Chapter 1251 is extremely smart

Yin Xinlian looked at the beginning of the cloud and struggled like a headless fly in the array. My heart was very proud. I was tired and tired of you!

Everyone in the life and death stage suddenly exclaimed: "This is the Yin family's blood sacrifice seven killings, is one of the most powerful attacking methods of the Yin family. I am afraid that it is confessed to the beginning of the cloud!"

"Ah? It turned out that this is the blood sacrifice seven killings? I have heard that I haven't seen it yet. The cloud is not bad at first. It has been such a long time, but it is still deep in the Yin family!"

"Yes, after the defensive spirits on the cloud begin to run out, I am afraid I will die in the formation."


Dean Huangfu was a little embarrassed at this time. Naturally, I couldn’t watch the cloud being killed by Yin Xinlian. I didn’t say anything else. The cloud was really dead, whether it’s respected, or very few, and Jiang Laodu. I have to take down Tianyuan College, but as the dean of Tianyuan College, he can’t openly break the rules. What can I do?

When the emperor Huang was in a dilemma, the identity jade card trembled. After the emperor’s demeanor entered the sensation, there was a voice in his voice: “The dean, if the cloud is not in the first place, I will force the responsible tutor. Close the Spiritual Shield, and I am still anxious to save you the first time."

Although the Emperor Huangfu felt that this method was not too good, after all, after this, the confession could only be dismissed, so the prince Huangfu replied to the slogan: Temporarily wait for the change, don't worry.

At this point, the cloud has not thought of a way to break the battle, and the Jinbei Mountain is still a constant source of attacks on the cloud.

When the beginning of the cloud was frowning, suddenly my heart was a move. This life and death stage was covered with spiritual power, and it was high, so this method can only be limited by the height of the spiritual cover, as long as she finds a way. When she rises, she can touch the enchantment of the formation. At that time, she can break the enchantment and break the law.

As a result, everyone was so eager to see the clouds rushing out and throwing large stones and sacks. The people initially thought that the clouds were attacking the Jinbei Mountains with stones and sacks. The heart said, is this not to be? These things have no lethality for Jinbeishan.

However, everyone slowly noticed that something was wrong. The first thing in the cloud did not smash into the mountains of Jinbei, but the messyness of the hustle and bustle. The sacks and stones were high and low, like rockeries.

"Hey, this cloud is not a long time, I feel that I can't live long, so I put everything in the storage ring out?"

"I don't see how she throws things are worthless."

"Maybe it is not worth throwing money first, and then throwing valuables. It is also said that this blood sacrifice seven killings is not so good, she basically can't live."


Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Look! What are you doing at the beginning of the cloud?"

When everyone looked up, they saw that the cloud had jumped up on the highest accumulation of debris, and then shot the purple needles on the top and the purple needles began to burst.

Dean Huangfu praised that this little girl was really smart. She threw those things in order to find the enchantment.

If it is elsewhere, this method is definitely useless, but there is a spiritual protective cover on the life and death stage. The maximum height of the array method can only be lower than the protective cover, so the small **** is found to be the enchantment of the array. Is she only able to break the enchantment?

(End of this chapter)

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