Chapter 10522 Eating bark

Grandmaster    and the three of them were also very excited. Although they haven't seen the monster beast for the time being, since there are rare spiritual plants, there are naturally cherished monsters.

  "Roar" looked at the dancing four people's heart and said, no wonder the master let it lead them to the opposite direction from her, and these four people looked like two idiots.

  At this time, Yun Chujiu had already moved in the opposite direction.

  Compared to the dense plants on the other side, the plants here are much sparser.

  In fact, for the Hengtian eagles, they don’t like hunting in dense forests, because they are too big to display, and it’s not convenient for them to take off.

   "You help me catch some monsters of the same rank alive, I want to use it for contract."

  Hate Heavenly Eagles immediately followed suit, but it was a bit troublesome to catch them alive, they usually fell to death.

   Soon, Yun Chujiu harvested a lot of dying monsters.

   Yun Chujiu couldn't help but think of the demon bird that Xiao Sha Diao brought back to her last time. It seems that it may not be deliberate. This group of hate Tian Diaos is really insignificant!

   Yun Chujiu smashed the dying monster beasts for a long time before picking out a few monsters worthy of rescue.

   "Want to live? If you want to, sign a contract with me first."

  The monsters: This is the legendary robbery, right?

  What else can I do? Is life important? !

  Furthermore, I haven’t seen the most stubborn Heng Tian Diao obeyed. What are their hypocrisy? !

After Yun Chujiu made a contract with them, each one fed a bowl of water.

  The monster beasts thought she was playing with them, but only after drinking it did they find that the injuries were healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The water is still the liquid secreted by the dog's tail grass that was diluted by Yun Chujiu in order to renew the life of Hentian Diao last time.

  The hunting sky eagle in the spirit beast bag is boring, but at this time the spirit is coming.

  "Give me some! Quick, give me some! Maybe I can grow up soon after I drink it! Will I be a helper then?!"

  Yun Chujiu gave it a bowl in order to make it shut up quickly.

  After hunting the sky eagle, I didn’t notice any changes. I thought, it must be because I drank too little!

  Unfortunately, no matter what it says, Yun Chujiu ignored it.

  At this time, the Hate Eagles finally mastered some tricks and caught some monsters that were not so badly injured.

   Yun Chujiu threatened as usual, and then signed a contract with them.

  In the end, she contracted a total of 18 monsters.

  It's not that she doesn't want to make more, mainly because the former hate heaven eagles have killed a lot of them, and this more powerful monster is almost extinct.

  In addition, she saw that the silver snake's tail was a little shorter, and she wished she could rush to Sifang City right away.

  She sat on the back of the bird and found the place where she was roaring.

  As a result, I only saw Hou, but did not see them.

   "Where are people?"

   Hou pointed to the distance with the tip of his wings: "The one who digs grass digs grass, the one who picks up dung eggs, and where is the bark!"

   Yun Chujiu: "..."

  Waiting to take a closer look, Master Jian was digging for medicinal herbs, Master Zhai and Master Qi were arguing over the pile of feces, it was nothing more than arguing about which monster left behind.

  As for Grandmaster Teng, he was indeed gnawing the bark there, and he gnawed with relish.

   Seeing Yun Chujiu came, he was still excited and said: "Little girl, come on! I thought it was nonsense in the classics. There is no bark like a steamed bun, there really is!

  The bark is not only soft like a steamed bun, but also has a sweet fragrance! "

  (End of this chapter)

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