Chapter 1585

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a thin teenager in the courtyard. It was about fourteen or five years old. The juvenile had a cane on his right hand. Obviously there was something wrong with his right leg.

When the teenager saw the cloud at first glance, she nodded to her and said, "My sister."

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t know the name of the boy. I had nodded in good faith and I said hello.

Sun Guanyue took some food from the storage ring and gave it to the teenager: "Zi Heng, eat it hot, don't you get sick again today?"

Ziheng’s face showed a hint of light smile: “Mother, my illness is much better. I haven’t committed it for a long time. You are not too worried.”

Sun Guanwen sighed and said: "Silly boy, how can I not worry about you? Your illness is more dangerous than once, hehe! Well, eat fast, I will bring you Xiaoxiao sister to wash."

Sun Guanwu made some hot water from the storage ring and said to Yunchu: "I went out to accompany Ziheng to eat, you wash it."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thanked Sun for the management. After the Sun’s management went out, I simply washed my hands and neck, and my face could not be washed. Otherwise, I would fake it.

When the cloud first came out, Ziheng had already eaten dinner. The mother and son sat on the stone bench and talked and laughed. It was very warm.

The tight strings of the clouds at the beginning of the cloud can not help but relax a little. As a matter of fact, there are good and bad people everywhere. This grandson and mother-in-law seem to be kind-hearted people.

"Sun management, I finished the wash, thank you." Yun said hoarsely.

"You don't have to be so polite. If you want to help me with a word, my wife will not allow me to take things with me in the dining hall."

Of course, I didn’t know that there was such a past event, and I had to sneak in the vagueness. I sat on the stone chair and followed the mother and son to have a chat.

When the three people were chatting happily, Ziheng suddenly grabbed his chest, his eyes became red and bloody, and his face appeared to be a trace of traces. It was very strange.

Zi Heng pounced on the ground and began to twitch.

Sun Guanyue screamed: "Zi Heng, Zi Heng!"

Sun Guanji put his right hand into the mouth of Ziheng, for fear that he would bite his tongue, Ziheng should have lost his mind, and Sun’s hand was suddenly bitten by blood, but Sun’s management still did not have his hand. .

The beginning of the cloud can not help but tremble, this is maternal love? I would rather hurt myself than hurt my child. Should I help them?

This balance looks like a horn of sheep, but it is like the kind of person she saw in an ancient book!

At the beginning of the cloud, he bit his teeth, but he still couldn’t harden his heart. From the storage ring, he took out a piece of heavenly spirit and gave it to Sun Guanshi: "Sun Guanshi, take this to the son."

Sun Guanzhi had a glimpse of it, but when he smelled a strong medicinal scent, he knew that this medicinal medicine was not a sacred product, and he was taken care of by the medicinal herbs.

After Zi Heng took the drug, he slowly recovered his mind and gradually stopped convulsions.

"Dawn girl, thank you! Today's Da En, our mother and child will repay you in the future." Sun Guanyin's eyes were red, tears flowed down.

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "Nothing, just a remedy, or take care of Ziheng first."

Yunchu’s success shifted the attention of Sun’s management to Ziheng’s body. Sun Guanzi helped Ziheng to sit on the stone chair. The balance was very calm, as if he had not experienced life and death.

Chapter Six. There are also two chapters, the scrap bamboo is being coded, wait a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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