Chapter 1594 Planning

The people in the dining hall soon knew the truth of the matter and were shocked!


Did they belong to the Yuanzong and Yin family and they all formed an alliance with the Nether Temple?

This, this, isn’t our Tianyuan continent not always incompatible with the Netherland? Isn’t this the enemy of all the people in Tianyuan?

However, after some discussion, they were forced to accept the facts. Those powers were caught. They are willing to have any use, or it is more important to work hard to keep a small life.

Finally arrived at night, the cloud began to return to the dormitory, Lan Xiang still does not rely on the ambiguity, the cloud at first glanced deep, when she turned around, she directly stunned her with a hand knife.

At the beginning of the cloud, I opened the isolation matrix and quickly took out the voice. After the gods came into the air, there was an anxious voice from Emperor Beibei: "Xiaojiu, where are you? Are you out of the forbidden place?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I simply said things again, and then said: "Men, you have to organize the people to come over, I want to save the hostages and destroy the ruins of the Yuanzong."

"Small nine, remember not to be reckless, your safety is the most important, since they want to use my father and others as hostages, then it will not hurt their lives, so you should not be too reluctant, I will come up with bloodless Ways to save people."

"Male god, rest assured, I am desperate! Do not mess with." Yun said with a smile.


After the cloud began to close the voice, it took a while. Xiaobai’s face and Wuji’s head rushed to here. It took about four days. The first thing she had to do was to find out where the person was locked and the guardian. The position of the big burst of eyes.

It is not difficult to know where the hostages are closed. There are always clues to the people who are looking for a meal. It’s just that this gang’s array of eyes may cost a lot of effort.

At the beginning of the cloud, I figured out for a while, put Lanxiang on the bed, and then fell asleep.

The next day, after Lan Xiang woke up, he shouted in disgust: "Hey, did you move your hands and feet yesterday? How did I suddenly faint?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said: "I don't know what's going on, you suddenly fainted, is it too tired?"

Lan Xiang stared at the beginning of the cloud and looked at it. I thought it would not be so courageous to hit her at the beginning of the cloud. Perhaps it is really too tired?

Lan Xiang sighed a few more words, two people washed and went to work in the dining hall.

At the beginning of the cloud, pay attention to the disciples and maids who observed the meal and collect some useful news.

"Special! The people in the Nether Temple are really difficult to serve! One by one like the uncle, delicious and delicious to entertain them, even pick and choose! It is also a good temper, but I have already turned my face. "A disciple who came over to take a meal said dissatisfied."

"Oh, don't complain! What is the use of these? The Chuxi brothers did not say anything, what is the use of their dissatisfaction? Besides, they are guarded by big men, and their status is naturally different."

"Cut! Those big men are just like this. Aren't they all caught up? It's really terrible to give them a few grains every day."


At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes flashed, it seems that Emperor Han Han and others were not locked up with those dark guards, and they were guarded by the people of the Nether Temple and Chu Yu, which gave her the opportunity to take advantage of her. It’s good to plan.

(End of this chapter)

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