Chapter 1586, I am the variable.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was stunned by this thin teenager. I had a leg and I was still suffering from serious illness. I didn’t expect it to be so calm. Is it through life and death?

When Sun Guanshi went to wash, he asked younger: "Who are you? Xiaoxiao sister?"

It was not too unexpected for the beginning of the cloud. This boy is far from being as simple as the surface. She also whispered: "Dawn is killed, I am mistaken in, rest assured, there is no malicious for your mother and child."

The boy’s face showed a sad look: “I knew that Xiaoxiao’s sister couldn’t live yesterday, and that’s it.”

The eyes of the beginning of the cloud suddenly light up, hey, hey! Is this a little **** stick?

By the way, according to the ancient books mentioned above, the characteristics of his illness just now are in line with the characteristics of the spirits, this little baby grows up is a big baby! She has to invest in this potential stock!

"Then, did you count that you will meet me as a noble person?" Yun said with a smile.

Although Ziheng couldn't see the face of the cloud, but I saw a few treacherous things from the eyes of the cloud, and said faintly: "You are indeed my noble, but I can't count your origins and The number of lives, maybe my fire is not enough!"

"Looking at your mother hasn't come out yet, you have to collect these medicinal herbs. Although you are guilty of blasphemy, you will inevitably be punished, but these remedies will at least temporarily save your life, and your legs will definitely recover. Isn't it a little excitement?" Yun said with a smile.

Ziheng’s eyes were also dyed with a hint of excitement. After collecting the medicinal herbs, he said, “Thank you! In order to repay you, I will send you a prophecy. The day after tomorrow, there will be big events, the Lord is fierce.”

The beginning of the cloud, the day after tomorrow? Isn’t the day after Qin Mingzhu and Yin Xuecheng get engaged? How can a big day be a big murder?

"Is there a way to crack it?" Yun said at the beginning of the cloud.

"I can only measure what is going to happen, but it can't be solved." Ziheng is still a faint expression.

This kid should not be kidding her, fierce, what kind of things will make a happy event become a big murder?

When Yunchu was in a state of puzzling, Ziheng added a faint sentence: "Although the Lord is fierce, there are variables, and the final result depends on the variable!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said shamelessly: "Is that variable is me? Right?"

Zi Heng’s eyes twitched. After he discovered that he had the talent to predict good and bad, he was already shocked. However, the first time he met such a shameless person, why do you say that you are a variable? You are too shameless! who do you think You Are? Can a six-story person of Lingzong become a major disaster?

However, her appearance may be really a variable, because he can't figure out anything about her, neither in the past nor in the future. How is this possible?

At the beginning of the cloud, when I asked again, Sun’s management was finished, and it’s not good to say anything. The three people talked for a while, and Sun’s management took the cloud into the bedroom. Ziheng It is into the partial room.

"Dawn girl, thank you very much today, if Ziheng has a long and two short, I, I am alive and not interesting!" Sun Guanshi said with tears.

There is also a chapter that is being written.

(End of this chapter)

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