Chapter 1376, the deity rolls

When the emperor sees the cloud, he says more, he is even more angry: "Black things, you dare to take a conscience and say, have you just talked to that **** blue dust for a few days? My mother taught you the tea ceremony is for you to give Does he drink tea?

You sold the purple sunflower grass to him, and he was tired with him all the time. Do you think that he and the mermaid are long, so you are tempted? ”

"When did I get tired of him? Don't you drink tea and chat? You are careful, you are a vinegar jar, you just want to make trouble!" Yunchu felt very wronged, I have no other thoughts, Xiaobai face What am I?

"I am careful? If I am careful, I won't let you come to Tianyuan College. I should shut you down in the Hall of Life! It's all day long! It's hard to be bloodless, which idiots don't come out, you give me another A blue dust, isn't he just giving you some fruit and pastries? Are you so embarrassed? Am I missing you or lacking you to wear it?" Emperor Beibei stepped on the cake on the floor with his ankles. Smash.

"What is your special talent! The blue dust of others is better than your understanding, it is gentler than you, you are a bully and unreasonable bastard! You give me a roll!" Yunchu is simply going crazy, hitting people Don't face, say that people don't say short, I don't greedy a little bit, do you say me like this?

Emperor Beibei listened to the beginning of the cloud and praised the blue dust, so he degraded him, his face was white: "Good! Very good! Black things! You really are a heart! Since you are so optimistic about him, the deity rolls! The deity does not Will appear again in front of you!"

After the emperor’s remarks, one palm was shot on the courtyard door, not to mention the courtyard door. The isolation array was smashed by this palm. Some people who were eating melons were looking out outside the yard and were surrounded by the emperor. The balance of this palm slammed out dozens of feet away.

Even the highly instructive mentor of the imperial concubine has been forced to retreat several steps, showing how angry the emperor is!

"President Huangfu, I still have something to say, goodbye!" Emperor Beibei Tieqing said to the dean of the emperor.

Where the dean of the emperor dared to speak more, he had to say: "Respect, light!"

The sleeves of Emperor Beibei’s sleeves went straight away, and only a few moments disappeared.

The Emperor Huangfu once again looked at the courtyard. The stone table had become a stone powder. Not to mention the courtyard door, it turned into slag. Fortunately, the cloud was still intact. It must have been a small fight. This small Jiu Shantou can really be a demon, and even the esteem is like that, hey, young people, can really toss!

Dean Huangfu sighed and left, and the rest of the tutors were scattered. The students who were onlookers ran away, fearing that they would be angered by the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, a student of a yellow-word class took the finger: "You go to help me find a few chores, and I will repair the door."

The classmate’s fart was gone, and the words of the beginning of the cloud were absolutely good in the yellow class. After a while, I recruited several servants to re-install the courtyard door.

At the beginning of the cloud, the pacing of the back and forth in the yard is awful! hateful! Damn little white face! Give her this set without moving! I will never break with her! If you have the ability, you will never appear in front of me!

Damn emperor fish! I know jealous all day long, especially! After that, simply call the pickled fish!

(End of this chapter)

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