Chapter 1582 Chu Yu

Yunchu and Lanxiang took the breakfast that Chuxi needed to receive into the storage ring, and then followed Chu to the dining hall.

Lan Xiang kept scratching her head and trying to attract Chu's attention. Chu Yu has never taken care of her. Instead, she has always used the eyes of inquiry to look at the clouds.

In the early days of the cloud, I thought to myself that this person is a traitor who kills and kills Xiaoxiao. It is not so easy for her to follow the meal delivery. She will definitely find a way to let her get along with him alone. She must find a way to avoid it. OK, although she can easily kill him, but once it causes other people's doubts, it is not good.

Chu Yu took the two people out of a guesthouse and said in a haze: "You are waiting here, don't leave, don't just look around, or I can't spare you."

Lan Xiang stood upright and said: "Chu Yu brother, rest assured, we must wait for you to come out."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded slightly and trembled. He did not speak.

Chu Yu looked at the beginning of the cloud, flashed a trace of lascivious, evil color, sneered two times before entering the yard.

Lan Xiang saw that Chu Yu went in, and suddenly changed his face: "Hey! When did you hook up with Chu Yu's brother? I didn't expect you to become this ghost look and even hook!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he whispered: "Sister Lan Xiang, whispered, and we couldn't afford to swear."

Lan Xiang resentfully glanced at the beginning of the cloud, and it really lowered the voice: "Say! How did you hook up with Chu Yu's brother?"

"I, I didn't seduce him, maybe, maybe he likes a woman wearing a veil." Yun said at the beginning of his life.

Lan Xiang frowned, like wearing a veil? Brother Chu’s brother still has this good? Is it because of mystery?

Lan Xiang reached out and touched the veil on the face of the cloud. After the cloud escaped, she took out a new veil and handed it to Lan Xiang: "This is dirty, Lan Xiang sister, this one is for you."

"I count your interest!" Lan Xiang took over the veil, originally wanted to wear it directly, another thought is too deliberate, or next time, so the veil was closed.

At the beginning of the cloud, Lan Xiang no longer pays attention to himself. He began to look at the surrounding environment. He wondered that the Chu’s identity would not be low, or Liu’s management would not be so charming, and he did not know this. What kind of guests lived in the guest house, even let the Chu Chu personally deliver the meal.

Lan Xiang and Yun Chuan waited for half an hour. Chu Yu came out and returned the tableware to two people. Then he pointed out Lan Xiang: "You go back first, you come with me, I am looking for you." being busy."

Although the cloud was not happy, but there was no other way, I had to follow Chu to go forward, thinking, what is special, I can't do it!

Just then, someone in the yard shouted: "Chu Gongzi, my family, my family owner has something to look for."

Chu Yu’s footsteps, the haze of the cloud said to the beginning of the cloud: "You go to the wasteland waiting for me, if you dare not go I can't spare you."

After Chu Yu finished, stepped into the yard.

Lan Xiang hated and said: "Well, the hoof, really have you, actually really caught up with the brother of Chu."

At the beginning of the cloud, the fear of shrinking the neck: "Lan Xiang sister, you want, or else you go for me? I am going back to the dining hall to prepare lunch."

Lan Xiang’s eyes lit up, but she immediately yelled: “Chu Yu’s brother told you to go and didn’t let me go. What am I going to do?!”

At the beginning of the cloud, he said: "This, since Lan Xiang’s sister is not going, then, let me go. It is estimated that Chu Yu’s brother just thinks that I have a mystery with a veil.”

(End of this chapter)

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