Chapter 1254, the nonsense of dying

After two loud screams, the whole test bench no longer existed and became a huge deep pit. The crowds of the crowd were forced to retreat by dozens of steps.

There was a black smoke in the test bench. Everyone held their breath and would there be a miracle again? Are both people alive or dead? Or is it only one live?

Vice-President Yin clenched his fists, even if someone was alive, it was Xinlian. After all, Xinlian had two defensive wares.

Within the deep pit, Yin Xinlian woke up first. Although she suffered a serious internal injury, she had a body protector and she did not die. She swallowed a medicinal herb and saw the cloud squatting not far away. I bite my teeth: "Hey! I want to kill me? Although you are already dead, I have to smash you a corpse to get rid of my hatred!"

Yin Xinlian barely stood up, took out the sword and walked to the "corpse" of the beginning of the cloud, and lifted the sword and slashed it toward the beginning of the cloud.

Unexpectedly, the "corpse" of the beginning of the cloud rolled on the ground and avoided the sword of Yin Xinlian. Yin Xinlian had not reacted yet and was hugged by the clouds at the beginning of the neck and fell to the ground. At the same time, a large kitchen knife forced Lived her neck.

"You, you didn't even die?" Yin Xinlian blurted out incredulously.

At the beginning of the cloud, she didn’t take care of her. She cut it down with a knife. Yin Xinlian was unwilling to die.

At the beginning of the cloud, I picked up the big kitchen knife and rubbed the blood on my lips: "What's special, there are so many nonsense in dying! If I answer you, if I have a bad guy, I won't lose it, I am not so stupid! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he swallowed a coagulation of a good product, and did not rush to fly on a large board. This goods are fine. Vice-President Yin, the old Wang Ba, may be waiting for the rabbit, she is extremely weak now, he If she is not careful, she will kill her. She will first send a letter to the dean to ensure safety. She will go up again.

Since the beginning of the cloud, the vigilance has been raised since she was killed. She really guessed it. At this time, the dean of the emperor and other people were surrounded by the pit, and Vice President Yin’s mind was so intended. Xinlian is alive, and the cloud is dead at the beginning. If Xinlian is dead, the monk is still alive at the beginning of the cloud, and he directly kills her "inadvertently", and Huangfu Zhongheng can't take him.

The dean of Emperor Huang was given a voice by the beginning of the cloud, and he gave a look to Vice President Xiao. Vice President Xiao said: "This pit is too deep, and there is nothing in the inside. The old man will go down and see. ""

After Vice President Xiao finished flying, Jianfei flew down. Although Vice President Yin was biting his teeth, there was no way. Only the heart prayed, Xinlian must be safe and sound. As for the beginning of the cloud, the monk must have died. .

Unfortunately, it was counterproductive. After a while, Vice Dean Xiao flew up. He followed a person and sat on the cutting board. Although it was very embarrassing, there was blood on his face, but the smile was very bright, not the beginning of the cloud. Who? !

There is Vice Dean of Xiao, and Vice President Yin wants to have no chance to do it. He trembles and asks: "What about Xinlian?"

"In the following, you go to find her!" Yun said with a smile.

Vice-President Yin hurriedly flew down the sword, and then everyone heard the "Xin Lian" of Vice President Yin’s heartbreaking heart. Everyone naturally understood that Yin Xinlian was already dead.

Not long after, Vice-President Yin took Yin Xinlian’s body and flew up. Yin Sulian and Yin Xuecheng suddenly burst into tears. Yin Sulian said with a gnashing voice: “Yu’s first time, you killed my sister, I am not with you!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders: "It seems that the relationship between the two is very good. This is a life-and-death. Isn't the death of a dead person a normal thing? If you want to take revenge, you can also make a challenge. See you on the stage. chant!"

(End of this chapter)

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