Chapter 1583 Tao Li Li

Lan Xiang listened to the beginning of the cloud, and her eyes turned a few turns. She was similar to the figure of this monk. She wore the top yarn. As long as she didn’t speak, Chu Yu’s brother could not recognize it. As long as she and him accomplished good things, Not afraid that he doesn't like her.

Lan Xiang thought of staring at the cloud and said: "Do you really want to go?"

Yunchu suddenly nodded quickly: "Lanxiang sister, I really don't want to go, I would rather go back to the fire."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will make it difficult for you to go! At that time, if the Chuxi brothers blame, you said that you let me go, did you hear?" Lan Xiang was disdainful, really a fool! If you get the love of Chu Yu’s brother, do you still use it in the big kitchen? You can be a disciple directly! You don't cherish this good opportunity, then it's cheaper for me!

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "That, that Lan Xiang sister, don't forget to wear the top yarn, I, I will go back to the dining hall."

Lan Xiang impatiently waved his hand at the beginning of the cloud, and then walked toward the wasteland where there was a dry well. After wearing the veil on the wasteland, he waited excitedly for the arrival of Chu.

After half an hour, Lan Xiang heard the footsteps coming, and couldn’t help but burst out, then he heard Chu Yu said: “Hey! I didn’t expect you to be a fake death yesterday. Since you are not dead, let me be comfortable again. !"

After Chu Yu said that regardless of the appearance of Lan Lanxiang's clothes, Lan Xiang could not help but achieve good things, so half-pushing from the Chu Yu, Chu Yu although some accidents, but did not expect someone to replace "Dawn".

The two men tossed for a long time, Chu Yu finally found out that something is wrong, with a hand on the veil of Lan Xiang face, suddenly stunned!

Lan Xiang said with shame: "Chu Yu brother, people are still the first time, you, you have to be good to others in the future."

Chu Yan’s face was asked: “How is it? Xiaoxiao?”

Lan Xiang sees that Chu Yu still remembers Xiao Xiao, and can't help but feel more hate in her heart, so she said: "Xiao Xiao said that she is not willing to do good things with Chu Yu brothers, and beg me with sisterhood, I admire the brothers, so I will Come for her."

"贱人! Really toasting, not eating and drinking!" Chu said.

"Chu Yu brother, she is ugly, but she doesn't know how to lift it. Why do you have a general knowledge with her? I, I am now a brother of Chu Yu, I am on call." Lan Xiang said with shame. .

"Roll! If something leaks today, I will kill you!" Chu Yu kicked on the lower belly of Lan Xiang.

Lan Xiang’s painful face was pale, and he dared not say more. He ran off his clothes in a mess.

Chu Yu shook his fist, dawn, swearing, do you think you have escaped? You are not dead, just wait for the big thing, see how I can clean you up!

After returning to the big kitchen, Lan Xiang was looking for a cloud to settle accounts. But in the big kitchen, there were so many people in the kitchen that she didn’t say much, but she had to sneak a sneak peek at the beginning of the cloud, swearing, waiting for the evening to go back to the dormitory. I can't spare you.

At the beginning of the cloud, I naturally saw the eyes of Lan Xiang, but I didn’t care. This product has not found an opportunity to use the microphone, the sound is expensive, if it is found that she will use the microphone to reveal the horse, it seems that only the right time.

Even if I can't get out, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the day after tomorrow is the engagement ceremony. She can see the little white face and he is jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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