Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10494: Excitement and anticipation

  Chapter 10494 Excitement and anticipation

  Although the battlefield is chaotic, some people saw Yun Chujiu be captured alive.

Several students from the Logistics Branch wanted to save people, but they were stopped by Chi Wu and winked at them.

The students of the Logistics Branch were so familiar with Yun Chujiu's glorious time, and suddenly thought of a similar scene in the previous assessment.

  Is it possible that the president is going to play a bitter trick again?

  Yes, it must be!

  The president is so persuaded, no, the president is so witty, how can he actively drill into the fire puppet pile? ! There must be a plan!

  Hey, let’s just say, the president shouldn’t have no response when he hears those poking his heart, it turns out to be a big move!

  Since this is the case, they just wait, and the president will definitely bring them a big surprise!

  Qin Huanzhang naturally didn't know what they thought. After receiving the report, he was very impatient.

  These students are not capable, but they are capable of causing trouble!

  What are you battling forward? !

  Now it’s good, you’re a prisoner!

What should we do now? I can't delay the trip just because she is alone.

  Forget it, Huo Puppet knows that she is a student of Winter Academy, and she should keep it for exchange in the future, so she won't worry about her life.

  Of course, things are not absolute, and they may be killed, so she can only rely on her life.

  He thought he would do nothing, and the students in the Logistics Branch would be reluctant.

  As a result, those students are as quiet as chickens, and one by one is a little weird...excited and expectant.

  What are you excited about?

  What to expect?

  Is it possible that the student who was arrested is not well-known on weekdays? Offended all the students in the logistics branch?

  Forget it, as long as there is no trouble.

  So, Qin Huanzhang gave an order and set off.

  On the other side, Yun Chujiu, who became a prisoner of the fire puppet, followed the team for dozens of miles, and asked to see the puppet, and told him something extremely important.

  As soon as they met, Yun Chujiu changed his previous cautiousness, and the whole person stood up!

  "This lord, you should know Jing Kuang and Ji You, right?"

  The puppet general nodded: "I know two adults naturally, what do you mean by that?"

  Yun Chujiu had already figured it out during the last assessment. The settings here are entirely for assessment, but if things other than assessment are involved, just follow the real world.

  For example, at this time, she mentioned Jing Kuang and Ji You in the real world, and the puppet followed along.

   "Tell you the truth, I am a spy sent by two adults to the Qiqian Pure Land.

  I was deliberately caught by you this time to return to the Qiqian Pure Land to do a major event.

  If you don’t believe it, you can send a message to the two adults to ask, saying that it was the spy who Huo Ci escorted last time. "

  The puppet general asked Yun Chujiu's name, and then sent a message to Ji You.

  The reason for choosing Ji You is because Ji You has a better temper than Jing Kuang.

After a while, Ji You replied to the message and let him let him go.

  Yun Chujiu is not surprised at all, even if this is not the real world, but as long as it is logical, the "map" will be extended as she said.

After Yun Chujiu was released, he galloped towards the Qiqian Pure Land.

The guards of   Qiqian Pure Land only recognize the text, and will not pay attention to other things, even if they know that the students of Winter Academy should go to siege the city with them, they should not be here.

After Yun Chujiu entered the Qiqian Pure Land, he sighed while walking, but unfortunately only the divine sense came in. It would be nice if there was a little silly eagle on his way.

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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