Chapter 10523

As he said, Grandmaster Teng cut off a piece of bark and handed it to Yun Chujiu.

   Yun Chujiu had no intention of eating, she gathered Qi Mentor and others in one place, and solemnly bowed and said:

  "Four seniors, the juniors have something personal and want to go to Sifang City immediately. Please give me some convenience.

  As for the four of you, you can continue to stay here, I will leave you two Hengtian Eagles for you to travel.

  Of course, the four of you can also go to Sifang City with me. After I finish the matter, we will return to Winter Academy together.

  If you have time in the future, I can let my eagle take you here at any time. "

After Yun Chujiu finished speaking, she deliberately stepped aside to give Teacher Qi time to discuss with them.

  Master Jian frowned: "She said she was going to do private affairs and didn't say what it was. We are not so good to just let it go, right?"

  Pray, the tutor rolled his eyes: "Could it be that it's not a personal matter to bring you a bad old man here? The little girl has given us such a big advantage, what's wrong with taking a leave?!

  She went to Sifang City, but she didn’t go to the lair of the Duan Pure Land Alliance. Why couldn’t she go? !

  I don’t see it, but I have to give her a fake, and we have to follow.

   One is to stare at the point and don't let her make a big mess, and the other is what she said very clearly. If we don’t follow, Wan Jianfeng will be here again.

   But if you go with her, you can come whenever you want. "

   Grandmaster Teng echoed: "You have finally said something clear for so many years, and you are right. How can there be free pies in this world?!

  This Ten Thousand Sword Peak is not accessible to anyone. Since we have this privilege, we naturally have to pay some.

  Furthermore, it's no harm to go and see, Quan should be just a stroll away. "

  Grandmaster Zhai said concisely: "Let’s go and have a look!"

  Master Jian saw that all three of them wanted to follow and couldn't say anything, so he nodded.

   Yun Chujiu had anticipated this result a long time ago, and originally wanted them to be their bodyguards.

  So, after sitting on the Hengtian Eagle and leaving the dense forest, he boarded the winter boat and went straight to Sifang City.

  At this time, many people are paying attention to their movements.

  At first it was Fengjia, and then Lengjia.

   Then the four great families also heard the wind, and then it spread to a wide range.

   Seeing Yun Chujiu and others board the Winter Boat, everyone thought they were going back to Winter Academy, but they did not expect to go in the direction of Sifang City.

  There are many speculations now.

  Although the leaders of the Pure Land Alliance are generally held by people who graduated from the Winter Academy, the people at the Winter Academy seldom blend in with the daily operations of the Pure Land Alliance, let alone three meritorious mentors plus a senior mentor to the Sifang City in person.

  This is the rhythm of big things happening!

  The news spread ten or ten, and almost everyone knew the news.

  So, when the Winter Boat landed outside the Sifang City, there were many people waiting there. Among them were a lot of high-level officials of the Pure Land Alliance, and even the leader of the General League, Chi Miao, was among them.

Master Teng couldn't help frowning. They were just walking around with the little girl. Why was such a big battle?

  Yun Chujiu didn’t expect this to happen, but when I thought about it, it’s okay to make things bigger, at least the Feng Family wouldn’t be able to do it blatantly.

  As for the Tanghulu shop, it is also easy to handle, so I will try it out under the name of buying food.

   Thinking of this, she whispered a few words to Master Jian and the others.

  A few people got off the flying boat, and the leader Yuchi hurriedly greeted him.

  After some greetings, he asked, "A few big drivers are here, but what's the important thing?"

  (End of this chapter)

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