Chapter 1375 vinegar jars into fine

When the blue dust fell, I didn’t talk at the beginning of the cloud. I knew that the emperor’s words should be true, and my heart was lost.

If, today, the emperor does not come to smash this layer of window paper, he did not feel his own mind, did not expect that just sprouted a cold water to the special freeze!

"Respect, even if the cloud has a fiancé at first, does this not interfere with the normal interaction with the classmates?" Although the blue dust fell into the sea, but the face is still a light expression.

Emperor Beibei said coldly: "Normal communication is naturally unobstructed, but is the blue son coming to the Xiaojiuyuan frequently? Moreover, since the purpose of the Langongzi to Tianyuan College has been reached, should it continue to return to the celestial pole? College study?"

There was a slight disappointment in the blue dusty eyes: "Respect, where to study is my freedom, and you are too wide to control! Although the status of the Changsheng Temple is noble, our northernmost land is not your longevity hall. The territory, please also be polite!"

"Blue son, do you say this is to provoke the deity? Although the blue family is still worthy of the name in the northern part of the land, but you are not qualified to swear with the deity!" The atmosphere of the emperor is even more cold. Even the so-called high-spirited dean of the imperial concubine felt a little discomfort.

What is surprising is that the blue dust is not a little bit of fear, but also sneered: "The world has rumored that the emperor is acting arrogantly. Today, it is true that the rumors are true, just because I did not act according to your mind, it will be destroyed. We don't have a blue home? It's true!"

When I saw the two people at the beginning of the cloud, the more they said, the more powerful they were. They seemed to rise to the firepower of the two major forces. They quickly came out to play the round field: "Northern brother, blue dust, you don't bother, how big is it, I will pay attention later. Some are!

So what, Beibei brother, what good things do you give me? Come in and give it to me, just as I have something to take back to you. Blue dust, you should go back first, and then change the day to discuss the issue of spiritual materialization. "The beginning of the cloud smashed his eyes toward the blue dust."

Of course, the blue dust is not willing to really conflict with the emperor. Seeing the beginning of the cloud gave the steps, faintly said: "Well, if this is the case, we will talk again in the next day and leave."

After the blue dust was finished, I didn’t look at the emperor’s beggars. I squeezed through the crowd and went away.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the eyes of dead fish in the north of the emperor. I was cold in the air like a wooden pile. I had to say, "Northern brother, come in!"

Emperor Bei took a bite and bite into the yard with the beginning of the cloud. Then, with a wave of hand, the courtyard door slammed shut and opened the isolation.

The people outside are not curious, but they can't see the situation inside.

"Black things, you are a long-term skill! You want to talk to me for such a thing? Go to the Hall of Eternal Life? If you want to die, you can die for me now!" The stone table was smashed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was angry, and I had already slammed my stomach. I just didn’t worry about it because of the presence of others. Now I’m listening to the emperor’s slap in the face, pointing at the nose of the emperor’s nose. :

"Little white face, do you still have a face to say me? Is there anything you will not tell me? I am still coming with a large group of people. Are you arrested?! I haven’t talked with Lanchen for a few days? Are you eating such a big vinegar? You are a vinegar jar!"

chapter eight. Since bamboo has used all the manuscripts in the past few days, there are still many updates in the past two days, so I can only temporarily write the current update. When I restore the Wanjian or the Eighth, the bamboo will be updated once in the morning. .

(End of this chapter)

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