Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1269: Is her good friend a monkey?

Chapter 1269 Is her goodness a monkey?

The nine-tailed fox screamed, but the fox was suspicious. It asked suspiciously: "What kind of trick do you want to play? I warn you, don't say that you are a small Lingzong second floor, that is, people who are 100 times stronger than you are not me. Opponent."

"Since you are so confident, are you still afraid of playing tricks? I am going to die, you have to give me some time, let me say goodbye to the world!" Clouds blinked red, sadly said.

The nine-tailed fox is also right, this little girl is too weak, I am afraid she will not be? !

When it came to mind, it put away nine huge tails, staring at the beginning of the cloud, and saw the little girl slamming on it: "God! I am really miserable! I am going to be young." I’m not married yet! I haven’t had a monkey yet! I’m really dead, I’m not willing!”

The nine-tailed fox is a glimpse, a monkey? Is it true that this little girl is a monkey?

"No one is worse than me. I have abandoned my baby since I was a child. Then my adoptive parents have disappeared. And it is still a black carbon ball. It has finally become a beautiful woman who has fallen into the country. Even the body is occupied by a fox. It’s really violent, but it’s only public, then I will become a **** after that?!”

Although Jiuwei Tianhu felt that the words of Yunchu were not very good, but did not pick out anything wrong, because it felt that it was a demon, the cloud was a man at first, and it was indeed a **** after it was won.

When the nine-tailed fox was slightly distracted, the beginning of the cloud had already begun to move. Several cyan bottles were opened by her, and even the fate of the old man of Yin was released by her.

When Fuxi and others were released, they saw the huge nine-tailed fox in front of them, and they all wanted to smash the cloud! The ancestors, how can you always provoke some unsuccessful existence, this is the ancient sacred beast! Even when they were full of spiritual power, it was not its opponent!

The nine-tailed fox is even more aggressive!

What are these things?

The remnant of the ancient monk? Although they are all weak, the number is too much! Is this going to be a group?

"Smelly head! I didn't expect that there are so many remnants of ancient monks in your body, but you miscalculated the abacus. They are too weak now, and they can't take me any more." Although Jiuwei Tianhu is a little embarrassed, But the attitude is still very arrogant.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no time to talk nonsense with it, and command the souls to start the wheel battle.

The two sides fought a close match, but the beginning of the cloud felt that at the end of the day, the face that he lost here was bigger. After all, some of the remnants are now weak, and it is easy to dissipate completely, and they must be quick and quick.

At this time, the beginning of the cloud will see the old man surnamed Yin, who is mad and mad.

"Yin old man! What are you doing? Isn't it true that you are very good at Yin's? You prove to me that I don't believe how great a gadget is." Yun said with disdain.

When the old man surnamed Yin heard the words of the beginning of the cloud, he suddenly became a little crazy: "Jokes! Are we not strong in Yin's family? If not strong, will Heaven be destroyed?"

When the voice of the old surname Yin just fell, I heard a huge thunder from the top of my head!

All the remnants of the soul were shocked, even the nine-tailed fox was scared, and only the beginning of the cloud felt that the voice was really kind!

(End of this chapter)

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