Chapter 1207 killing

This little mouse must not be an ordinary tailless hamster. The eyes of the two men show greedy light. Maybe this spirit beast is signed with an equal contract. As long as you kill this cloud, it is theirs!

The two men once again attacked the beginning of the cloud, this time they have a vigilant heart, the flames of the three-tailed foxes have little effect on them, but the flames of the three-tailed fox king can still help the cloud to share some.

Needless to say, there are also black mice that are out of the ground!

One of them was fighting with Yunchu, and suddenly one foot fell into the soil, and then there was a sharp pain. The man finally pulled out his foot. The flames of the three-tailed fox king were a fireball to him. Had to fight the fire, the paws of the little black mouse arrived...

The situation immediately became, the cloud began to deal with a masked person, the little black mouse and the flame three-tailed fox king deal with another masked person.

In this way, the beginning of the cloud is a lot easier, although the spiritual power of the masked person is two or three layers higher than her, but the purple needle in the beginning of the cloud is gone, the person is quickly lost, and the cloud is smashed. killed!

The remaining masked man was also tossed by the little black rat and the flames of the three-tailed fox king. The cloud rushed out of the hand and killed him in a few rounds.

At the beginning of the cloud, the corpse of the four people turned over and found the token of the Yin family. She sneered and took the bodies of the four people and then continued to move forward.

Going out for more than a dozen miles, I met four masked people again, and I wanted to come to them as a group of four people searching for the whereabouts of the cloud.

The cloud was first reinstated and the four people were killed.

At this time, the sky was getting darker, and a cloud was found at the beginning of the cloud, so I decided to spend the night here.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid of being discovered by masked people, so I took off the hidden ring and did not make a fire. I carefully watched the atmosphere. At the beginning of the cloud, I simply ate dinner and lay on the ground to rest.

At this time, the ground trembled slightly, and the cloud was shocked. Someone should have come.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was too late to go out. Fortunately, there was a protruding stone in the cave, and the cloud was hidden behind the stone.

At the beginning of the cloud, the probe was still seen by four people. Four people took off their face towels, lit up the campfire, took out the wine, and talked while eating.

"Mom! I don't know where the stinking head went. I have been looking for a few days and I can't see anyone dead or dead. It's really awkward!"

"Yeah, the head still has to let us find it. Where can I find it? Maybe it was swallowed by any monster, so I didn't even have the body left."

At the beginning of the cloud, the heart was moved, and the recording stone was taken out and continued to listen.

"Marco, in fact, I don't want to understand now, a stinking stupid, as for us to let the Yin family elite deal with her?"

"I heard that the little girl had found a lot of trouble for the four elders, and Missy, Miss Two, the young master had eaten the loss of the stinky girl."

"Really, fake? Isn't the four elders not spiritually honoured? Is it turned out to be a group of small gimmicks on the second floor of the spiritual sect?"

"That little girl is estimated to have more ghosts, and I heard that the woman who is the wife of the Lord of the Longevity Temple is naturally dependent."

"As you said, let's kill the stinky head. Do you want to find out the troubles of our Yin family?"

"Cut! How can a female who is married to give us a Yin family? Although the status of the Changsheng Temple is special, but our Yin family is not white, and then they can't grasp the evidence. The head is not saying, those When people go to send letters, they come and go. When they come over, how can they get three days later? When we get out early, who are they going to look for?!"

"Also, the little girl is really good. If she is not dead, it is not bad to get it."


(End of this chapter)

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