Chapter 1253, stupid play

Everyone on the crowd was shocked. I didn't expect two people to die. It was really amazing. It seems that there are many defensive artifacts on both people.

The instructor responsible for the comparison test opened the protection array again, indicating that the two men continued to test.

Yin Xinlian said in a haze: "Hey, do you want to kill me with a cracker? Dreaming! You are moving your own feet, I just need to open the front again, you are dead."

Yin Xinlian said that when he once again took out the front plate and wanted to open it, he heard the bad words of the beginning of the cloud: "Small, awkward, awkward, see who is fighting against the bomb!"

Yin Xinlian hasn't responded to what it means to be in the beginning of the cloud, and she found that the cloud was thrown over a crack.


After the huge sound, there was another big pit than the test bench. The newly opened protective array broke again, and everyone in the audience was forced to retreat several times.

"Insane! This cloud is really crazy! She wants to go with Yin Xinlian!"

"Yeah, thank you very much for a sudden break." She actually inspired another one. It really didn't want to live."

"She is the same way to play, it is too embarrassing!"

"This time, it is estimated that two people can't live. It's really a life-and-death. It's really terrible."


Unexpectedly, when everyone was talking, Yin Xinlian flew up from the deep pit, but compared to the previous time, her mouth had blood, obviously it was not hurt.

Everyone found that the cloud did not climb out, did she die inside?

Yin Xinlian couldn't help but laugh hysterically: "Hey! I want to kill me? The one who died is you! Hahaha!"

The head of the emperor’s head squatted, and it’s over, the little girl is dead! It all happened too quickly, and he and the host did not react at all.

Unexpectedly, the voice of the beginning of the cloud came from the pit: "Yin Xinlian, look at your dog's eyes, I am living well, but the scenery inside this pit is better, I stayed for a while."

With the voice, Yunchu squatted on the cutting board and flew out. The people still saw the cutting board for the first time, and they were forced by each other. Emma, ​​this is a slap in the beginning of the cloud? Large dish board?

Dean Huang Huang had seen the cutting board before, but he was not too surprised. What he is worried about now is that the two of them are going down, is there any grasp of winning the cloud? Yin Xinlian is obviously a powerful defensive spirit. It is very likely that it is a fairy. The cloud has already used two bursts. What better way is she?

"The beginning of the cloud, although you are not dead, but your injury is much heavier than mine. As long as I open the battle, you will die, fight with me? You are looking for death." Yin Xinlian said madly.

"Is it? I know that you have good things on your body, and the defense function is good, but I don't believe it can withstand the intensity of the explosion of two bursts." The cloud said that it stimulated two cracks together. I turned to Yin Xinlian.


The beginning of the cloud is crazy!

This is the idea of ​​everyone, including the dean of Huangfu, who feels that it is crazy!

The two bursts are simultaneously excited. Even if Yin Xinlian has a fairy, but after these two losses, plus this time is two bursts together, it must die!

However, the beginning of the cloud is also dead! She is the same way to play, it is too stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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