Chapter 10481

Although Wu Renxin and Liao Qingbo performed meritorious service, they must be punished and detained.

  After they were detained, Teacher Qi and Grandmaster Zhai squatted on the ground and began to study the dead sacrificial insect.

  "Looking at the marks, it looks like the internal organs and meat were hollowed out by serrated fleas.

   Strange, although the attacking power of the worm is not strong, it is much stronger than the serrated flea. It is reasonable to say that the serrated flea does not dare to provoke the worm. "

   "Little girl, this dormitory has a magic circle, how did the serrated fleas get in?"

   "Besides, haven't the monsters here have become extinct recently? Why did they pop up again?"


The Superintendent of Huayuan was holding Wu Nianchen’s presidential badge and was puzzled. According to Wu Nianchen, he always carried the badge and was still there at lunch. Why did he suddenly ran into Gu Slow’s dormitory? ?

  After studying for a long time, several bigwigs didn’t find out what was going on.

  After so many tossing, it was already dawn at this time.

  The Superintendent of the Court said: "No matter what is going on, Wu Nianchen has already recognized it, so quickly discuss how to deal with him, lest the Wu family come to intercede."

  Qing, the tutor put away the empty shell of the sacrificial worm, and everyone returned to the chamber.

   Yun Chujiu said heartily, okay, the shaft has turned!

  Because the message was sent in advance, when they arrived, Dean Wenren and others had already arrived.

Grandmaster Teng said angrily: "Although his conspiracy failed to succeed, such a scum must be severely punished!

  The cultivation base should be abolished, expelled from the Winter Academy, and never hired. "

The reason why Grandmaster    is so angry is because Yun Chujiu was sent back to the accommodation area. If there is something wrong, he will definitely be very guilty.

   Grandmaster Huo disapproved and said: “Expelling from Winter Academy, it’s okay to never hire, but it’s a bit too much to abolish the cultivation base.”

   "It's over? How's it going? If his conspiracy succeeds, he will get two lives." Grandmaster Teng said with a stubborn neck.

  Grandmaster Huo sighed: "Li is such a principle, but after all, he is the most favored of the Wu family, and he was even cultivated as the future head of the family.

  If his cultivation is abolished, the Wu family will definitely not give up.

  Now that it affects the whole body, one must be cautious. "

  Grandmaster Huo actually didn’t say anything, an attempt is an attempt after all, and the punishment should naturally be reduced.

Grandmaster Teng snorted coldly, but did not speak any more.

  Grandmaster Huo looked at Yun Chujiu: "You are the victim, what do you think should be done with Wu Nianshen?"

  Yun Chujiu is not stupid, knowing that Grandmaster Huo didn’t want to do too much, so he kicked the ball back with a smile:

   "I don't know the rules of the hospital, so I don't have any opinion on how you deal with it."

  Grandmaster Huo thought, this little girl is so slippery that she is really suitable for entering the command branch.

  Unfortunately, people are not happy.

  He pondered for a moment and said: "Then fine a hundred sticks, then expel from Winter Academy, never hire!"

  The one hundred penalty sticks mentioned by Master Huo didn't sound too heavy, but it would be imprisoned during the execution. This one hundred sticks basically lost half of their lives.

   Yun Chujiu raised his hand and said weakly, "Is it necessary to compensate me? After all, I have suffered a huge trauma in my heart."

  Master Huo: "..."

  It’s right to think about it. After all, the little girl is the victim. This request is not too much, so she asked: "What compensation do you want?"

   Yun Chujiu did not speak yet, Dean Wenren frowned and said, “Patriarch Wu has already arrived at the gate of the academy. Supervisors of the Huayuan and Tianyuan, please go and meet them.”

  (End of this chapter)

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