Chapter 10493

  Not only the black fans are strange, but the mentors are also puzzled. This is not in line with the little girl's style of acting!

  Some people guessed: "Could it be that those people who had belittled the logistics branch before, and she was uneasy, so she wanted to make a big contribution?"

  She has a lot of spooky ideas, maybe she is a puppet who wants to capture the opponent alive. "

  If this matter is put on other people, everyone will feel that this guess is unreliable.

   But when it was put on Gu Slow, everyone thought it was possible.

   So, one by one, he stretched his neck to look at Chuan Yingshi, wanting to see Yun Chujiu's next move.

  As a result, they found that Yun Chujiu's figure disappeared.

  Qi, the tutor hurriedly said: "Hurry up and adjust the screen, I want to see what tricks the little girl is playing."

  As a result, the instructor in charge of debugging Chuan Yingshi worked around for a long time, and his head was full of sweat and could not be adjusted to the scene of Yun Chujiu.

  The mentors were suddenly confused!

How is this going?

  It is reasonable to say that no matter where the students are in the circle, they can always check the screen. Why did Gu Slow disappear suddenly?

  Now, the tutors are no longer in the mood to watch other students' performance.

  At this time, Grandmaster Huo said: "Calm down, and send someone to see if there is any abnormality in Gu Slow's body. If there is no abnormality in the body, it should be that there is something wrong with the Shadow Stone.

  Teacher Qi and Grandmaster Teng ran out first, and found that Yun Chujiu's complexion was ruddy and did not seem to be abnormal.

  They want to check carefully, but now they are in a special situation and they dare not touch it easily. If they are not careful, they may damage their spiritual consciousness.

  The two came back and said, Zong Master Huo thought for a while and said: "Since the body is okay, there shouldn't be a big problem, let's look at it again.

  She is likely to use bitter tricks again. When she succeeds in her plan and reconciles with other people, we will naturally see her picture.

  Take a step back and say that if there is a problem, then it is enough to forcibly cut off the connection with the spiritual sense.

  Although her spiritual consciousness may be damaged, we try our best to help her heal her injuries. "

Although Grandmaster   Teng and others are not at ease, there is no better way at present, and they can't be assessed in the middle just because of this incident.

Grandmaster Huo was half right, but Yun Chujiu was captured.

  She did it on purpose.

  The reason is simple, it’s safe to be a prisoner!

  Even though her cultivation base has improved in the past few months, her two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and she can't beat so many fire puppets.

  Because she took the initiative to say that she was a student of Winter Academy, she was really happy to catch her fire puppet.

  But the fire puppet looked at her broken puppet, somewhat suspicious, would the students of Winter Academy be so bad?

  However, he was eager to serve Yun Chujiu in front of a puppet general.

  The puppet looked at Yun Chujiu: "You said you are a student of Winter College?"

   "Yes, I am from the Logistics Branch!

  My lord, war matters now. You don’t care about me. It’s not too late for you to try me again when we go! "Yun Chujiu said sincerely.

  The puppet: We?

  Who and you are we? !

  This girl's film is not a brain disease, right?

  However, it is a student of Winter Academy. It is still useful to keep it, so Oshiun Chujiu is shown to be seen, and he continues to direct the battle.

  Qin Huanzhang's team's combat effectiveness is still good, and they have the upper hand, so when the sky is getting bright, the fire puppet retreats.

  There were a small number of casualties on both sides of the battle, but only one prisoner was captured alive.

  (End of this chapter)

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