  Wu Nianchen looked at the badge on the ground, her eyes narrowed, and said quickly:

   "Obviously, someone wants to frame me! Don't say it has nothing to do with me. Even if I step back and say that I did it, I won't be stupid enough to put my badge here.

  This is obviously something someone did against me, and Wu Renxin must have been instructed to deliberately slander me. "

  As soon as his voice fell, someone said coldly: "Xiao Hua, I said that this kid is not good at character. You still don’t believe it, do you write this back?!"

  The person who was speaking was Teacher Qi, and Grandmaster Zhai was still standing behind him.

  After the two left the chamber, they happily went to the animal garden to study the corpse of the leopard-shaped monster.

  It wasn't until he received a subpoena from Yun Chujiu that he hurried over.

   Before the Superintendent of the Chinese Academy of Sciences could speak, Qi Mentor said to Wu Nian in a cold voice, "Do you think there is no way to convict you?

  You should have heard of Veritaseum?

  Although it’s a waste to use it on you, keeping a black sheep like you might bring disaster to the Winter Academy.

  Lao Zhai, let him use Veritaseum! "

  He looked at the Superintendent of the Chinese Academy of Sciences again: “Take the memory stone to record it, so that the Wu family won’t admit it.”

  Huayuan Supervisor nodded hurriedly and took out a shadow stone.

   Wu Nian panicked!

  He is a student at Yuju Branch. Of course, he has heard of Veritaseia, and he knows the power of Veritaseia.

  He can't let Grandmaster Zhai use Veritaseum on him. Once he uses it, he will answer all questions. Maybe he will tell more secrets, and the Wu family may abandon him.

  He knelt on the ground with a plop, and said bitterly, "I was wrong. What Wu Renxin said was true. I told him to put the sacrificial worm in Gu slow dormitory.

  But I just want to scare her, I don’t want her life.

  I have given medicine to the sacrificial worm in advance, so even if Gu slowly enters the dormitory unprepared, nothing will happen..."

   Before he could speak, Wu Renxin roared furiously:

   "What about me? What about the poison you gave me? You don't need to quibble, you just want to kill Gu Xiaowan, and you want to kill me, you are a beast with a personal face and an animal heart!"

  Wu Nian-shen's remarks just came up with a desperate need, naturally not so comprehensive. Now that Wu Renxin has been accused by Wu Renxin, he can't think of how to describe it for a while.

  Hua Yuan superintendent looked at Wu Nianchen’s gaze and was incredibly disappointed: “Are you telling the truth, or do you want Grandmaster Zhai to use Veritaseum to force you to say?”

  Wu Nianshen knew that the matter had reached this point, and could only tell the truth, it was better than being forced by Veritaseia to reveal more secrets.

  So, they all recognized.

  Because Wu Nianchen was a member of the Wu family, the Superintendent of the Huayuan was not able to make a decision directly, so he was sent to be detained first, and waited to be sent.

  (End of this chapter)

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