Chapter 10482 I Support You

   Hearing the instructions of Dean Wenren, the Superintendent of the Huayuan Yuan and the Superintendent of the Tianyuan Court immediately led the order to pick up the Wu Patriarch.

Grandmaster Teng snorted coldly: "He came fast enough! It must have come to intercede, let me make a statement first, not to mention that he is here, even if the leader is here, it will not work. Whatever punishment should be done, it will be fine."

   Pray for the teacher to echo: "Yes, it's useless if anyone comes! Let me say, let's fix the matter now, and he will come for nothing when he comes, making him stare."

  Of course, these words are angry. Patriarch Wu has come in person, so he has to give some thin noodles anyway.

  For example, it was originally a hundred sticks, but it means a few sticks.

  After a while, the Superintendent of the Chinese Academy and the Superintendent of the Tian Yuan accompanied an old man in.

  The Dean Wenren and others all leaned back and left their seats in a polite manner.

  The appearance of the old man has a sextile like Wu Nianchen, and it is Wu Hongtai, the head of the Wu family.

  Everyone thought that he would be straightforward to plead with Wu Nian Shen, but unexpectedly, he looked at Yun Chujiu and said kindly:

  "You just slow down, right? Xinlan, too, has kept such a big thing from her family, and I only recently learned that she accepted you as a righteous daughter.

  Hurry up and let my grandfather take a look. "

  Yun Chujiu has forgotten this. This is Wu's father. In terms of generation, he is indeed her grandfather.

  Is this going to play a family card?

  Hey, old man Wu, you brought this to your door!

  For the fat sheep delivered to the door, Mou Jiu has never been soft-hearted, and he can squeeze as much as he can.

   Yun Chujiu first showed confusion, then became shocked, and then turned into surprise and admiration.

  She walked a few steps to the front of Patriarch Wu, with a sincere expression on her face:

   "Grandfather? No wonder I felt a strange feeling when you came in just now. It turns out that this is the bond of family love!"

   Patriarch Wu: "..."

  Everyone: "..."

Patriarch Wu obviously didn't expect this cheap granddaughter to be so familiar with each other, and the rhetoric that he had thought of was not useful.

After all,    is a character who has gone through a big storm, and after a moment of astonishment, he said with an old expression of comfort:

  "Good boy, I also think it's a good match when I see you, no wonder Xinlan likes you.

  I heard that you not only won the first place in the entrance examination, but also the first place in the monthly examination a few days ago. You are indeed my granddaughter of Wu Hongtai!

  When the college is on holiday, I’ll send someone to take you to your grandfather’s house for some time, and then our grandparents will have a good chat..."

Dean Wenren and the others exchanged silent glances. The old and the young are all actors!

  Since this is the case, they will watch this grandfather and grandson play.

  Patriarch Wu and Yun Chujiu's performance of your coming and going, Patriarch Wu's conversation changed:

  "Slowly, I heard that your cousin did a foolish thing today? This wicked animal really disappointed me!

  Alas, there are some things I shouldn’t say, but we are all a family, and there are not so many taboos.

  Your mother’s favorite junior is Nian Shen. If she knew that Nian Shen had done such a **** thing, she would be very sad..."

   Patriarch Wu hadn’t finished speaking, he listened to Yun Chujiu’s outrageous curse: “You’re too right! Wu Nianchen is indeed a jerk! He is an evil animal!

  He almost lost the face of the Wu family for eight lifetimes!

  Grandfather, you scold him like this, do you want to remove him from the Wu family?

  I know that you must be very sad to make this decision, and there are those who do not understand that will oppose it, but it’s okay, I support you! I firmly support you! "

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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