Chapter 1579 Lan Xiang

At the beginning of the cloud, I found out that I was at the time of lighting. It seemed to be a deserted yard, surrounded by weeds.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the yard and walked toward the place where there was a light. He walked out for a distance and walked over to a maid. The clothes he wore and the clothes of the cloud were generally the same.

The maid went to the beginning of the cloud and screamed: "Dawn, you have a dead hoof, and where did you go to lazy? Smelly dead! Are you going to the beast to roll?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid that the stuffing would not be said. I just promised that No.’s head turned down and didn’t talk. The maid raised her hand and might want to play the cloud. But when she saw the mud of her body, she had to say indignantly: “Go back with me, wait. See how I can clean you up tomorrow! Do you think that you are Missy’s personal maid? Hey! If it’s not Missy’s soft heart, I’ve already killed you, you’re hooking the hoof!

At the beginning of the cloud, he bowed his head and left the maid, but he was puzzled. Is the maid who died is Qin Mingzhu’s personal maid? What is going on with the hook three?

The maid was screaming at the beginning of the road, and Yunchu was informed by her snoring that the maid was Lan Xiang. She lived in the same dormitory with Xiao Xiao, both of whom were the burning rings of the dining hall. Two people are responsible for the three stoves, and they are usually alive and well.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t come back when I went out for a trip this afternoon. The fire burning life naturally fell on Lanxiang, and Lanxiang was naturally resentful.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but feel happy. Although this orchid is really not popular, it is also thanks to her, otherwise she is confused!

"Hey! Why don't you talk? When you were tall, didn't you talk most? I know, do you think the voice is hard to hear now? It's a dare to offend Missy, it's really looking for sin!" Xiang Xiang said with a look of disdain.

The beginning of the cloud, the heart is moving, the voice is hard to hear? That should be the poison that was poisoned by the person. In this case, she is not afraid of the stuffing.

At the beginning of the cloud, Lanxiang went to the front of a small yard with Lanxiang, and Lanxiang took out the identity jade card to open the courtyard door. He said: "Hurry and go there to clean the mud on your body, otherwise it will not Advance into the house!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the direction of Lanxiang's fingers. There is a simple shed in the distance. It is estimated that these low-serving maids will be there to wash them.

At the beginning of the cloud, Wei Nono nodded and walked toward the shed.

Lan Xiang licked his mouth and entered the yard.

When the cloud came to the shed, the shed was very simple. There was a long row of stone troughs with several holes plugged with things. The clouds were first opened, and there was clear water flowing out, but it was cold.

At the beginning of the cloud, he licked his mouth, opened the isolation array, and made hot water from the storage ring. He simply rinsed it and replaced it with a clean maid's clothes, and then returned to the small courtyard.

At the beginning of the cloud, he learned how Lanxiang looked. He opened the courtyard door with the identity jade card and entered the yard. The small courtyard was very small, and he arrived at the door of the house in just a few steps. At the beginning of the cloud, he opened the door and walked in.

Lan Xiang looked at her and said, "Hey hoof, where are you going today? How come you got the smelly mud back? Are you going to the wild man?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the sound of the sawing wood was rough and said: "No, no."

"No? Where did you go? Didn't you think that you were the big ring of the original flowery appearance? I tell you, you are now a junkie that no one wants! You give me the truth, or else I can't spare you. "Lan Xiang will stretch out and go to the beginning of the cloud."

Eighth. Continue to update in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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