Chapter 1270 This is what 傀儡

When I saw it at the beginning of the cloud, I was happy and said: "Oh, good! You are so screaming! You are screaming! Yin old man, you are going to hurry!"

The old man surnamed Yin was almost scared to death by the thunder, where he dared to say more, even the madness looked a lot better, apparently scared and awake.

At the beginning of the cloud, I am not afraid of those, and shouted loudly: "Tiandao is a veteran king! Heaven is a turtle and a bastard! Heaven is a stinky big bastard!"

All the remnants of the soul, including the nine-tailed fox, can't hate the mouth of the cloud, but the strange thing is that the cloud has been smashed for a long time, and there is no fart, and there is no thunder.

The soul is puzzled, what is going on?

"Yin old man, don't lie on it, don't you say that your embarrassment is great? Then hurry up! Let me open my eyes!" Yun Yunyi did not have time to figure out why Tianlei was not guilty.

The old man surnamed Yin snorted and didn't see him doing anything. The lifeblood turned out to grow rapidly. It turned out to be almost the same as the nine-tailed fox, and then the nine-tailed fox was a few wind blades.

The wind blade is not the wind blade that the cloud saw at the beginning of the day. It can't be called the wind blade. It should be called a big machete. It is too domineering!

The eyes of the beginning of the cloud suddenly appeared blue light!


This is what people are saying!

It’s great to be able to say nothing, and it’s obviously clear that it’s clear to the enemy and me, and the attack power is so embarrassing, it’s great! She must learn this trick! Let the old man look at it!

Nine-tailed Tianhu apparently did not think that there was such a perverted thing in the beginning of the cloud, and suddenly fell into the wind.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid that the old man surnamed Yin would go crazy again. He quickly directed Fuxi to fight the irons, and they must make a quick decision. She did not idle and sneaked with purple needles.

After a quarter of an hour, the nine-tailed fox couldn’t stand. Its shape gradually faded, it bite its teeth, decided to be desperate, and suddenly rushed toward the eyebrows of the cloud that was sneak attacking! It intends to force it.

The risk of forcing a fortune is great, but there is no other choice now. Besides, it thinks that it is an ancient beast. Its gods must be much stronger than the beginning of the cloud. It must be successful, as long as it has a body, it The mana will increase by 60%, and then these remnants will not be afraid.

Although the cloud has been prepared for the first time, the speed of the nine-tailed fox is too fast, so let it get into the knowledge.

The old man surnamed Yin said with amazement: "It's awful! The nine-tailed fox will forcefully win the house, I am afraid that the little girl will finish it!"

Fuxi and others are not too worried: "Do not worry! Although the Jiuwei Tianhu is powerful, it may not be successful. The knowledge of the little girl is amazing!"

The old man surnamed Yin didn't quite believe that although she could command eight swords at the same time, but how can a small scorpion on the second floor of Lingzong be strong, how could Fuxi believe her so much?

At the beginning of the cloud, sitting cross-legged, the silver dragon inside the rolling stick flew into the eyebrows of the cloud, and the goods were geared up, and the opportunity for the baby to show his skills! What's special, a fox fox wants to win? Have you asked this day dragon? !

At this time, the nine-tailed fox is being forced by the group, what are these special things? !

Spirit? How can there be so many spirits in the little girl?

The miniature version of the cloud is holding his shoulders and looking at the nine-tailed fox that is being smashed by the crowd: "Sao fox, I didn't expect you to be stupid and want to vote for yourself! Hey, want to take my house? You are looking for death! Give me 揍It! Eat it, you can be a lot stronger, maybe your body can also be upgraded."

(End of this chapter)

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