Chapter 1578 Dry well

At the beginning of the cloud, the speed of picking the fruit was very fast. After a few moments, hundreds of pieces were picked. Then, there was no more. Then she felt that the white light flashed and she didn’t know anything.

Before the goods fainted, my heart flashed a thought. What's special, it won't be because she picked too many chaotic fruits, so she got her out?

When the cloud opened his eyes at first, he was almost killed by the stinky mud. This cargo was able to stretch out his head from the mud. What's the place?

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out the night pearl and took a photo. It seems to be a dry well. It seems to have been covered by something. The first time the cloud touched it, I even touched someone.

When Yunchu took the man out of the mud, he found that he was dead.

At the beginning of the cloud, a pot of hand was poured from the storage ring onto the man's head. The man who died was a girl with a scar on his face. It was very embarrassing.

At the beginning of the cloud, the young girl’s body was taken out and it was washed out with clear water. The girl was wearing a gray dress. The material of the cloth was very general, and the clothes were damaged. It seemed to be torn.

At the beginning of the cloud, a low-order storage ring was found in the girl’s hand. After the gods entered, they found that there were only a few sets of changing clothes and two veil. It is estimated that they usually cover their own looks. After all, Being disfigured is too serious.

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched the girl’s body again. I didn’t find the identity jade card. I had to touch it in the mud and finally found a jade card. When I saw the word above, I couldn’t help but be surprised. .

The front of the jade card reads the words of Yuan Yuanzong, and the back is the word of the dining hall. Isn’t she now on the site of Yuan Yuanzong?

The Changsheng Temple is only three or four days away from Yuan Yuanzong. Has she been sent here?

It’s true that there are no such dry wells in the Changsheng Temple, and there is no such a maid. What should I do?

Qin Mingzhu’s little sputum hated her, and she was not looking for death on her site?

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned and thought about it. When the eyes were bright, the maid didn’t die for a long time, and it should be murdered. Since it’s a dark injury, it’s not light, she’s dead and resurrected. Do not dare to speak.

The main thing is that the maid is almost like her. She will not recognize her when she wears the gauze. When she sees the white face, she is safe. Right, just do it!

It took a long time for the cloud to start, and it was replaced by the maid's clothes. In the process of changing clothes, Yunchu found that there was a lot of bruise on the maid's body. Was it killed after being ruined?

"This young lady, you are going all the way. If I can find someone who killed you, I will definitely avenge you for your blood. You can go with peace of mind!" Yun Yun mourned several times, which made it small again. The black bird incinerated the body of the maid.

In the first place of the cloud, in order to prevent accidents, I made a few fake scars on my face. Although it was very rough, but there was a veil covering it, I couldn’t see anything. Just what about this voice? She hasn't heard the voice of the maid, and she doesn't have a mouth to reveal the stuffing? Forget it, take a step and take a step. If it is too big, she will pretend to be a dumb and talk less, and fool the past.

I don't know what the spiritual level of this maid is. The thickest maid of the Longevity Hall is generally the six or seven layers of Lingzong. She pretends to be the sixth layer of Lingzong. If the stuffing is over, I will try to cover it up!

At the beginning of the cloud, the calculation was almost the same. Then I sat on the cutting board and flew up to the wellhead. I listened to my ears and found that there was no movement. I carefully opened a gap and saw that there was no one. I climbed from the well. come out.

(End of this chapter)

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