Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1252: Broken enchantment battle pin

Chapter 1252

Yin Xinlian also discovered the purpose of the beginning of the cloud, her heart is a tight, this monk really treacherous, actually came up with such a way, but, based on your second layer of Lingzong, you want to break the enchantment? no way!

The beginning of the cloud is very confident, because the small purple needle is small, the unit area is stressed, and it can control the explosion time. As long as she has been attacking in one place, she will certainly be able to break this enchantment, and then she will use it. The **** blows it up, although she will suffer a bit of injury, but it is stronger than being trapped here.

Things are going to be smoother than the first thoughts of the cloud. The purple needle is a battle needle that breaks the enchantment. After it enters the enchantment, it bursts open. After a few times, the enchantment is broken through a small hole. It is much easier for the hole to break the enchantment.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the beginning of the cloud broke the enchantment, and broke out from the blood sacrifice seven killings.

When Yin Xinlian was shocked, she had already attacked her at the beginning of the cloud, and several purple needles were set toward her.

Yin Xinlian also had some defensive spirits. After the attack, she escaped the attack of the cloud, but it also scared a cold sweat. This monk actually broke the blood sacrifice and killed seven. It is abhorrent!

Yin Xinlian inspires the defensive spirit, ready to open the front again, swearing, I don't believe that you can always hold it, the Lingshi on my body is enough to exhaust you.

At the beginning of the cloud, Yin Xinlian’s move was discovered. She couldn’t help but set her eyebrows up. She couldn’t let her open the market again. Otherwise, she would be exhausted sooner or later.

However, she provoked the defensive spirit and could not break it at the moment. What should I do?

At the beginning of the cloud, I was so deep that this Yin Xinlian had to die. He said that he was right and wrong, and I must kill her today, even if it costs a little.

At the beginning of the cloud, he bit his teeth and took a crack from the storage ring. After the excitement, he threw it at Yin Xinlian.

At the same time, she quickly retreated and inspired almost all of her defensive skills.

After a loud bang, not only the protective cover of the life and death platform was blown up, but even a large deep pit was blown up than the test bench.

Everyone below the test bench was forced back by a huge wave of air, and everyone was stunned for a while. What happened?

"Split crack! The cloud has used a cracker!"

"God, is she going to burn jade? When the crack is used, at least 30 feet away from the enemy, she is so close to Yin Xinlian, even if Yin Xinlian is dead, she can't be good."

"It is estimated that she was forced to die by Yin Xinlian. If she does not use the cracker, Yin Xinlian will open the market again, she will die."

"What you said makes sense. There has been no movement on the stage. Could it be that both people were killed?"


Just when everyone was talking about it, a person climbed out of the deep pit. It was the beginning of the cloud. The face of this cargo was blown up, and it was full of dust. It was a lot of wolverines.

The people in the yellow class couldn't help but cheer up, the squad leader won! Our squad leader won! That Yin Xinlian must be dead!

Vice-President Yin is sneer at the corner of your mouth. You think that our Yin family is too simple. Can our Miss Yin family die so easily? There are two defensive celestial bodies on Xinlian, and a sudden **** wants to kill her? dream!

Sure enough, some people in the deep pit flew out of the sword, it is Yin Xinlian, although it is also described as a wolverine, but it is much lighter than the injury suffered by Yun Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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