Chapter 1208 continues to kill

At the beginning of the cloud, the suffocating teeth, the grandmother let you seduce, and will send you on the road in a while!

At the beginning of the cloud, the cockroach turned into a bottle of medicinal medicine in the storage ring. It was used to deal with the slumbering of the crane group. When the four people drank almost the same time, the cloud first stunned the slumber and fled in the direction of the four people. .

If they are normal, these people will definitely notice, but the four people drank a lot of wine, three of them fell to the ground and slept, and the person in charge of the alert also went to sleep.

Until the cave is filled with the smell of drowsiness, the person in charge of the alert **** the nose, what smell?

not good! Drowsiness!

The man suddenly awake, and quickly smashed the three feet on the ground, and then the place where the cloud was hiding in the first place was a spiritual attack. After the cloud escaped, the man shot several purple needles.

At the same time, Yunchu smashed the little black mouse and the flames of the three-tailed fox king and killed them with the masked man.

Although the three people on the ground also woke up, but the fighting power was greatly reduced, the two sides fought a close match.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid of night dreams, and directly called out eight swords to stab the masked people.

The four masked people are simply scared!

How can one's gods know how to command eight flying swords at the same time? This little girl is really evil!

At this time, the flames of the three-tailed fox king also screamed, the four were slightly distracted, and the two swords were stabbed by the flying sword of the cloud...

After a quarter of an hour, the four people fell to the ground and died. The clouds were tired and screaming, and I was still too weak. It was so hard to deal with the four small slags!

At the beginning of the cloud, the body of the four people was just collected, and the footsteps came again in the distance. The cloud had to hide behind the big stone again.

"How is there **** smell? Is it that Ma Ping, they have something?" With the voice, four people walked into the cave.

Although the cloud was trying to hide the breath, it was too tired, and the breathing was inevitably heavy, and it was suddenly discovered.

The four people who came in made each other's eyes, and launched a spiritual attack against the place where the clouds were hiding.

At the beginning of the cloud, he had no choice but to start the defensive spirit on his body. This cargo was very smashing. The defensive spirit on her body was much more than the treasure house of Tianyuan College. However, this product was reluctant, and now it had to be opened.

At the beginning of the cloud, I bite my teeth. Whatever you are, you forced me to kill you today with a defensive spirit!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, and walked straight out from behind the stone. I didn’t dodge the spiritual attack of the four people. One of them was a few purple needles.

After the man escaped the cloud attack, he sneered again and again: "Smelly girl, you really didn't die, but you have no defensive spirits, and it won't take long for the defensive spirit to break."

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and said: "Look at it. In the end, it is the long time that you persisted or the defensive spirit of my defense. I will die!"

The four black people’s sad reminders found that the defensive cover of the cloud 玖 碎 碎 碎 一层 , , , , , , , 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖

At the beginning of the cloud, they are not afraid of attack. They are afraid, especially when the cloud is not defensive at all, and they are attacking hard, and soon someone can't hold it!

After the beginning of the cloud, one more confidence, a lot of confidence, and sure enough money is a good thing, she will have to get more defensive spirits in the future, this thing is really good!

(End of this chapter)

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